Chapter 120 - Miyuki and Shizu have a child


Mini Jura Tempest Federation,

A festive atmosphere had infected the whole city and a large number of goblins, direwolves, and Kijins were gathered in the city.

Tonight, according to the order of their lord, they are preparing for a celebration and banquet.

Many types of entertainment and delicacies were being prepared and everyone decorated the whole city.

The trio of eating and drinking was also helping in the preparation.

Shuna and Haruna helped with the decoration.

Shion brought tools and others necessities for the decorations and gave them to Shuna and Haruna.

Shizu looked at everything with a smile.

It's just when everyone was preparing for the banquet, something appeared that attracted their attention.

A short black-haired boy appeared with a loli who had long blue hair.

Everyone knows the boy.

He is Miyuki, one of the lords who ordered the banquet.

It's just, Miyuki wasn't the main object of their attention.

The object of their attention was the long blue-haired loli with lovelessness on her face.

This loli was holding Miyuki's hand and lovelessness and hopelessness could be seen all over her face.

Eren was also attracted, then after looking at the loli beside Miyuki, she immediately looked at Shizu.

After looking back and forth between the two sides, she ran towards Miyuki and asked loudly, "Miyuki, honestly tell me. Is she your and Shizu's child?"

Saying so, Eren pointed at the long blue-haired loli beside Miyuki with a look of disbelief.

It was as if she had been struck by lightning.


Eren's voice was too loud, so, the moment her voice fell, the whole atmosphere became quiet.

Shizu was stunned at the situation.

What's going on?

When did she have a child with Miyuki?

But, if we have such a cute child then I don't mind.

Thinking like this, Shizu blushed.

Besides, Shizu, the eyes of everyone looked at Miyuki.

Especially, Shuna, Shion, and Haruna.

After seeing Shizu blush, three of them even began to emit black air while looking at Miyuki.

Slowly, the atmosphere became depressing and even some weaker monsters began to feel suffocated.

Although the monsters under Rimuru's command could feel a faint connection between them and the blue-haired loli, they weren't sure that she was their lord.

Besides, under the death gaze of Shuna, Shion, Eren, and Haruna, they didn't dare to speak.

Even Benimaru is the same.

He never thought that his sister could be so scary.

With just one look, he felt chills run down his spine.

Feeling the situation wasn't right and looking at everyone, Miyuki knew that he needed to clarify everything as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he is going to be stabbed tonight.

After all, don't you see four huge black veils of mist rising in the sky?

Two of them have already taken the form of elf king and evil shura king.

If Miyuki doesn't want to be given a hatchet, he has to explain.

"What the heck are you saying? This isn't my and Shizu's child at all." Miyuki first calmly struck Eren on the head and said with a bit of reproach and helplessness.

"He is Rimuru. It's just that appearance has changed after taking human form." Saying so, Miyuki immediately sent Rimuru ahead.

"Huh! Rimuru." The moment Miyuki's words fell, the atmosphere relaxed and the black vanished then Eren asked with disbelief.

She couldn't believe that the blue loli in front of her was Rimuru.

"Eren-san, I am indeed Rimuru." The loli or rather Rimuru spoke with helplessness and lovelessness.

After knowing that he doesn't have a gender and he won't get a gender even if he has a human body, he was autistic for a long time.

It was only after a lot of advice from Miyuki that he came out of autism and swallowed the body prepared for him.

After swallowing, Great Sage naturally let Rimuru have a human body.

So, now Rimuru has the same loli appearance as when he first fought the pig demon king in the original work.

"Are you really Rimuru?" Eren was stunned after seeing Rimuru nod.

"Rimuru-sama." 3 Shion, Haruna, and Shuna also came over and asked suspiciously.

The current Rimuru really looks like Shizu's child, therefore, they can't help but be suspicious.

"I am indeed Rimuru." Seeing the disbelief in everyone's eyes, Rimuru nodded with tears in his eyes.

His gender is already gone.

Now, people don't even recognize him.

Does he have no human rights?

Complaining in his heart, Rimuru immediately changed back to his Slime state.

Anyway, it's better to be a slime if people don't recognize his human form.

"It's really Rimuru. X4 Eren, Shion, Shuna, and Haruna immediately believed after seeing Rimuru who became a slime.

