Chapter 137 - Dionysus and Filvis


Lv6 → Lv7

Strength: EX(10000) → I(0)

Durable: EX(10000) → I(0)

Dexterity: EX(10000) → I(0)

Agility: EX(10000) → I(0)

Magic: EX(10000) → I(0)


[ Magic Power Release ] [ ] [ ]


[ Son of the World ] [ Super lucky ] [ Darling of Nature ] [ High Vitaliy ] [ God Killer ] [ Psychic Eyes ] [ Absolute Nullification ] [ King of Earth ] [ Self Update ] [ Fighting qi ] [ Thought acceleration ] [ Haze Style Swordsmanship ] [ Solomon ] [ Golden Rate-Ex ] [ Spatial Domination ]

Miracle: I → H

Supernatural monster power: I → H

Regeneration: I → H

Swordsman: I

This is Miyuki's ability value after upgrading to Lv7.

Although his strength didn't increase much because of reaching Lv7, it still increased by 10%.

Such situation made Miyuki feel that the route of god's gift also had a future.

Lv7 can already increase his strength so much. So, what is he reaches Lv100.

You know, he is no longer restricted by level restriction and can upgrade to unknown levels.

If he can really reach Lv100 then maybe his strength would reach cosmic level.

Unfortunately, Miyuki didn't know how far he could go by relying on god's gift.

So, he let the fantasies be fantasies and didn't imagine much.


After the upgrade, Miyuki felt guilty about deceiving Hestia.

And he also spent a lot of time reassuring her that she isn't useless and she will forever be his main god.

So, in order to make up for his guilt and reassure Heastia, Miyuki is currently taking Hestia on a date.

"Miyuki, let's go to that store," Hestia said and pulled Miyuki without asking for his opinion.

"Yes, yes." Miyuki nodded and he let Hestia pull him away.

He likes Hestia, so, he doesn't mind being dragged around by her.

The store Miyuki and Hestia visited was a clothing store.

The store clerk naturally welcomes Sword Master who is extremely famous in Orario.

And she took Miyuki and Hestia to find the best outfits.

"Miyuki, how is it?" Hestia chose one of the likes outfits and tried it in the changing room then she asked Miyuki.

"Very beautiful." Miyuki immediately praised Hestia.

At this moment, Hestia's double ponytail was like usual and she wore a blue and white top, a black skirt, white stockings, and white gloves

Wearing this outfit, Hestia executed beauty that no mortal could match.

"Hehe..." Hestia smiled happily after hearing Miyuki's praise.

Then, Hestia chose another dress to try.

"Then what about this?" Hestia wore another dress and asked Miyuki.

"It's also very beautiful." Miyuki nodded again and again.

This time, Hestia wore a simple white princess dress.

Although it was simple, it made Hestia shine.

"What's about this?"

"It's still beautiful."

"What about this one?"

"It's also extremely beautiful."

Next, Miyuki was dragged by Hestia to check many outfits for her.

It wasn't until the evening that Hestia felt satisfied and two people left the clothing store.

Thankfully, Miyuki has system space, so, he didn't have to wander while holding a lot of clothing bags.

After leaving, Miyuki and Hestia continued their date.


The store clerk smiled after Miyuki left.

The famous Sword Master visited their store and brother so many clothes, what could be higher publicity than this?

Miyuki didn't know the store clerk's thoughts, and he was currently buying fried potatoes for Hestia.

"Hestia, here you are." Buying the fried potato, Miyuki gave one to Hestia.

"Thanks." Hestia took it and said, then she took a bite, and immediately she screamed, "Delicious."

Miyuki looked at Hestia who enjoyed eating and smiled, then he also began to eat.

To be honest, fried potato isn't too delicious when compared to high-end modern snacks.

But it's still delicious compared to ordinary snacks.

Just when Miyuki and Hestia were enjoying their two-person world, a slightly nice masculine voice sounded.

"Oh, isn't this Hestia?"

Hestia and Miyuki immediately turned their heads after hearing this voice.

