Chapter 13-  The Mysterious Egg (Revised)

Dave allowed Sophia to continue moving, his focus now shifting entirely to the auction.


The owner of the auction house stood up in the center of the stage and addressed the audience. "Thank you for coming to my auction house, and I apologize for the delay due to the large number of guests present."

"Our Auction Hall is delighted to have all of you attending our event, and I can assure you that everything we are auctioning today is well worth it."

"I won't keep you waiting any longer; let's commence the auction."

With that, he clapped his hands, and a woman carrying items covered with curtains walked towards him. She bowed and then unveiled the first item.

Frank addressed the crowd, "Our first item is the Spider Fruit, which has the ability to heal internal injuries, suitable for anyone below the Emperor rank."

"The starting price is 10,000 gold coins, and each subsequent bid must increase by at least 1,000 gold coins."

The crowd was taken aback because the Spider Fruit was a rare item, and many individuals present had accumulated internal injuries over time, making it a highly sought-after commodity.

Suddenly, one of them placed a bid, "15,000 gold coins."

"25,000 gold coins."

"40,000 gold coins."

They continued to bid one after the other, and eventually, the Spider Fruit was sold for 60,000 gold coins, with an old man emerging as the winner.

Frank proceeded to showcase the other items but noticed that the VIP room was not showing much interest. He felt a tinge of disappointment but understood that the mysterious egg was the primary reason for their presence.

Dave, too, had no interest in the other items. Frank was correct in assuming that Dave was solely here for the mysterious egg.

There were other VIP guests in attendance, but the location where Dave was situated represented the highest VIP status one could attain, just below that of the emperor or the guardian. 

Frank wanted to make a favorable impression on this particular individual. Investigating the person's identity was strictly forbidden, as the sole purpose of their presence was to conduct business. 

VIP cards were unique and tamper-proof, bearing the seal of the emperor, ensuring that no one could duplicate or deceive others in creating a VIP card.

Right now, Sophia was riding his cock nonstop, and she was moaning loudly as her face was filled with lust and pleasure.

10 minutes later, Sophia was tired, so they changed position and he let Sophia face the wall glasses that focused on the stage and then continued to hit her from behind.

Plok! Plok! Plok!

Dave continued to enjoy himself with Sophia, but he kept an eye on the auction to see if any interesting items would be presented.

As he was engaged in his activities, Frank suddenly revealed the 21st item, a rusty and broken sword with a mysterious origin.

Frank addressed the crowd, "This sword's origins are very mysterious as it was recently discovered by one of our miners. Despite being rusty and broken, it exhibited incredible strength. Even Emperor-level items couldn't scratch it."

He encouraged the bidders, "You can state the price as we don't know how to appraise its value."

The audience was taken aback by the revelation, their faces reflecting avarice. Dave, too, looked at it with keen interest, and then he received a notification from the system.

[Ding! The system detected a fragment of a Heavenly Sage Rank Item. Please acquire it, and you can convert it into numerous Sin Points.]

Dave was surprised by the notification and decided to bid for the item. 

He didn't cease his activities with Sophia even as he placed his bid.

He declared, "500,000 gold coins."

The crowd was stunned and turned their attention toward the VIP room. They knew it was a person they couldn't provoke, and no one dared to bid against him for a rusty sword.

Dave was pleased to secure the item and increased the intensity of his actions with Sophia, who was now moaning with lust.


Five minutes later, Frank moved to the last item, and the audience was brimming with anticipation, as this was what they had all come for.


Frank addressed the audience, "I know that this mysterious egg is the reason you came here. We still can't identify what kind of egg it is, but I am sure that it belongs to a divine beast, judging by the aura it emits."

With that, he removed the curtain covering the egg, revealing a 1.5-meter black egg that exuded a powerful aura beyond the reach of a normal King-level creature.

The sight excited everyone, including Dave. He glanced at Sophia, who looked exhausted and had assumed the role of a mere object for his pleasure. 

Dave decided to conclude his activities, and after reaching satisfaction, he shifted his focus back to the auction.

Dave examined the egg and sensed a potent and oppressive aura emanating from it. The egg was brimming with vitality, and he could feel its extraordinary power.

Frank continued, "This egg is a mystery, and we discovered it in the deepest part of the Dark Gale Forest. We can't identify the creature inside, but the likelihood of it being a dragon is slim."

He announced, "The starting bid is 1 billion gold coins," prompting an immediate flurry of bids.

"1 billion gold coins."

"2 billion gold coins."

Despite the slim chance of it being a dragon egg, many were willing to take the gamble.


The scene grew chaotic as numerous prominent and wealthy figures placed their bids, some even resorting to veiled threats.

"44 billion gold coins."

The one who bid this exorbitant amount was Count Marvin, a high-ranking figure in the empire and, naturally, immensely wealthy.

Being a count, Count Marvin possessed numerous properties and had a multitude of business partners. His high status and influential connections deterred all but a few from attempting to provoke him.

Many participants withdrew from the bidding as they couldn't afford to continue.

Some began plotting ways to snatch the egg.

"45 billion gold coins."

Suddenly, a voice was heard, and everyone turned their attention to the source of the voice.

They saw that it was Count Michael who held the same position as Count Marvin. Everyone knows that they hate each other because Count Marvin, in secret, impregnated Michael's wife by having an affair with her and now shares the same position as Michael.

After five years, he started treating his wife with love and taking care of Marvin's child. However, as the child continued to grow, he noticed that the child's face was very different from his. He begged the doctor to determine if the child was truly his.

Later, he discovered that the child was indeed Marvin's, as their faces were identical. Michael was furious to the point of wanting to kill his wife and the child, but Marvin saved them. He then took them away from Michael's territory and brought them into his own.

Everyone was aware of this situation, but they didn't dare to disrespect Michael since he held the title of Count.

Marvin looked at Michael and said, "Don't buy into this, maybe I'm the father of this child."

Everyone was stunned, trying to suppress their laughter, but they couldn't hold back, and laughter filled the room.

Michael became enraged as this remark reminded him of his past, and he turned toward the crowd. 

"I will kill you," he threatened, about to take action, but Frank immediately intervened.

"Please, Count Michael, don't create trouble here. It's against the rules, and the emperor supports it."

Michael immediately calmed down and said, "Okay, but I'm not finished with you." He then showed his middle finger to Marvin.

Dave, on the other side, laughed and enjoyed the scene. Marvin smiled and bid once more, saying, "47 billion gold coins."

Amused by their interaction, Dave suddenly placed his bid. He had 100 billion gold coins on his card, so he was confident that he would win.

"50 billion gold coins," Dave announced, raising the bid significantly.

The room fell into silence, with everyone stunned by Dave's bold move. 

Fifty billion coins represented a quarter of the wealth of a Duke, and yet the other party appeared nonchalant, showing no concern about losing the money. 

Furthermore, they were in the highest VIP room, which made the other bidders hesitant to continue. No one wanted to offend such an influential figure.