Chapter 49- No.2 (Revised)

Chapter 49- No.2

Dave silently walks out of the dorm and enters the city. Despite the early hours, numerous people populate the streets, engrossed in their activities.

He can endure many days without sleeping due to his cultivation and the sin of sloth that bestows upon him the title of the lord of sleep.

As Dave walks along the road, he spots an injured woman heading toward him.

The woman, concealed by a hood, appears frail, with blood seeping from her belly.

"Please help me! Someone wants to kill me," she sobs.

Dave senses something amiss; it's implausible that others haven't noticed her, yet he seems to be the only one.

Additionally, her direct approach to him raises suspicion, considering she hasn't sought help from the nearest person.

Not easily deceived, Dave decides to play along, choosing not to act on his suspicions.

The woman kneels before him, crying, "Please help me."

She pleads, but Dave observes a peculiar move: as she draws near, she suddenly brandishes a knife and lunges at him.

Dave anticipated this turn of events, having already examined her status using his Magical Eyes.


Name: No.2

Age: 20

Race: Human

Power Level: Peak-tier Sage

Technique: Assassination, Stealth, Disguise

HP: 10,000

MP: 14,000

Strength: 700

Agility: 900

Intelligence: 800

Description: The second-strongest assassin of the Shadow House.


Her power was formidable, but in front of Dave, she seemed like a toddler.

He didn't know why she wanted to kill him, but he was not someone to be trifled with.

Dave didn't dodge as he spoke,


He activated his sin of <>, and the woman, who thought her mission was near completion, suddenly fell asleep.

Dave lifted her body and brought her into his hut in the forest, where he had left Dianne two days ago.

Dave tied her up on the bed and then removed her disguise. She was skilled at using disguises, and he didn't expect that she was a beauty on par with Susan.

Dave promptly lifted the effects of his skill - Sleep, and she woke up abruptly.

Dave looked at her with a smile and said, "Where is your base?"

He knew that the Shadow House was hired by the higher-ups of the Black Turtle Empire, but he didn't want to let it slide.

They had already attempted to assassinate him twice. If not for his rapid improvement, he was certain he would be a corpse by now.

No.2 was stunned because she believed the mission would be easy, merely having to eliminate a brat at the GrandMaster level. However, she had failed, finding herself now held captive.

No.2 looked at him and said, "You can't get any information about me, so just kill me."

Being a fully trained assassin, she had been groomed by her leader since childhood, ensuring her loyalty even in death.

Dave appreciated the challenge and smirked in response, "You know, I hate making a woman cry, and I can extract much information from you using my Hypnotizing skill. However, I prefer the thrill of full conquest, hehe."

After that, he removed all her clothes, and her fully naked body was shown to him.

"Wow, sexy I like it hehe"

No.2 was scared, and she screamed, "Kill me, and don't dare to touch my body."

Dave didn't care about her as he removed his clothes and put a barrier for others to not disturb him.

He caressed her plump chest and squeezed it.

"Ahhh". No.2 moaned and her face turned red.

"Since you don't like to obey me, I'll make you experience heaven so that you understand who you are dealing with."

Dave said as he kissed every part of her body. Her neck, breast, thighs, and her cave.

"Ahhh". After 3 minutes, No.2 can't take it anymore as she cum on his face.

"Wow, you are so lustful huh?"

Dave didn't even use his Lust Skills, but she was already aroused to this level.

"Please kill me".

She begged, tears streaming down her face. She didn't want to lose her virginity, yet she was adamant about not betraying her organization, fully aware of the formidable background Dave possessed.

Dave smirked and positioned his cock on her cave.

"Hehe, since you seem eager to meet your end, I'll ensure you experience heaven."

He pushed his cock without restraint and moved his hips roughly.


No.2 screamed as Dave plowed her roughly without even caring about her wailing.

Plak! Plak! Plak!

Dave reveled in pleasure; it was his first time imposing himself on an unknown woman. However, since she was his enemy, he lacked any conscience for those who sought to harm him.

Plak! Plak! Plak!

No.2 who was crying was now screaming in pleasure.



Dave then activated his Incubus Form, causing his body to undergo a sudden transformation, reaching a height of 3 meters.

Black wings emerged from his back, two horns adorned his forehead, and his eyes glowed red.

Now resembling a handsome demon, capable of charming any woman who laid eyes on him.

His already substantial member enlarged once again and penetrated No.2's confines.

"Ahhhh", she screamed as his cock was so big and she couldn't help but scream.

Plok! Plok! Plok!

He continued to fvck her till the morning and he only stopped when she lost consciousness.

She suddenly become a whore who begged for him to fuck her as her mind was chaotic because of his non-stop plowing.

They both lay on the ground as Dave deactivated his Incubus Form. This form can make him a sex machine who doesn't feel tired.

Dave already gained the information about the Shadow House as he hypnotized her while he was fvcking her.

He discovered that their leader, Karl, was a middle-tier Heavenly Sage, and their base was located in Ghost City near the border of the Black-Turtle Empire.

No.2 had been an orphan since childhood, abducted and forcibly trained by Karl to become one of his assassins.

Dave planned to eliminate them, but he knew he had to prepare himself first.

Observing No.2, who was still sleeping, he decided to use his Charm skill to make her his slave.

Being weaker than him, she succumbed to his enchantment, becoming a potential asset in dealing with Dave's future enemies.

Instead of using his "Absorption" skill on her, he placed her in his storage space, a unique system-provided dimension different from the typical storage rings available in the market.

This space could accommodate any living being and could be considered a small world.

Dave allowed No.2 to rest in the storage space and then returned to his dorm as it was already 8 am.