Chapter 138 - Hestia's helplessness

While Filvis was shocked Miyuki continued to hold her hand and said, "Lefiya told me that you don't have any friends besides her. Would you like me to be your friend?"

Since he has thoughts about saving Filvis, Miyuki will try to save her.

And the step to saving her is to form another spiritual pillar in her heart, so, that she doesn't collapse. And despair because of Dionysus.

So, Miyuki wants to start by being friends.

"Fri, friend..." This time Filvis was shocked and even her complex emotions subsided for a moment.

Friend, this word is a luxury for her.

She doesn't know how many years have passed since she heard this word.

Her former companions died and she became a broom star whom no one likes.

Besides that girl Lefiya who is extremely innocent, no one has ever wanted to be her friend.

So, Miyuki's words can be said to have hit her heart.

In the original, Filvis as an elf has more kindness and she hopes to be redeemed.

Unfortunately, what she got was not redemption but despair from the devil.

"Yes, I can be your friend." Miyuki saw Filvis's expression was shaken and he nodded.

He wants this effect.

First, let Filvis experience the happiness of having a friend then slowly try to change her.

After all, she has been with Dionysus for a long period of time, it will take some time to change her thoughts.

"Can you really...but I am a broom star whom everyone hates. All my companions died because of me." Filvis was tempted to make friends but she resisted and told MMiyuki about herself.

She knows that she can't have friends otherwise when the time to complete the plan comes, she will hesitate and be unable to fulfill her duty as a subordinate.

Lefiya is a special case.

So, she wants to use her words to make him dislike her and leave her.

Although it's a pity that she will not get a friend, she is happy that she will not implicate someone else with her.

"Well, if a beauty like you is a broom star then I don't think that I mind having a friend." Miyuki smiled and rubbed Filvis's face while speaking.

His years of watching Naruto were not for nothing.

At least he knows a little bit of mouth escape of the protagonist Naruto.

So, even if he doesn't understand Filvis's inner thoughts, he knows what he should say to move her heart.

"Really..." Filvis didn't stop Miyuki's frivolous movements.

Instead, she was thinking about what Miyuki said.

He is willing to be her friend even after knowing what happened.

This is the second person who treated her like this.

First was Lefiya.

As for Dionysus, he is her lord and main god, he belongs higher level, and he isn't a friend.

Miyuki's willingness to be her friend moved her heart.

So, even after knowing that it will cause trouble if she became Miyuki's friend, Filvis nodded and said, "Since you don't mind me, then I am willing to be your friend."

Hearing Filvis's words, a smile appeared on Miyuki's face.

"Then from now on, we are friends." Miyuki nodded.

Then he introduced himself in a formal way, "I am Ariyama Miyuki, please give me more advice in the future, my friend Filvis."

"I am Filvis Challia, please give me more advice." Filvis followed Miyuki and she also introduced herself.

"Since you treat me as a friend then let me help you a bit," Miyuki said and he stretched out the tip of his fingertip and touched Filvis's forehead.

Filvis didn't stop Miyuki from touching her because she could feel that he was full of kindness towards her.

Then, Filvis found that a gentle wave of magic power entered her body from the fingertip of Miyuki's hand.

Then all the irritable and berserk magic she gained from swallowing monster stones calmed down under this wave of gentle magic power.

Feeling the warmth spreading throughout her body, Filvis couldn't help closing her eyes and letting Miyuki continue.

In just a few minutes, Filvis found that all the monster stones she has ever swallowed completely melted in her body, and her magic power which should have been full of irritation and impurity has become extremely pure.

Now, she could no longer feel the monster-like feeling and felt more like a human(elf).

"You..." Filvis looked at Miyuki and she took a step back vigilantly.

He was able to let her absorb all the monster stones in her body and he could also calm her irritable magic power.

Even he could make her feel like she was an elf again.

At this moment, Filvis can't help but be wary of Miyuki because what he did was too shocking.

In her mind, maybe her identity as a mixture of monsters and humans has been exposed.

And, maybe Miyuki pretended to befriend her in order to use her for something.

"Ah..." Miyuki was stunned by Filvis's sudden wariness, but then he understood after thinking for a moment.

Miyuki looked at Filvis and said, "I felt that your magic power was quite impure and irritable. With such magic power, you must experience a lot of pain from time to time."

"So, I used my skill to help you soothe your magic power and make it purer."

"After all, I can't watch my friend being in pain because of magic power."

"So that's it." Hearing Miyuki's explanation, most of Filvis's vigilance vanished and she nodded and at the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her newly gained friend only wanted to help her and he had no intention of harming her.

Filvis can feel that Miyuki has only helped her and he didn't do anything.

She also knew that the magic power gained from monster stone was impure and berserk.

So, it's normal for an excellent magician to be able to her situation.

So, Miyuki being able to tell her condition isn't unreasonable.

And he also helped her by making her magic purer.

Therefore, Filvis believed Miyuki.

And she was relieved that Miyuki didn't find her identity because she didn't want to lose another friend because of her monster and human mixture identity.