Then they saw a beautiful man of medium height with medium-length blonde hair, emerald eyes, and long arms and legs. He wore a violet suit matching his long-sleeve coat, pants, shoes, a yellow button shirt inside, and a white cravat around his neck.

Besides the man, there was an elf who had long black hair and red eyes. She wore a frilled white dress with a white coat with light blue edges over it. In terms of appearance, she was also quite beautiful.

Looking at two people, Miyuki raised his eyebrows.

He felt as if he had seen these two somewhere, unfortunately, he couldn't remember them for a while.

"Isn't this Dionysus, what are you doing here?" Hestia immediately recognized who the blond man was and she called out his name.

"Dionysus..." Muttering to himself, Miyuki immediately remembered who this man was.


In legends, he is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the son of Zeus.

Even in some places, he is known as the fourth-generation god-king of Olympus.

However, Dionysus in this world is different from normal worlds.

He is an out-and-out evil god but he still has justice in his heart.

It can be said that his heart is distorted, his way of love is distorted, his way of pleasure is distorted, and everything about this god is distorted.

In the original work, he caused the fallen fairy incident of Orario and he questioned the justice of Orario.

Unlike the main god of Ryuu's familia, Astraea, he is more like a dungeon version of Azidahaka from Small Garden.

Although Miyuki doesn't completely hate him, he has no good impression of him either.

This guy killed his own familia for pleasure.

He used Filvis as a tool until the end and watched her break down in despair.

For him, despair, fear, panic, etc. negative emotions are a pleasure.

For such a distorted god, Miyuki doesn't kill him directly is already good.

Don't expect him to have a good impression of such a guy.

"But if this Dionysus, then she is..." Miyuki looked at the elf girl beside Dionysus and remembered her identity.

Filvis is an elf who is hated by her familia because everyone else died and only she remained alive.

Everyone treats her like a death star and they try to stay away from her.

This made her experience extreme indifference.

And in the cold world, only Dionysus handed her his hand. So, she handed her loyalty and everything to Dionysus.

Later, Lefiya became her good friend and she even taught Lefiya her own magic.

But she never touched Lefiya or let Lefiya touch her because she thought she was dirty.

In fact, Filvis should have died along with her familia.

The reason why she lived is Dionysus.

She was implanted with a monster stone by Dionysus, which made her live.

It also gave her the ability to swallow monster stones and become stronger.

Having a monster stone inside her made Filvis feel that she was dirty.

This is why she never touched Lefiya or any other elf.

She thought that she would make other elves dirty.

For Filvis, Miyuki only has infinite pity and regret.

At the end of the fallen fairy incident, she fell into despair because Dionysus broke all her hopes and expectations.

Then she turned into a true monster.

For this girl, who has experienced extreme indifference and despair, Miyuki feels pity.

He has regret because this girl died unjustly in despair.

Looking at Dionysus and Filvis, Miyuki's eyes were slightly complicated.

If he kills Dionysus now, then maybe the future fallen fairy incident might not happen.

But the incident of the fallen fairy is an extremely important turning point for the Loki familia, so, he can't kill Dionysus.

But Filvis, if he has a chance then Miyuki would like to save her.

In the midst of Miyuki's thinking, Hestia and Dionysus have already begun to chat.

In heaven, Hestia doesn't have much friendship with Dionysus, but as a god, she is willing to talk to another god who doesn't feel annoying.

"I came here to mainly observe Orario and see if I can find something interesting," Dionysus answered Hestia with a smile.

Then he asked while looking at Miyuki, "Presumably, this should be Sword Master."

"First time meeting, I am Dionysus, god of wine." Dionysus smiled like a gentleman and introduced himself.


Miyuki looked at Dionysus and he had the urge to vomit.

He knew that this bastard evil god didn't treat people in the lower world like living beings.

He treated them as if they were objects for his pleasure.

And his current smile is extremely hypocritical and God knows what type of thoughts this guy has in his heart.