"Finally, the danger is gone." Seeing the four girls no longer had black air behind them, Miyuki, breathed a sigh of relief.

After such a small episode, the official banquet began under Miyuki and Rimuru's presence.


"Phew." In a quiet corner, Miyuki got rid of Shion and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After the banquet began, the trio of eating and drinking began to enjoy all kinds of delicacies.

Shuna and Haruna arranged everything in an orderly manner and took charge of the banquet.

Shizu, the protagonist of the banquet was the primary person to be entertained and Rimuru was entertaining her.

At that time, Miyuki thought that everyone was busy.

But only then did Miyuki know what a nightmare is.

Shion came to him with a pot of unknown black liquid filled with unknown things.

From the pot, Miyuki could even see the appearance of a Shura evil spirit calling him to hell.

Holding the pit, Shion gently called him to try her dish.

Looking at the pot that was full of evil spirits, Miyuki grabbed Benimaru who was next to him and put him in front of Shion saying that Benimaru told him that he liked her cooking.

Then after using Benimaru as a scapegoat, he immediately ran away.

Shion's cooking, he would never try it in his life.

Because her cooking isn't cooking at all, it's the creation of a biochemical weapon that can even kill the gods.

"Thank you Benimaru, I will burn incense for you next year." Miyuki clasped his hand and then prayed for unlucky Benimaru.

He was really grateful that Benimaru was beside him.

Otherwise, he would have to eat that biochemical weapon.

Just when Miyuki thought that it was over, a voice came from behind that startled him, "Miyuki-sama,"

"Be, Benimaru..." Miyuki looked at Benimaru whose face was black and his evil spirit was surging, then he shuddered and spoke while taking a step back in fear.

He just chose to sacrifice this guy, how did he survive Shion's biochemical weapon?

"Miyuki-sama, you gave me a big gift." Benimaru gritted his teeth and said, "Shion is coming here, so, please don't try to run away. I want to return your gift."

Tasting the biochemical weapon, he doesn't feel good at all.

The only reason he is still standing is to let Miyuki taste the same thing as him.

"Sorry, Benimaru." Saying so, Miyuki didn't give Benimaru a chance and teleported away.

Whoever wants to taste Shion's cook can taste it.

He won't be the unlucky bird for it.

Besides, a dead Taoist isn't a poor Taoist.

Murmuring in his heart, Miyuki disappeared.

"What about people?" Benimaru looked at his empty and was stunned at disappearing Miyuki

Then, a voice that made him shudder came from behind him.

"Benimaru, where is Miyuki-sama?" Shion held a pot with her hand and she asked Benimaru with an extremely kind smile.

"Ah, Shion..." Benimaru screamed in fright after seeing Shion then the tough warrior fainted on the ground.

Benimaru also knows how to retreat and advance.

He doesn't want to taste biochemical weapons again and die.

Therefore, fainting is the best choice of action.


"Phew." Far away from Benimaru and Shion, Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief.

He was almost caught by Shion.

Thankfully, Benimaru is still a useful shield.

Just then, Miyuki saw Shizu standing not far away and looking at everyone, smiling happily.

"How is it, Shizu? Do you enjoy the banquet?" Miyuki walked up to Shizu and then asked.

In fact, his reason for holding this banquet isn't just Shizu's recovery.

He wants to use this banquet to show Shizu that life is still meaningful and she should think about enjoying it more instead dying in silence.

"It's very good. Everyone is happy and we are enjoying ourselves." Shizu looked at the monsters and the trio of eating and drinking, who were enjoying themselves, then she answered Miyuki.

She hasn't experienced such a warm atmosphere for a long time.

Even when she was in the free guild, such grand celebrations happened very few times.

So, Shizu is quite happy that Miyuki arranged such a thing for her.

"That's fine." Miyuki looked at the happy smile on Shizu's face and then he sighed.

As long as Shizu is happy, he can throw a few more banquets like this.

The banquet went on and everyone truly enjoyed it.

Whether it was Eren and her trio or Shuna, Shion, and Haruna, everyone, enjoyed themselves.

Even Rimuru, who was loveless, became active because of the banquet.

Benimaru who fainted also was also woken up by others later and he once again joined in.

