Chapter 28-Ladies Advancement

Chapter 28-Ladies Advancement

Dave opened his eyes and saw that the ladies were still sleeping. All of them look tired but they show a satisfied smile on their face. Dave had done his job nonstop and yet he still felt energetic and it made the ladies feel stunned because of his extraordinary endurance.

They felt that both of them were not enough to make him satisfied and they could not handle him on their own.

Dave smiles and then he uses his skill, for them not to be awakened. He wanted them to take their rest.

He immediately stood up and went to the bath to clean himself. As he looks at himself in the mirror, he sees how good his body right now and he can feel that there are many changes in himself as he continues to grow stronger.


[Ding! System Report]

Sin Points: 20,000

Stocked Sin Points: 10,000

Dual Cultivation: 25,000

Sleeping: 500

Total Sin Points: <55,500>


The system is now automatically reporting every morning.

It was more convenient as he can always monitor his points.

He plans to buy the sword in the shop as his sword was destroyed when he killed an assassin.

He also know that the item in the shop are extraordinary and it perfectly sync with his powers.

He was now feeling poor as it cost 5 million sin points and his sin points are not enough to buy the sword.

He felt that the sword is calling for him and he was eager to collect sin points to buy it.

The sword is good as it will continue to grow together with the host and it had an endless evolution and potential.

He plans to look for a sword later to use temporarily until he bought the Black Dragon Sword.


3 hours later, Dave had finished his physical training and he had done many sets of training and he wanted to assess his powers.

He was being topless when having a training outside his dorm and he feels like if he was on earth, he will be already the strongest.

After training, Dave cooks food as usual and Draco was now used to sleeping outside as long as you left him some food.

Draco can now grow to 6 meters but he was still a baby dragon. To dragons, one must be at 500 years old to be called teenager and 5000 years old to become adult.

Draco acts like a cat as he always wants to appear smaller and sleep every day. He was in a size of an ordinary cat as Dave also commanded him so that it will be more manageable for him to inside his dorm.


Dave saw that the ladies were awake, and he smiled at them.

"Good Morning."

The ladies knew him as he likes them to eat together so they took their seat. They ate their food and Dave saw that their strength was elevated.

Rose was now a Mid-tier King and Susan was now a Low-tier king.

Dave feels like he can create a harem army if he works hard to plow them.

He remembers that he needed to visit his father today because it's weekends.

Dave then asked them to come with him to visit his father.

They didn't refuse as they were now nervous to meet the Guardian.

Meeting the guardian is rare and if one is in front of him, they must act cautiously to not provoke him or else their fate is worse than death.


In Lina's office, Lina who was sleeping suddenly opened her eyes and saw that she was in the big bed and she didn't wear any clothes.

She remembered how Dave finally confess to her and how wild they did yesterday

She smiled sweetly when she remembers how Dave loved her as he even put her into a bed and covered her with blankets.

She was just disappointed to not see him when she woke up but she saw a letter that Dave left and she smiled when she read it.

"I love you"

It was the words that Dave left. It was short but it was sweet.

She finally composed herself and saw many marks all over her body.

She immediately went to take a bath and she plans to visit him in his dorm today.

After 30 minutes, she left her office then walked toward his dorm.

As she was walking, she felt that she was near advancing into the Mid-tier Emperor.

She was stunned by this discovery, and she immediately feels like Dave has something to do with it.