"Sorry, Miyuki, I thought that you wanted to do something." Filvis immediately apologized and continued, "I am sorry for misunderstanding you."

"It's okay, anyone would be wary." Miyuki waved his hand and said he didn't mind.

In fact, he just used [ Solomon ] to control the magic power in Filvis's body and then make it purer through some purification magic.

As for why he did this.

That's cause he wanted to help Filvis.

If he doesn't want Filvis to change into a monster, he needs to let her digest all the monster magic in her body and make it pure.

Otherwise, even without Dionysus, she will become a monster.

Next, Miyuki chatted with Filvis for a while and he also exchanged his knowledge of magic with her.

After going through the Reincarnated Slime World and gaining the skill [ Solomon ], his magic knowledge reserves are huge.

Filvis was shocked by Miyuki's magic knowledge reserve, but then felt it was normal.

After all, being able to see through her body situation and help her, Miyuki must be a master of magic.

Miyuki's unintentional move of discussing magic knowledge removed the last bit of suspicion in Filvis's heart.

And Filvis talked about magic with great interest.

As a mage, she is also extremely happy to discuss magic.

Next, Miyuki and Filvis talked about magic and their relationship quickly drew closer.


After the chat with Filvis, he sent her back to the Dionysus familia.

When he sent her back, Miyuki found that Dionysus's face was black like a bottom of a pot.

After seeing such a Dionysus, Miyuki felt quite happy but because Filvis was there he didn't laugh.

Later, he left the Dionysus familia under the cold gaze of Dionysus.

Back home, Miyuki was targeted by Hestia.

"So, tell me, have taken a fancy to that Fil or whatever elf girl." With black air behind her, Hestia asked with an extremely kind smile.

She does allow Miyuki to have several women.

But leaving in the middle of a date, even if there is a reason, she will not easily let go of Miyuki.

Seeing the smile on Hestia's face, Miyuki shivered for no region.

At this time he understood that he would be unlucky if said something wrong.

"That girl is Lefiya's friend and I felt impure and berserk magic power inside her. So, in order to check on the situation, I left." Miyuki racked his brain then he told the truth but slightly modified it.

The only thing he didn't tell was Filvis's real identity.

"I don't want to hear this. Tell me if you have any idea about her." Hestia didn't listen to Miyuki's words and still kept asking with the same kind smile and black air behind her.

Miyuki was stumped by Hestia's question.

When it comes to Filvis, he indeed has extreme pity and he did help her because of it.

But if we talk about beauty then Filvis is a top-notch elven beauty.

So, if he says he has no thoughts then it is a lie.

After all, no matter how much he emphasizes love, the main attractive point is still beauty.

Only after being attracted by beauty will people give birth to love.

As for people who don't look at appearance and give birth to love.

They must be either childhood sweethearts or someone who has spent a long time with each other.

Miyuki is indeed attracted by Filvis and has thoughts about her because of her beauty but these thoughts are only possessive and greedy.

"I do have thoughts about her." Miyuki wasn't someone who would hide his thoughts and desire, so, frankly admitted.

But even truth needs the whole truth, so, Miyuki continued, "But that's only because of her beauty. So, unless I truly fall for her, I will not chase her."

Hestia, who was executing black air calmed down after hearing Miyuki's words and she sighed.

Why did she have to fall in love with a guy like Miyuki?

Although he is responsible, kind, gentle, etc. and everything about him is good.

But his attractiveness toward women is too much.

And why can't you lie to me?

Hestia looked at Miyuki and some complaints appeared.

Sigh! Who made me like him?

Sighing in her heart, Hestia didn't pursue Miyuki any further.

She knew that Miyuki would really not chase Filvis if he didn't fall for her.

But is it possible that a guy like Miyuki can remain calm when facing a beauty like Filvis?

Hestia knew full well that she was going to let Miyuki add another member to his big harem.

It's just, she can't help Miyuki. After all, she had prepared for this situation from the beginning.

And according to Meteria, there will only be more and more women around Miyuki in the future.

So, if she can't even let go of Filvis who has yet to confirm the relationship, what will she do about those girls who will truly have a relationship with Miyuki in the future?

"Escaped the catastrophe." Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Hestia calm down.

He knew that Hestia has let him go for now.

Just when Hestia was immersed in her thought and Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief, the door of the living room was opened with a 'bam'.

"Dad..." A long white-haired girl with red ruby eyes stepped into the living room then she directly flew into Miyuki's arms while calling him.

"Bell..." Miyuki gently held Bell who jumped on him and he moved her long white hair from his face then he looked speechlessly at Bell.

Bell, this girl is really too close to him.

Even now, she is pressing her whole body on him.

Even though he is indeed her father and even has a blood connection with her, Miyuki will inevitably react when a beautiful girl with otherworldly beauty like Bell hugs him.

If she wasn't his own daughter then maybe something might have happened between them.

"Dad, dad, dad..." Bell kept muttering Miyuki's name and she greedily took a deep breath of the scent on his body.

"Really, you girl..." Miyuki smiled helplessly and rubbed Bell's head.

Bell is really like a child who yearns for her father's love. He can't disappoint her by becoming a ghost father.
