Chapter 50- Sandy (Revised)

Chapter 50- Sandy

After dealing with the woman who tried to assassinate him, Dave decided to return, knowing the girls must be looking for him.

Upon reaching his dorm, he found the ladies already prepared to go to school.

Susan, however, planned to visit her father, as she didn't have any other commitments.

Having been with Dave for many days, she felt her father must be missing her.

A self-proclaimed daddy's girl, Susan had been pampered by her father, making her a bit spoiled.

As Dave appeared, the ladies were stunned to see him looking even more handsome than before.

His hair now had a few golden strands, making him appear more attractive. He exuded a manly aura that could make any lady swoon.

The ladies stared at him, and Dave smiled at their reaction. His appearance had transformed, and his body was reborn through evolution.

If not for the need to go to school, he thought, he would have already taken them to a room for an intimate session.


In the classroom, Dave slept on the table as usual, and everyone turned a blind eye to it.

When he appeared, many congratulated him, and he only smiled at them, not rejecting their goodwill.

His current appearance was much more handsome than before, and they noticed significant changes in him.

Some even asked if he colored his hair because of the few golden strands in his long red hair.

The girls couldn't focus on studying because they couldn't help but look at Dave, whose charm underwent several improvements due to his evolution.

Everyone was gearing up for the school competition, and some fourth-year students took their time to break through to the emperor level.

In the competition, only those 19 years old and below were qualified to participate.

Feeling bored, Dave announced that he would go to the comfort room, expressing his desire to slack off.

Lina didn't mind him and continued teaching the class.


Dave walked towards the males' bathroom, not really needing to pee but feeling bored.

Inside the comfort room for males, his strong sense of hearing picked up the sounds of females laughing in the adjacent bathroom. The bathrooms for males and females were close, and with his extraordinary hearing, he could hear their giggles and conversations.

"Sandy? Are you sure you'll hate men forever? How are you going to find a partner someday if you continue to act like that?" teased one of Sandy's female classmates.

"True, do you know how good it is to have someone to rely on in the future and have a family as well," another added.

Sandy looked at them with a cold face and replied, "I don't care about men, and you don't have to worry about my matters."

After saying that, she left the comfort room hastily, unknowingly bumping into Dave.

Dave knew she was coming, but she was on his harem list, so he had to find a way for her to fall in love with him.

The unexpected event caught Sandy off guard, and despite her cultivation, she failed to notice Dave, resulting in a collision.

They both tumbled to the ground, and Sandy found herself pressed against Dave, their lips accidentally meeting.

Their bodies pressed together, sharing each other's warmth.

The other students in the room were stunned. Envious looks came from the females, while the boys regarded Dave with reverence, finally witnessing someone who could seemingly tame the cold woman.

Sandy was taken aback, finding herself in an awkward position. Attempting to stand up, Dave hugged her tightly, preventing her escape.

"You bumped into me, so you must take responsibility," he whispered into her ears.

Her face turned red as she couldn't break free from his grasp. She felt his strong muscles and noticed his pleasant scent.

Desiring to retaliate, she wanted to punch him, but she realized she couldn't afford to offend him, especially given his strength.

"Let me go, I am your senior," she said in a low voice, but Dave smirked and kissed her lips dominantly.

With the prey right in front of him, Dave wasn't about to let her go easily. He was a master at making women weak with just his kisses and touches, and an innocent woman like Sandy was easily swayed by his charm.

The onlookers were stunned and commented, "As expected of the handsome playboy; no beauties can escape his clutches."

Dave's tongue was wandering in her mouth and Sandy couldn't help but be in a daze as it was her first experience kissing someone and it was accidentally in public.

It was true that she was the one who bumped into Dave, but she didn't expect him to be arrogant enough to publicly kiss her.

She knew that she couldn't offend him, but even as she tried to resist, her body wasn't following her mind.

She had thought she hated men, but when it was Dave who took advantage of her, she didn't feel disgusted. Instead, she felt at peace when she was near him.

It was her first time feeling this, and the last instance she felt safe and warm was when she was embraced by her beautiful and warm mother.

Her mother always wore a smile every time she looked at her.

Her mother meant everything to her, and her death brought immense sadness, with the cause being her own father.

He killed her out of insecurity and jealousy, despite knowing how deeply her mother loved him, even in the face of his abusive behavior.

Her mother, a kind but non-cultivated human, couldn't resist her father's attacks.

Looking at Dave's handsome face, she realized he emitted a different aura compared to others.

She went along with Dave's movements, and Dave knew that she finally took the bait. Using concealment, they both disappeared into the crowd.

The onlookers couldn't process what they had seen, but they knew it would become a hot topic in the academy.