Chapter 120 - Get a Cute King

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[ The host gets 2000 points, a chance to draw a lottery, and a unique skill 'Degenerate' ]

[ Degenerate: This skill is a unique skill and it has two effects.

1) Synthesis: Transform two differing targets into a single object. Can be used to merge Skills together, evolving them into new skills. More than one Skill can be acquired from the merging depending on the combination used.

2) Separation: Release the properties inherent to the target and make it into a separate object. ]

With the system prompt, Miyuki was relieved that Shizu's transformation successfully completed.

It's just when he saw the additional reward, he was shocked and then ecstatic.

Degenerate, is a skill that helped Cute King a lot and it is an extremely awesome skill.

After all, the fusion of skills isn't something that can be done casually.

What's more, the fused skills will be far beyond the original skills and their strength will increase a lot.

Besides, this skill is extremely suitable for the current him.

After all, his own skills have become extremely in terms of numbers and he needs to fuse them.

This skill came extremely timely.

Miyuki was extremely to get degenerate skill and began to think about his future direction.

Completing the transformation, Shizu found that there was a certain connection between her and Miyuki and Miyuki's expression was rapidly changing.

Immediately Shizu was confused.

This feeling, it should be the contract?

But what's the situation?

Why does Miyuki look so happy?

What happened when I was unconscious.?

Anyway, it's good to know his thoughts.

Seeing Miyuki's happy face and feeling his happy emotions because of the blood contract, Shizu thought for a moment and then stepped towards him.

"What's the matter, Miyuki? Why are you suddenly so happy?" Holding Miyuki's hand, Shizu asked.

"...Nothing." Miyuki was stunned by Shizu's question for a moment, then he shook his head and held Shizu's waist, and said, "I am just happy that you can recover."

He won't let go of such a good opportunity to tease Shizu.

"You..." Shizu blushed after hearing his love words. But at the same time, she also felt happy.

After teasing Shizu for a while, Miyuki looked at Shizu and asked, "Shizu, how does your current body feel? Is there any discomfort?"

", I don't feel any discomfort." Shizu's face was red but she still calmed down and shook her head saying, "Even I feel stronger than ever. Now, my strength has reached S- rank."

Hearing Shizu's words, Miyuki smiled and said, "Since everything is fine, then let's go back."

"Those guys should be worried."

Then, he didn't give Shizu a chance to speak and teleported with her.


"Huh! Miyuki-san, are you back." The moment Miyuki returned to the reception room with Shizu, he was greeted by Rimuru.

"How is Shizu-san's condition? Is she fine now?" Jumping into Miyuki's hands, Rimuru asked eagerly.

Shizu is the second traveler he has met in this world and he has already treated her as his friend. So, he is really eager to know if Shizu is fine.

"Well, everything is fine. Now, Shizu has recovered completely and there will be no future troubles." Miyuki smiled upon hearing Rimuru's question and then he answered.

The completion of the mission means all of Shizu's hidden problems have been solved. So, Miyuki can confidently say that Shizu is fine now.

"That's good." Rimuru breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to lose his second otherworldly friend.

"Shizu-san are you fine now?" While Rimuru asked Miyuki, Eren, the energetic girl had already held Shizu's hand and asked worriedly.

Although they met Shizu just a while ago and they didn't spend much time with her, the eating and drinking trio still treats her like a family and friend.

So, while Miyuki and Shizu were away, Eren and her eating and drinking trio never left the reception room and have been worried about Shizu.

"I am fine, Eren." Hearing Eren's words, Shizu smiled gently then she answered while rubbing her head.

Eren is the girl who treated her most enthusiastically when she joined the team and she also cared the most about her.

So, seeing her worried expression, Shizu couldn't help but answer positively and rub her head in order to appease her.

"That's fine," The trio of eating and drinking, simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that something might happen to Shizu.

Now, the situation is good, this is the best news.

"Okay, okay, Shizu is fine now. So, you guys don't need to worry." Seeing the excited Eren and Rimuru, Miyuki said quickly in order to calm everyone down.

Immediately, everyone in the room calm down and they realized that they were making a bit too much of a fuss.

"Since Shizu has recovered then we will have a banquet as a celebration for her." Miyuki rubbed Rimuru into a ball and said, "What do you think, Rimuru?"

"Yes, let's have a banquet." Miyuki's topic immediately attracted Rimuru and he immediately agreed with a cheer.

The recovery of Shizu is a happy thing. Therefore a banquet is a must.

"Banquet..." The trio of eating and drinking immediately drooled after hearing the words and they began to fantasize about a banquet.

"Miyuki,..." Shizu didn't know what to say. In the end, she just smiled gently.

She is happy that Miyuki threw a banquet for her.


"Miyuki-san, why did you bring me here?" Lying in Miyuki's hands, Rimuru asked with a puzzled question mark about its head.

After deciding to throw the banquet, Miyuki informed Haruna and Rigurd about the preparation of the banquet.

