Chapter 14- The Black Dragon (Revised)

Chapter 14 - The Black Dragon

Count Marvin and Michael immediately conceded, recognizing that the VIP owner had a substantial amount of money at their disposal. 

Despite their titles as Counts, they did not have VIP cards, which were reserved for those with the highest status in the Empire.

Dave, as the successor and only child of the guardian, was an exception, as his father had requested a VIP card from the emperor on his behalf. 

The emperor, unwilling to undermine the guardian's reputation, had granted the request.

Frank looked toward the VIP room where his daughter was located and felt a surge of happiness as they had sold the mysterious egg for a high price.

"50 billion gold coins from our VIP room; does anyone wish to make a higher bid?" Frank inquired.

Since no one responded, he decided to sell the item to Dave.

"Congratulations to the owner of the VIP room for winning the mysterious egg," Frank declared, then smiled at everyone.

"I would like to express my gratitude for your presence here. I hope to see you return in the future. To those who have won bids, please take your items to the rear of our auction house."

With a bow, Frank concluded the auction.

Dave looked at Sophia, who couldn't move due to their intense session. 

Sophia gazed at him with love, as she had become obsessed with him. She felt very satisfied, and he was the one who had taken her virginity, so she planned to make him take responsibility.

Dave understood her thoughts and smiled, saying, "Put your clothes on and look for me if you ever miss me." He handed her a card with his name and address.

Sophia read it and was stunned, now understanding why he was so rich and had a VIP card. 

She smiled sweetly, feeling that it wasn't a loss, as many other women would dream of being with him. 

Dave was the embodiment of every lady's dream in the empire, and it was a bonus that he was not only wealthy and exceptionally good-looking but also destined to become a formidable powerhouse in the future, provided nothing untoward happened.

She watched his retreating figure and thought to herself, "I'll see you if I have time." 

She remembered their passionate encounter and how boldly she had faced the wall of glass, letting Dave dominate her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . 

Dave walked towards the place where he would claim his items. He didn't conceal his face, so many recognized him, now aware that he was a VIP member. 

Some who had considered snatching the items discarded their thoughts, not willing to risk their lives.

Everyone knew how ruthless his father could be if his son was involved in an incident. 

When Dave was five years old, the Duke of the Phoenix Empire hired an assassin to target Dave due to a grudge against Lucas. 

Fortunately, Lucas had placed his butler near Dave secretly to protect him, resulting in the butler eliminating all the assassins and forcing them to confess.

Lucas, who was far from home, rushed back to check on Dave and learned of Duke Kayser's involvement. 

He promptly retaliated by attacking the Duke's estate, killing many guards and the Duke's family. 

He captured Kayser, crippled him, and hung him near the Dragon Empire Gates as a warning to those who plotted against his son. Duke Kayser eventually died of hunger and exhaustion.

The Emperor of the Phoenix Empire was furious but lacked the courage to confront the Dragon Empire, which was much more powerful. 

Following that incident, no one dared to harm Dave, and every family taught their members to recognize his face and avoid provoking him.

As Dave walked, he saw the person in charge of the items bow to him and hand over a spatial ring. He checked its contents and found it complete before leaving the auction house. He didn't continue strolling and headed to his dorm to inspect his winnings and items. 

With 50 billion gold coins still at his disposal, he didn't need to worry about money. He could also ask his father for funds, but he refrained, being a dutiful son.

He checked his Sin Points and was pleased to see a substantial increase:

[Sin Points Gained today: 50,000]

[Stored Sin Points: 10,000]

[Total Sin Points: 66,000]

Satisfied with his gains, he retrieved the sword and asked the system to convert it:

[Ding! You converted a Fragment of a Heavenly Sage Level Item]

[You've Gained 50,000 Sin Points]

[Total Sin Points: 116,000]

He decided to hold off on using his skill points to level up, as he first wanted to see what was inside the egg. He pricked his finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall on the egg, which absorbed it.

Three minutes later, the egg cracked open, revealing a cute beast. Dave laid eyes on a one-meter black dragon, a baby with a strength level in the Low-tier Emperor range.

 It was a powerful but tiny creature. Dave had read in novels that some protagonists always had a dragon pet and traveled the world with them. 

The thought excited him as he imagined riding on the dragon's back.

The dragon looked at him with innocence and regarded Dave as its mother. 

Dave held the dragon in his hands and checked its gender, finding that it was a male dragon. 

He sighed in relief since female dragons, as depicted in books, were often arrogant and problematic, whereas male dragons were more serious and inclined to sleep.

He examined the dragon's status:




Race: Ancient Dragon


Age: 1 day old


Power Level: Low-tier Emperor


Technique: None


Hp: 7000/7000


Mp: 20,000/20,000


Str: 400


Agi: 500


Int: 200


Description: Hungry

= = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Dave was stunned to discover that the cute dragon in his hands was an ancient dragon, the oldest and most potent species of dragon. He resolved to train it well.

"You don't have a name, so I will give you one," Dave said. He thought of a cool name for two minutes and decided on "Draco." 

The cute dragon didn't understand him, but it nodded as if agreeing.

Afterward, Dave immediately prepared food for the baby dragon.