All in all.

The banquet was a great success.


After the banquet, the atmosphere of the Jurs Tempest Federation became solemn and everyone began to prepare for the upcoming fight with the Orc demon king.

The trade with Eurazania and Dwargon was stopped and the factories were put on hold.

Training and fighting became the main theme during this time.

Hakurou trained the goblins and the direwolves just like the original and he became the devil instructor known to the whole city.

Benimaru and his father trained the Kijins for the upcoming fight.

Rigurd handled the logistic affairs and he used the previously traded objects to let the Kaijin and other dwarfs brought by Miyuki, make weapons and armor for them.

During this time, the Dwarf King also sent Vesta as punishment to the Jura Tempest Federation.

Although the timing deviated from the original, Miyuki was still happy to get Vesta from the dwarf king.

After getting Vesta, he handed the research and development work to him.

Besides this, the trio of eating and drinking went back to inform the guild about the Orc demon king.

This time there is evidence of the Orc demon king, so, they can inform the free guild without much hesitation.

Although Eren was reluctant in the beginning, she still put the major situation above emotion and went back.

Shizu stayed in the city and she adapted to her newly acquired strength.

While training, she also became familiar with Miyuki and the two people gradually came closer.

Shizu's existence was like a warning bell for Haruna, Shion, and Shuna.

Three girls who had been stimulated because of Shizu began to take initiative on many occasions.

For three girls who took the initiative to send it to the door, Miyuki accepted them.

Although he accepted Haruna, Shion, and Shuna, he didn't complete the last step with them.

After all, he needs to become stronger for the upcoming conspiracies and fights.

The Orc demon king is coming and Clayman is behind the scene.

Miyuki isn't sure if there will be moths will appear during this time, so, he has been busy fighting monsters and upgrading.

Without strength, he doesn't think that he can keep everyone safe.

For this reason, he would often train with Hakurou in the morning and he will also travel around to fight.

It's just there aren't many suitable opponents to fight.

So, Miyuki couldn't increase his strength by fighting. So, later he focused on combining skills through degenerate skills that get got some time ago.

Now, all the resistance-type skills have been combined into a skill called [Absolute Nulification] that can nullify all types of negative buffs and make him immune to magic, physical, and spiritual attacks of below his level and 90% for the same level same level and it can also ignore 70% for an opponent whose strength is one level higher than his own and 50% for the opponent who is two levels higher than him. Just like that 20% reduction for each succeeding level.

All types of magic have been combined into a skill called [Solomon], through which he can control all the elements in the world and use whatever magic he wants. Using this skill, his consumption will be halved and the attack power will be doubled.

All kinds of martial arts and close combat skills have also been combined to form a skill called [King of the Earth]. This skill allows him to display all types of martial arts to the limit of humanity and it also him to use any type of weapon and display a power far beyond the original.

All in all, other than some inherent and special skills, Miyuki has combined all of his skills.

Now, his stats are:

{ Name: Miyuki

Race/Species: True Ancestor, a trace of pure dragon blood(Dragon Physique)

Level: S

Combat Strength: SS- }

After this wave of fusion of skills, Miyuki's strength has reached SS- rank, which means he is one step away from having the combat of the awakened demon king.

Miyuki never expected that fusing skills could increase his strength so much.

Although he was surprised by the increase in combat provided by the fused skills, Miyuki was happy. After all, the stronger the strength, the better.

While fusing skills he didn't forget to use the lottery.

After all, the lottery is the best way to become stronger.

It's just, the reward he got this time makes him unable to complain.

What he got in the lottery is the "Golden Rate" from Type-moon world.

Although the golden rate he got is Ex-level that is the highest level possible.

But he isn't going to pick up gold outside, he is going to fight with a demon king.

Therefore, although "Golden Rate" can make him rich, it is a useless skill for him at the moment.

This is what makes Miyuki unable to complain.

After all, the golden rate is for picking treasure, not for fighting.

Anyway, after getting this skill, Miyuki no longer has to worry about money.

Although he was a bit disappointed with the lottery, Miyuki didn't care much.

And he still kept training with Hakurou and focused on mastering his new fusion skills.

For the next period of time, the Jura Tempest Federation was in a full-swing training period.
