Chapter 121 - Upcoming attack of the Orc Demon king

After being disappointed by the skill acquired from the lottery, Miyuki continued to train the soldiers of the Jura Tempest Federation and become stronger.

Unfortunately, just when he was planning to slowly become stronger, a sudden bad news forced him to stop training and focus his energy on another place——

"That is to say, the Lizard Clan has reached the moment of urgency, and soon there will be a head-on conflict with the Orc tribe's army, right?" Hearing what everyone said, Miyuki immediately understood the situation.

Originally, he went out to fight the monster and he just returned.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came here, he was immediately captured by everyone and urgently participated in a discussion meeting.

Although because of Miyuki's appearance, the Ogre clan was not killed by the Orc clan.

However, this change did not stop the progress of the Orc army.

According to current information.

The Orc army is about to approach the territory of the lizard tribe, and the leader of the lizard tribe, who knows that it is difficult to resist the 200,000 orc armies by himself, has also begun to contact the surrounding village forces, wanting to form an alliance to jointly resist the porc tribe The attack of the army.

Then, as the Jura Tempest Federation, which has recently become famous in the Great Jura Forest, it is natural that the Lizard Clan's wooing is indispensable.

In fact, just at noon today, Gabiru, the young master of the Lizard Clan, took the initiative to lead a team to 'visit' Rimuru and his party.

Although just like in the original plot, this funny young master of the lizard tribe made a big joke in front of everyone.

But that's not the point. The point is that the lizard village is not too far from the Jura Tempest Federation.

If the lizard tribe falls under the attack of the Orc army, then soon, the Jura Tempest Federation will become their next attack target!

In the meeting room, around the square table headed by Miyuki and Rimuru, all the senior members of the current Jura Tempest Federation forces are sitting around.

Among them, in addition to the Kinjins, Rigurd and his son under Rimuru's command, there were also Shion, Shuna, and Haruna under Miyuki's command and the four Kaijin dwarf brothers brought by Miyuki were also present.

Of course, at this critical juncture, Shizu, who has successfully recovered, will definitely not be absent.

As for the eating, drinking, and drinking trio, it was because they had completed the task and left not long ago, so there was no sign of them here.

And now, everyone's attention is now on Rimuru, watching him keep tapping on the table in front of him and whispering softly.

After waiting for a long time, Miyuki's eyes circled back and forth on everyone and asked, "How to say? Are you going to help the Lizard Clan?"

Since it's a meeting, it's not Miyuki's personal talk.

At this time, he definitely needs everyone to express their opinions and listen to their respective suggestions!

"Lord Miyuki!"

"Since the war with the Orcs is inevitable, at least we must ensure that the losses in this war are minimized. So my suggestion is to send troops to the lizards immediately and limit the battlefield to the lizards."

"Only in this way can we ensure that our territory will not be affected by the war!" First, Benimaru, who had already evolved into a Kijin, stood up and expressed his opinion.

As expected of Rimuru's first general.

His suggestion is indeed very strategic.

But just after Benimaru finished speaking, Rimuru raised her hand with a slightly hesitant expression and said, "That... Although Benimaru's suggestion is correct, is it really good to do so?"

"If the battlefield is limited to the Lizard Race, will it bring huge casualties and losses to the opponent?"

In this period, Rimuru's heart is still too soft, and his thinking tends to be more naive.

Although he does not deny the correctness of Benimaru's point of view, he is more concerned about whether such an approach will bring disaster to others.

Then, after Rimuru's revealed his words, the atmosphere at the scene dropped a little.

Everyone was looking at each other, really unable to understand Rimuru's brain circuit.

After all, in this Great Jura Forest where the law of the jungle prevails, we still have to consider the loss of others. The kindness of our leader... isn't it a bit too much?

Then at this moment, a voice sounded in Miyuki's mind——

〖Sorry to bother you...〗

〖If possible, can I have the honor to participate in your discussion? 〗


"Who?" The voice suddenly sounded in his mind, so that Miyuki had no time to talk to Rimuru, and got up from the chair directly and called out.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at Miyuki one after another, not knowing what happened.

〖Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. 〗

〖I am the manager of the Great Jura Forest, the Dryad Treyni. 〗

〖This is the first time I have had a conversation with you, please advise Miyuki-san. 〗


Did you actually appear at this time, Big Sister Tree Fairy?

As the voice in his mind reported his name, Miyuki's expression immediately changed!

The manager of Jura Great Forest, although the original plot also appeared at about this time, sure enough... the beautiful green-haired big sister is still very exciting, isn't it?

"It turned out to be Miss Treyni. Although I don't know what the manager of Jura Great Forest is doing here."

"But my Jura Tempest Federation very much welcomes the arrival of Miss Dryad." Miyuki looked towards the air and said these words.

Only a moment later, after Miyuki spoke, without waiting for everyone to figure out the situation, in the next second, a tree dryad, Treyni, exuding a faint glow, appeared in front of everyone!