Suppressing the urge to vomit, Miyuki replied with a stiff smile, "Hello God Dionysus, I am indeed Sword Master, Miyuki."

After speaking to Dionysus, Miyuki quickly shifted his eyes to Filvis and said, "You're..."

"Filvis,..." Dionysus doesn't seem to want to let go of Miyuki and instead of letting Filvis answer, he answered himself and said, "All of my familia members died on the 27th floor and now, she is the only one remaining."

"You can really talk." If possible, Miyuki wants to say such words.

After all, it was this guy who killed his familia, yet he is showing crocodile tears.


Miyuki feels that maybe even Freya wasn't as disgusting as him.

At least, Freya has divinity and grace that allows her to behave like a real God and she is only distorted in love and beauty.

While this guy's own existence is distorted.

"So, you're Filvis, I have heard Lefiya mention you." Miyuki didn't intend to talk to Dionysus and he instead spoke to Filvis in an extremely enthusiastic tone.

Dionysus's expression froze when Miyuki ignored him.

"Well,... I am Filvis,... are you perhaps Lefiya's friend?" This time Filvis responded. It's just, her response was slightly awkward and cold.

In fact, Filvis has heard Lefiya mention Miyuki. So, she knows a lot about Miyuki.

She knows how he taught Lefiya, she knows how he helped Ais become stronger, and she even knows that he and Lefiya are together.

It's because she knows Miyuki that she doesn't want to get close to him.

For her, Miyuki is a dazzling existence who is extremely pure.

She can't taint him with her hands.

"Hestia, I will leave for a while." Miyuki spoke to Hestia then he said to Dionysus, "God Dionysus, I need to borrow your familias Filvis. I will return her to you later."

Then, Miyuki didn't give anyone present a chance to react or say anything and he held Filvis's hand and then disappeared with her.

"Huh!" Hestia didn't react for a while.

When she reacted, she stomped her feet angrily on the ground.

She just came on a date and this guy left and went out with another woman.

Although she was jealous and angry, Hestia wasn't unreasonable.

She could tell that there was a reason for Miyuki's actions.

Otherwise, according to Miyuki's character, he wouldn't avoid her, even if he avoided Dionysus.

While Hestia was thinking about Miyuki, Dionysus's eyes froze completely and a little bit of chill appeared in his eyes.

The target he came to see ran away with his guard.

How can he be happy?

"What's the matter, Dionysus?" Hestia noticed the coldness in Dionysus's eyes and asked immediately.

"Ah, it's nothing." Dionysus restored his gracefully send and shook his head.

At least for now, he can't destroy his image in Orario.


On the other side, Miyuki has already teleported to the city wall with Filvis.

At this moment, he and Filvis were holding hands and standing on the city wall.

In der the setting sun, their shadow has already been cast to extremely long distance.

"You..." Filvis looked at Miyuki who was holding her hand and couldn't speak for a while.

Elves are proud and they will not allow anyone other than a person with a pure soul to touch them.

Therefore, Miyuki's ability to touch her means that he is really a pure soul just like Lefiya told her.

But it's because he is a pure soul that Filvis can't speak.

In her mind, she has already started to regret why she came out with her main god to investigate Miyuki.

If she didn't come then maybe Miyuki wouldn't be tainted.

Looking at Filvis, Miyuki couldn't tell her thoughts but even so, he could see that she was regretful and blaming herself for some reason.

What does she regret?

Why is she blaming herself?

Such doubts appeared in Miyuki's mind.

But when he saw that he was holding her hand, Miyuki remembered the information about Filvis.

At the same time, he understood why Filvis felt regretful and blamed herself.

Filvis is really kind.

"Although I don't know why you feel regretful and blamed yourself, I don't think you need to do this." Miyuki sighed about Filvis's kindness and said.

He didn't dismantle Filvis's identity.

"Huh!" Miyuki's comforting words shocked Filvis.

Most people are afraid of her and other than Lefiya, she hasn't sent anyone who is able to maintain close contact with her for a long time.

So, Miyuki's worry for her can be said to be a new thing for her.
