Chapter 29-Visiting Home (Revised)

Chapter 29 - Visiting Home

Lina was exceptionally beautiful, turning heads wherever she went.

However, her beauty was accompanied by a fierce reputation, making her a respected professor at the Academy.

Considered a genius for achieving such a high rank at a young age, Lina had been personally trained by the dean, who also served as her teacher.

Due to the dean's protective nature and Lina's strength, nobody dared to disrespect her, as those who tried often faced unfavorable consequences.

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Lina gazed at herself in the mirror, marveling at her enhanced beauty.

Her skin, already smooth, now seemed crystalline without a single blemish.

She pondered whether this transformation was a result of love, recalling the rumors she had heard from her female friends about becoming more beautiful when in love.

Blushing at the thought of Dave's handsome face, Lina realized that she had fallen for him deeply—her first experience with love.

Having never been in love before, Lina felt a mix of confusion about how to approach and treat her newfound emotions.

"I will follow the flow," she resolved, deciding to visit Dave and have a conversation.

Choosing a beautiful outfit instead of her usual professor's uniform, Lina aimed to present herself as attractive in front of Dave.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Dave's dorm was just a short 7-minute walk away, and upon reaching it, Lina noticed the stark difference from others.

His residence resembled a mini-mansion, surrounded by beautiful scenery.

The air was fresh, and the privilege Dave enjoyed as the son of the guardian was evident.

Even a professor like Lina couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy, as the mana in this place was denser than in other locations.

As Lina approached Dave's dorm, she saw him exiting, accompanied by two women who followed him closely like devoted puppies.

"Susan Kern and Rose?"

Lina recognized both women, well-informed about individuals with high status in the empire.

Duke Kern's reputation resonated throughout the empire as a loyal warrior to the emperor, known for many heroic deeds.

She knew he was overly protective of his daughter, Susan, but hadn't expected to see her here.

Rose, on the other hand, was a fierce woman with a disdain for men.

Known for beating many nobles who tried to approach her, she was one of the emperor's favored children.

Lina hadn't anticipated that they were already involved with Dave, though rumors and her experiences hinted at his romantic nature.

Reading reports about Dave, she was aware of his reputation as a certified womanizer.

Knowing she couldn't monopolize him, Lina accepted her role as a supporter.

In this world, having multiple wives was considered normal, especially among the strong and respected.

Dave, accompanied by the two women, was taken aback when he spotted Lina outside his dorm.

She had become even more beautiful, shedding her previous cold aura. Clad in gorgeous attire, she was truly mesmerizing.

"Teacher Lina?"

Rose looked surprised, and Susan gave Lina a sly smile, figuring out what was on her mind.

Dave, still a bit lost in thought, quickly regained his composure.

He moved closer, putting his arm around Lina's waist, and asked, "Hey, is everything okay with your body? Do you need to rest?"

Concerned about her well-being after their passionate encounter, Lina softened.

She hugged him like a woman in love, blushing at his straightforward comments in front of Susan and Rose.

Smiling, Lina responded shyly, "I'm fine, thank you for asking. I just wanted to see you, so I dropped by. Didn't expect to find you with two other ladies."

Lina's words hinted at a touch of jealousy, and Dave, catching on, kissed her forehead and reassured her, "No need to be jealous. Susan and Rose are also my lovers, so let's all get along, okay?"

Dave's charming smile made Lina nod, and he couldn't help but find her endearing in her playful jealousy.

Turning to Susan and Rose, Dave said, "Rose, Susan, meet Lina. She's also a special someone in my life, so treat her like a sister, alright?"

Dave's introduction to Lina made Rose feel a bit awkward, considering Lina was her teacher.

However, Susan warmly hugged and greeted Lina, making her feel more at ease.

Curious about their plans, Lina inquired, "By the way, where are you guys headed?"

Dave smiled and shared their day's agenda. "We're going to visit my dad. I thought it was about time you all met him. He'll be happy to meet you."

Lina felt a sudden nervousness at the prospect of meeting the person safeguarding the empire.

Even Susan and Rose, who had encountered Dave's dad before, admitted to feeling a bit nervous.

With no other plans for the day, Lina agreed to join them.


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As they traveled to the carriage his father had prepared beforehand, Dave noticed the absence of many soldiers. Only a butler and two maids appeared.

Dave recognized them—they were also geniuses in their generation but chose to serve Lucas by becoming maids and a butler.

The butler was at the peak of Sage, while the maids were at low-tier Sage.

Bowling respectfully, they greeted him, "Young master, the carriage is ready for you to travel to the old master's mansion."

Respecting him as the only son of Lucas Alexander and aware of his close relationship with the guardian, they didn't dare to stare or gossip about the three gorgeous women behind him, knowing it could endanger their lives.

Dave smiled, exchanged greetings, and led the three girls inside the carriage.

During the journey, they conversed about Dave, mentioning his dual cultivation skills and how their strengths were advancing rapidly.

Initially, Lina felt shy as they openly discussed these matters in front of her, but she soon realized that they weren't reserved when it came to Dave.

As they chatted, Lina started to understand that Dave played a role in her sudden increase in beauty and loosening cultivation.

Despite feeling tempted to join them, she maintained a more reserved demeanor, mindful of her role as their teacher.

Meanwhile, Dave pondered about his father's level. He was certain that Lucas had somehow surpassed the Heavenly Sage stage.

The known stages ranged from body refining to heavenly sage, but Dave had a hunch that there might be more levels above them.

However, he knew he wasn't currently qualified to delve into that knowledge.