Chapter 31- History (Revised)

Chapter 31- History

Dave and Lucas faced each other, both sipping on the wine Dave had prepared.

"Ah, this wine is truly delicious, Father."

Dave knew his father enjoyed collecting various types of wines, all of which were rare, delicious, and often costly.

Lucas gazed at Dave affectionately and remarked, "As expected of my son, reaching Sage level in just a few days."

Dave was stunned, quickly realizing how strong his father was to discern his cultivation even though he was concealing it.

Observing Dave's puzzled expression, Lucas explained, "You are my son, and I can see your movements are different from before. Also, don't underestimate the Guardian's power; you can't hide it from me, hehe."

"I don't know what opportunity you've come across, but please always be careful, and remember that I will always support you."

Dave smiled and replied, "Thank you, Father."

He couldn't disclose the existence of the system, not because he didn't trust his father, but for the sake of maintaining secrecy.

"Father, what realm is above Heavenly Sage? It feels like it's not the end of cultivation,"

Dave suddenly asked, fueled by curiosity.

Lucas wasn't surprised, considering Dave's level as an expert, so he smiled and said, "I didn't tell you this before because your level was still weak, but I didn't expect you to grow so fast. Now you have the right to know."

Dave listened attentively.

Lucas explained, "In the Spirit World, ordinary people are aware of the four continents ruled by four Empires. Each empire has numerous affiliated Kingdoms. However, what many don't know is that 499 years ago, there were exclusive clans that could rival an empire in the spirit world."

"These clans were filled with geniuses and formidable individuals. At that time, Grandmasters were commonplace, and Heavenly Sages were abundant. Following Heavenly Sage, there were Heavenly King Sage, Heavenly Emperor Sage, Venerable, Saint, Saint Lord, Saint King, Saint Emperor, and finally, Immortal."

"As these clans expanded and grew in strength, they became arrogant, desiring to rule the spirit world. The empires opposed their ambitions. Each Clan had at least one Immortal guarding it, intervening only when the Clan faced danger."

"Ten clans formed an alliance, persuading their Immortals to take action and proposing a plan for domination. They joined forces to attack the empires, viewing them as wealthy obstacles to their goals."

"Other clans chose to stay on the sidelines, fearing potential losses, while some had amicable relations with the empires. Despite having only two Immortals per empire, stronger than those of the clans individually, the three Empires succumbed to the united forces of the ten clans."

The Black Turtle Empire, Phoenix Empire, and White Tiger Empire suffered significant losses in the attacks by the top clans.

The war claimed the lives of many strong individuals, but despite the casualties, the clans persisted in their pursuit of their goals.

To preserve their strength, the three empires decided to retreat. Their divine beasts and Guardians were injured during the conflict, further emboldening the 10 clans, who announced their intention to attack the remaining empire, the Dragon Empire.

Unbeknownst to the aggressors, the strength of the Dragon Empire proved formidable.

When the 10 clans launched their attack, the Dragon Emperor decided to retaliate. The Dragon Empire showcased its might, boasting a total of 10 Immortals, 100 Saint Emperors, and numerous formidable figures, without even deploying their divine beast.

The 10 Immortals, including the Guardians of many generations, led by the Dragon Emperor's grandfather, proved overwhelming.

They efficiently eliminated Immortals from the attacking clans, showcasing the prestige and strength of the Dragon Empire.

In just a day, they eradicated all 10 clans, uprooting their foundations. The remaining clans, gripped with fear, chose to seal themselves within their domains.

Following this decisive victory, the Dragon Empire issued a decree, proclaiming that all clans must refrain from setting foot in the Spirit World for 500 years, or face eradication.

Faced with the credible threat, no clan dared to defy the decree. They secluded themselves within their domains, avoiding any appearance in the public realm for the next 499 years.

The Dragon Empire, having asserted its dominance, took no further aggressive actions. The empire was indifferent to ruling the world, and the other three empires suffered severe losses.

Apart from their injured Immortal Guardian and Divine Beast, many of their formidable figures perished in the battle, forcing them to rebuild from the ground up.

Creating a Heavenly King and those above it is challenging, requiring considerable time for recovery. This information was not common knowledge, with many assuming that reaching Heavenly Sage was the ultimate limit.

Over the course of 499 years, I speculate that they managed to regain nearly all of their strength. In contrast, our Empire did not suffer any losses and continued to flourish.

Our Empire's experts chose to seclude themselves from the world, and as time passed, many people forgot about us, assuming we were only on par with the other empires.

The current Emperor remains unaware of these details; only those who have reached Saint King and above possess the right to this knowledge.

"I'm sharing this with you because you are my son, so keep it to yourself and don't disclose it to others,"

Lucas emphasized, observing Dave's astonishment at learning about the Dragon Empire's power.

"So, our empire is the strongest force in the world, huh?"

Dave was amazed, and his father nodded, saying proudly, "Of course, our empire is the true ruler of this world, but we keep a low profile."

"The other empires don't have the guts to oppose us. Even though it seems like we've been at odds on the surface for many years, it's just a facade. In reality, they fear our strength."

"They don't want to make the same mistake again, and the true power of our empire is beyond their imagination."

"If we wanted, we could easily overthrow the other empires and become the sole rulers of the world. However, we follow Grandfather's command that we must never destroy other empires. As for the reason, you should not ask right now."

Dave nodded, understanding that certain information might be beyond his current capacity to comprehend.