Then, he separated from everyone and brought him to his room.

So, Rimuru is puzzled about what Miyuki wants to do.

After all, there is no need to bring him here for a banquet.

"Rimuru, there is a surprise for you here." Hearing Rimuru's question, Miyuki smiled mysteriously and said.

Ever since he thought of saving Shizu, he had prepared this gift for Rimuru.

Now, that he has saved Shizu, he needs to give Rimuru this gift.

"Why are so mysterious?" Rimuru shook it annoyingly but he didn't break free.

After all, he was also curious about Miyuki's gift.

Then, under Rimuru's curious and puzzled eyes, Miyuki brought him to the corner of his room where something was covered in black clothes.

"Ta-da." Miyuki uncovered the black cover suddenly and threw it aside.

"Rimuru, this the surprise that I prepared." Miyuki looked at what was in front of him and said to Rimuru.

"Is this, young version of Shizu-san..." Rimuru looked up front and couldn't speak for a while.

In front of him was a long blue-haired, otherworld beauty wearing a set of modern clothes.

Just looking at her, one would be fascinated by her beauty and will not be able to find any flaw.

It's just, although the beauty is non-living and is about 12 or 13 years old, Rimuru can find some similarities between this beauty and Shizu.

This is what makes him speechless.

What's in front of him is a beauty or rather a statue with human flesh but no soul.

And its appearance is highly similar to Shizu.

This can't help but make Rimuru's thinking go crooked.

"What's the heck are you thinking?" Miyuki immediately hit Rimuru's slime body.

As a male, he could probably guess what Rimuru was thinking. So, he didn't want to let his thinking go crooked.

"This is not Shizu or anyone related to her. It's your future body, I created it for you." After kneading Rimuru's slime body for a while, Miyuki answered.

As early as he wanted to save Shizu, Miyuki had already considered that Rimuru wouldn't be able to absorb Shizu and become a human.

A cute king without a human body isn't a cute king.

Therefore, he created a human body and the appearance of this human body is the same as 13-year-old Rimuru in the Original work.

Now, that he has saved Shizu, Miyuki thinks it's the best time to give this thing to Rimuru.

After all, the Great Sage only needs a human body to let Rimuru become a human.

"Fu, Future body... Miyuki-san, what are you talking about." Rimuru's slime body trembled then he asked Miyuki excitedly.

Ever since he transmigrated, although Rimuru has been happy, his slime body was always his pain point.

All of his human body function disappeared, he couldn't taste, couldn't touch, couldn't feel the out sensation without relying on magic power.

Even seeing things requires the use of magic power.

All the happiness that humans could feel disappeared.

Naturally, Rimuru felt uncomfortable and painful.

Therefore, Rimuru has always been thinking about acquiring a human body just like those online novel protagonists.

Unfortunately, however, he hasn't been able to find a way to become a human.

Now, Miyuki suddenly told him that he prepared a future body for him. How could Rimuru not be excited?

"That's right, this is your future body. With the help of Great Sage, you can get a human body after swallowing it." Miyuki smiled and nodded under Rimuru's excited eyes.

"Miyuki-san, you're the best," Rimuru screamed loudly after seeing Miyuki nod.

A human body, he is finally going to acquire a human body.

It's just, why does something not feel right?


At this moment, Rimuru finally noticed the detail he was missing.

The body that Miyuki created is a female and he was a male in his previous life.

Is he going to become a female in this life?

Doesn't Miyuki-san know that he is a male?

With corners of his mouth twitching, Rimuru asked hesitatingly, "Miyuki-san, why is the body you prepared a female?"

He isn't prepared to change his gender. He still likes a male body.

Hearing Rimuru's words, Miyuki was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and laughed out loud.

After laughing for some time, he said, "Don't worry Rimuru. The body in front of you just looks like a female, it's not really female."

Rimuru's breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Miyuki's words.

As long as it is not a female body, even if he has a feminine appearance, he is willing.

Unfortunately, Rimuru is destined to be disappointed, after all, everyone knows the gender of the future Rimuru.

"Rimuru, you're a slime, right?" Miyuki thought for a moment, then he began to ask Rimuru with a playful smile.

"Yes." Rimuru didn't understand why Miyuki asked this but he still answered.

"Then, do you have any human function?"


"Do you have human reproductive organs?"


"So, do you have a gender?"


"Noooooooo....." At this moment, Rimuru finally reacted to Miyuki's questions and he screamed in a loud tone that made one tremble.

After becoming a slime, he has lost all the functions of humans, naturally, it includes reproductive organs.

This means, he won't have a gender, even if he wants to.

"Great Sage, tell me that I have a gender?" As if grabbing the last straw, Rimuru asked Great Sage in his mind.

[ Answer: Slimes don't have a gender. ]

Hearing the answer given by Great Sage, Rimuru's body turned grey and he fell silent.
