Nyrissa stared around her apartment with indecision. She couldn't decide what to pack and what to donate. Her best friend, Amanda, looked around the room, just as lost. Amanda was still in shock after Nyrissa had told her everything that was going on.
Nyrissa never lied to Amanda, and she wasn’t about to start now. Amanda was the only person in her life that knew all of her deep dark secrets, and Nyrissa trusted her not to judge no matter what.
Amanda knew about her little issue, and Nyrissa hadn’t been able to stop herself from gushing about the fact that she’d had an orgasm for the first time in a LONNNGGG time. Nyrissa had admitted in the end that she thought it had been because of Ryan and Quentin.
Amanda had been equally shocked at both revelations. But had managed to get over Nyrissa’s announcement of her upcoming nuptials a lot easier than the confession about her recent mind-blowing orgasm.
While Nyrissa was still reeling from both.