Chapter 30-Discovered (Revised)

Chapter 30-Discovered

The journey to the mansion proceeded without a hitch, and as the insignia of the Alexander family became visible, no one dared to obstruct the carriage.

An hour later, Dave and his girlfriends arrived at the mansion.

Throughout the journey, Dave relished in conversation with the ladies. Having three beautiful women by his side made him feel like the emperor of a nation.

The Alexander family mansion was a stunning display of wealth and power, situated in a vast estate that seemed to stretch endlessly.

As the ladies arrived for the first time, they couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer luxury that surrounded them.

The entrance was grand, with fancy marble columns reaching toward the sky.

The driveway was lined with well-kept gardens, filled with colorful flowers and fancy plants.

The smell of blooming flowers wafted through the air, adding to the beauty of the surroundings.

The mansion itself was a work of art, with tall spires and intricate details that showed off the family's long-standing wealth.

Stained glass windows portrayed scenes of historical events, telling the story of the Alexander family.

Ivy and roses climbed the outer walls, giving a touch of natural beauty.

Inside, they were greeted by a fancy entrance with a big chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.

The floors were made of polished marble that reflected the bright lights. E

Even the gardens surrounding the mansion were impressive. There were well-kept hedges, fountains, and statues throughout the landscape.

The rocks on the ground seemed special, with veins of gold running through them, making it seem like even the earth itself was valuable.

In this grand mansion, every detail spoke of the family's wealth and power.

The ladies were left in awe, realizing that they had stepped into a world where even the rocks seemed to turn into gold, a sign of the Alexander family's immense prosperity and luxury.

Even Rose, a princess, admitted that the Alexander mansion surpassed her father's estate in grandeur and opulence.


Seeing their young master, the maids personally welcomed him and his girlfriends.

"Welcome, Young Master Dave. Welcome, young misses," they greeted with synchronized precision, displaying their well-trained manners and etiquette.

Though the maids appeared ordinary, a closer inspection of their cultivation revealed that they were on par with Lina, while some were even stronger.

Dave smiled and nodded in acknowledgment, and they continued to walk inside.

As soon as he left, many maids began whispering among themselves.

"The young master has acquired three new girlfriends in just a week; he is truly a legend."

"I wish I were one of those girls. I envy them."

"Hey, look at your face. The young master is not someone you can reach."

"Look at one of them; is she the princess? The other surely has a high standing in the empire."


Lucas was free today, and he knew that his son would be coming back. He had been out of the empire for many days due to important responsibilities as the guardian.

He managed his time well between his duties as the guardian and his responsibilities as a father.

Despite his occasional troublemaking as a womanizer, Lucas was proud of his son's talent and diligence in cultivation.

As Dave arrived with his three girlfriends and a cute little dragon, Lucas went to welcome him personally.

He noticed that Dave looked even stronger than before, and he was amazed at his son's progress.

"Welcome, son. You surely didn't forget to charm three new girls, huh?"

Lucas teased with a smile as he patted Dave's shoulder.

"It's good to see you safe, father. By the way, these are my girlfriends, and this is Draco, my cute pet," Dave introduced them to his father.

Lucas was shocked to see his son with three women of high status in the empire. He knew Rose and Susan, being friends with their fathers, and he recognized Lina as an emerging genius and the dean of the academy as well as the emperor praised her talent.

Dave also had a dragon as a pet, and Lucas had heard about various attempts to snatch it from his son in the dark.

He was impressed initially, but he swiftly instructed his men to check into those who tried to take the dragon from Dave and deal with them discreetly in the shadows.

Dave remained clueless about the behind-the-scenes actions his father had taken to secure him and his new companion.

Lucas, in his role as the guardian, used his connections and resources to shield his son from potential threats and ensure the safety of the dragon.

This showcased the lengths Lucas was willing to go to protect his son, even in matters that might seem inconsequential, such as acquiring a pet.

The connection between father and son was strong, and Lucas was determined to keep Dave safe from any potential harm.

Seeing his son's luck and the love he received, Lucas remembered his own love story and smiled warmly.

He gazed at his son, reflecting on the dreams he once had of creating a harem. However, those aspirations underwent a profound transformation when he encountered Dave's mother.

She became his everything, and he discovered that he didn't need multiple wives; she alone was sufficient.

Despite being one of the mightiest individuals on the continent, destiny played a cruel hand, and he couldn't prevent his wife from meeting her untimely fate.

Left with only memories of her, he devoted his boundless love to his son.

"Thank you for taking care of my son. Please enjoy your visit here, and just call me father," Lucas said, addressing the ladies.

The three women were flattered and replied in unison, "We greet you, Father."

Lucas looked at them with a pleased expression and supported his son's choices.

He then turned to Rose and asked, "Does your father know about this? I didn't expect the fierce princess to be hooked by my crazy son."

Rose panicked and replied, "My father doesn't know about this."

Lucas smiled warmly and assured, "No need to worry. I'll have a talk with him later, and I know he won't mind. To be honest, he has suggested several times that we engage the two of you, but I didn't want to pressure Dave."

"Now that you've found love together, I'm certain he'll be thrilled."

This revelation left everyone astonished, including Dave, who hadn't anticipated such proposals from the emperor.

Rose was pleasantly surprised, unaware that her father had considered engagement with Dave.

Dave noticed the genuine smile on Lucas's face, realizing that even the emperor would be delighted to hear about this development.

Turning to the maids, Dave instructed them to show the ladies to their rooms, understanding that there were matters to discuss between the father and son.
