Chapter 57- Star Restaurant (Revised)

Chapter 57- Star Restaurant

Trent's mind was full of confusion as to why he was constantly dreaming like that.

He heard that all your desires were appearing in your dream, so he was scared as he knew that he didn't have that kind of interest.

After all, he was a healthy man, and dreaming about desiring his own father is abnormal.


He swore then cleared his thoughts as he went to the Shadow House headquarters.

They still didn't contact him, and he was irritated. He acted stealthily so that his father wouldn't notice him.

He traveled for only 1 hour to reach the current base of the assassins, then he appeared at the ordinary inn.

He felt something unusual as he didn't even see the guards. Usually, guards were guarding the entrance and asking for a code, but right now, it was deadly silent.

"What's happening? Has their security become this weak?"

He went forward, and he was shocked to see thousands of corpses lying there, and there was a head that he recognized.

It was Karl's head that was filled with fear and despair.


"How can this be?"

Trent was scared, and he was thinking about the possibility that it was the Guardian of the Dragon Empire who did it.

Trent knew the danger of targeting Dave, but his resentment was deep, so he hired other people to do the deed. But even the notorious assassin organization was eradicated.

He was overthinking that Lucas could see his transaction with Karl, and he was sure that even his father couldn't save him.

He immediately went back to the Empire as he wanted to ask his father for advice.


After class, Dave brought Draco and the girls into the city, and they gained a lot of attention as they were all handsome and beautiful figures.

The beauty of the girls and their royal aura indeed attracted everyone who saw them, but Dave, who was in the middle, was the main attraction due to his handsome face and temperament.

Dave gained many Sin Points while doing nothing, but he ignored them as they walked toward a restaurant.

It was a famous restaurant in the city, and many nobles were eating there, and even the emperor recommended it.

Dave walked towards the inn, then a thin man whose height reached 1.9 appeared in front of him. He had a mustache and bowed toward him. "Welcome for coming here Young Master Dave."

The guy was calm, as it showed that he was dealing with many nobles and those with high positions.

Dave nodded and replied, "Are you the manager?"

The man nodded and introduced himself. "I am the manager of Star Restaurant. My name is Allen, and if you need anything or are concerned, you can say it to me directly."

He was resting comfortably, but his men heard that Young Master Dave was walking in the direction of the restaurant, so he immediately prepared to welcome him personally.

After all, it's hard to meet the son of the guardian, and he can use this chance to show his goodwill.

He was respectful as Dave had a special status, and he is also a VIP member.

Dave nodded and went to take their seats. Many looked at them with envy as they were treated respectfully by the manager.

"Wow, is that Young Master Dave? He's enjoying life."

Some nobles who were also eating, and saw Dave, and their faces suddenly turned stiff.

They were nervous even though Dave wasn't looking at them. They didn't dare to gossip or look in their direction for fear of offending him.

The manager didn't treat those nobles with much respect, as he was prideful and the son of the minister of the empire. But now, he acted like a dog in front of Dave.

Dave had a lot of money from the Shadow House, so he said, "I want all of your dishes."

Allen shook his head and said with a smile.

"Young master, I will treat you today and let you eat for free."

Allen clearly wanted to gain his favor, but Dave saw it, and he didn't care about it. Business is business.

"No, I will pay for it. Do you think I don't have money?"

"Also, are you sure you can afford the cost of that dragon food?"

Allen was stunned, but he looked at the dragon who was salivating on other dishes and realized that the dragon had a huge appetite.

Allen nodded and replied, "In half an hour, Young Master."

He didn't insist because his business would bleed if he let them eat for free.

Dave nodded as he talked to the ladies while waiting.

The ladies were happy as he brought them to eat outside, as it was rare for them to have a bond like this.

Dave wondered if there was an arrogant young master who would come and destroy his mood.

He reads a lot of novels where when the protagonist is eating in a bar or restaurant, there will be an arrogant young master who will come in and destroy his mood.

The young master will flaunt his identity but later he will go on his knees and beg for forgiveness or sometimes slap himself.

He was tired of reading some novels with face-slapping and main characters who act righteous.

When the MC is near to being defeated, he will remember some memories with his friends and loved ones, then his power will increase, and he can defeat the villain who trained for many years.

After 30 minutes, the food was prepared, and they ate happily while Draco was eating like there was no tomorrow.

Dave was disappointed as he didn't see an arrogant young master.

Little did he know that no one dared to be arrogant, as many heard that he was eating in the restaurant that day.

The ladies saw that many women with thick makeup and revealing clothes were constantly coming to the restaurant and trying to gain his attention.

Dave didn't mind them, as he was used to them, so he ignored them and enjoyed his time eating.

After they finished eating, Dave paid Allen, then they both went back to his dorm as he finally appeased the ladies.