Since the tree dryad hadn't appeared for decades, the arrival of Treyni undoubtedly surprised all the monsters present.

But Miyuki, who had expected this for a long time, came to Treyni without any surprise on his face and greeted her, "Nice to meet you, Treyni-san."

"Nice to meet you," Treyni responded to Miyuki with a smile on her face.

"Shuna, help Treyni-san prepare a cup of hot tea, and also serve a plate of fried potato chips. After all, the visitor is a guest, and we have to do our best to be the landlord!" After greeting Treyni, Miyuki turned his head and said to Shuna.

In fact, the appearance of Treyni surprised all the monsters, but also made them faintly wary of her. After all, there are many legends about dryads, and no matter which legend they are in, their strength is unprecedentedly strong.

No one knows whether the arrival of this tree dryad lady is good or bad for the Jura Tempest Federation!

However, Miyuki's attitude surprised everyone.

Even Shuna, who was called by Miyuki, hesitated for a while before turning around and going to the kitchen to prepare tea and meals.

Potato chips?

Why does Miyuki-sama want to use this to entertain the tree dryad?

Everyone present can't understand Miyuki's thoughts.

"Then thank you very much Miyuki-san for your hospitality." Miyuki's attitude got Treyni's thanks and a nod.

After that, she also sat down casually very familiarly, and after Shuna served tea and snacks, she tasted them very gracefully.

What should I say?

Under normal circumstances, under the staring eyes of such a group of people, there would definitely not be a few people who would have as much appetite as this lady tree dryad.

But it turned out well.

Treyni didn't seem to see everyone's eyes, and in just a short while, the fried potato chips in front of her bottomed out!

"Shuna, prepare a few more dishes for Miss Treyni. Also, I think...Miss Treyni's visit this time is not just for eating some fried potato chips, is it?"

"Could it be that... you are here for the pig-headed army that is currently fighting for the Jura Great Forest?" Seeing this scene, Miyuki turned his head and instructed Shuna, and then turned his gaze back to Treyni.

After hearing what Miyuki's said, there was an obvious pause in Miss Dryad's continuous picking up of potato chips.

Although she didn't give up on continuing to taste the delicious fried potato chips because of this, she looked up and her eyes met Miyuki's, then she said, "As expected of Miyuki-san, it seems that my choice is indeed correct!"

As soon as these words came out, it was equivalent to affirming Miyuki's question.

On Miyuki's side, he also nodded with a smile as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Then he spoke with a smile, "It seems that Treyni-san has already determined that we have the power to defeat the Orcs."

"Since that's the case, it's easy to talk about it next. As the manager of the Great Jura Forest, the chaos caused by the Orc tribe should be a headache for Treyni-san, right?"

"If we can completely defeat the Orc tribe and restore the tranquility of this Jura Forest... As the representative of the tree goblin, what kind of benefits can Treyni-san bring us?"

Although even without Treyni, Miyuki would still have wiped out the Orc army.

But after all, they have already delivered to her door, Miyuki can't just let her go like this, right?

After all, Miyuki has become a qualified businessman during his stay in the Reincarnated Slime world.

After hearing Miyuki's words, Treyni paused for a while to eat, and she stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as if thinking.

After a while, Treyni seems to have thought up something.

Then she turned her head and looked at Miyuki with a beautiful smile and said, "I'm afraid there won't be many benefits that I can offer."

"However, if Miyuki-sama is willing to take action to defeat the Orc clan, especially the Orc demon king, then I am willing to represent the tree dryad clan and pledge my allegiance to Lord Miyuki's command."

"In this way... I don't think Lord Miyuki will refuse, right?" Treyni looked at Miyuki with a smile and said as if she believed that he would agree.

!!! Hearing Treyni's words, Miyuki was stunned for a moment.

There are no benefits, but people give it away for nothing?

That's what it means, right?

To be honest, when Treyni expressed her willingness to be loyal to her, Miyuki couldn't quite believe his ears.

Although he really likes this kind of gentle big sister, it's really beyond his expectation that she just gives her something for nothing!

After calming down, he said with some hesitation, "Allegiance or something... Treyni-san, are you sure you are loyal to me?"

"As the manager of the Great Jura Forest, even if you want to choose your allegiance, it should be Rimuru, the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation who is about to rule the entire Great Jura Forest, right?"

Miyuki knew very well that as a tree dryad, Treyni would not be able to leave the Jura Forest.

If she was asked to choose an object of allegiance, the other party would obviously be the ruler of this forest.

But it is very unreasonable for her not to choose the cute king but choose himself.

After all, although, he is the co-lord in name, he will not stay in the city for long and Rimuru is the real lord.

Miyuki didn't believe that the other party didn't get all the information clear before coming.

Any disturbance in this forest, what can be hidden from her?

So, he can't understand why she pledges allegiance to him.
