Chapter 58- Beast world (Revised)

Chapter 58- Beast world

Dave practiced with the ladies at night, and he didn't even feel tired.

He looked at the ladies lying in the bed with a satisfied smile.

Rose and Sandy were now Low-tier emperors, while Susan was a Peak-tier King.

Lina, on the other hand, was near to reaching Low-tier sage.

Dave was receiving many sin points every minute, so he was satisfied as he could become stronger without doing anything.

With his sloth skill, he could continue to get stronger just by sleeping, but he liked adventure.

Dave looked at the sleeping ladies and decided to go out. It was now 2 am, but he didn't need to sleep.

He went back to the forest where he usually trains and where he met the ladies from the Flower Academy.

He stretched his muscles and trained his body for some hours before he decided to stop. He felt stronger every minute, and his senses were strong after his evolution.

Suddenly, he felt like something was off when he decided to find a river to take a bath.

He looked at the surroundings and saw a clean river and was amazed because he could feel a fluctuation deep in the river.

He didn't know if it was a coincidence, but if others saw the river, they might not feel anything. Still, with his eyes, he could feel there was mysterious energy at the bottom.

"What is that?"

He scanned it with his magical eyes and saw a small portal manifesting by itself, and he guessed that it could be one of the domains his father told him about.

Lucas told him that many clans hid in their domain for 499 years.

The Empire released a decree that they must not step on the spirit world for 500 years, so he was sure that it was not the domain of clans and sects.

He scanned it using his magical eyes, but he couldn't see through it. He was nervous as he didn't know what would happen if he entered it.

He asked the system, "System, will I die if I go in?"

[Answering the host, this is a portal that can lead you to a different plane, so it is not dangerous. This portal means that the inhabitants of another planet were communicating with the spirit world, but they can't cross dimensions.]

"So, you mean, we can go there but they can't come here?"


Dave was stunned and looked at it and decided to try if he could gain anything from it. He was curious, so he went to the portal.

[Note: The portal will close in a minute, so please decide whether you will enter or not.]

Dave was stunned, but he murmured as he decided.

"I hope I am a protagonist who can turn misfortune into an opportunity."

He dived into the river and swam to the portal. He didn't hesitate even though he was nervous since the system told him that there is no danger.

As he stepped in, he didn't feel anything, but his surroundings changed.


Dave fell on the grassland awkwardly as he was still swimming a while ago.

He could see many large trees that reached 100 meters tall or higher. He felt like he was in a primeval era.

As he was thinking, he heard a notification in his mind.


[Ding! You gained sin points]

Gluttony + 10,000

Gluttony + 10,000

Gluttony + 10,000

Gluttony + 10,000


Dave was stunned, and he checked his surroundings.

He felt that many eyes were staring at him, and he was sure that they were monsters as they felt hunger when they saw him.

The greedy eyes were looking in his direction, and they were hiding in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike as prey.

Dave could see them in the bush with his magical eyes, and their aura could not escape his perception.

He could see a 5-meter wolf staring in his direction, and he had 20 underlings waiting for an opportunity.

Dave asked the system, "System, what world is this?"

[Answering the host, this world is called Beast World, and it is ruled by many strong mythical beasts.]

The system answered him, and he was shocked.

"Does that mean that the divine beasts of the Empires come from here?"

[Yes, and they are just ordinary beasts here, but they are treated as Divine beasts in the spirit world.]

[The purity of bloodline matters in this world, so the purer the bloodline, the stronger one gets and is worshipped by others.]

[The divine beasts of the spirit continent only have a normal bloodline, so they are nothing here in the Beast World.]

[Note: This knowledge is based on the information I gathered from the spirit world and the Beast World, so it might not be accurate.]

Dave was stunned and asked, "How many rulers does this world have?"

[Your level is insufficient to know the answer]

Dave sighed, knowing his level is low for now.

He must settle things here. He keeps receiving sin points from them.

The wolves are all at the sage level, and Dave guessed that the inhabitants of the Beast World are stronger than the spirit world inhabitants.

But their intelligence is surely lower than humans as they live primitively and only rely on their strength to survive.

"You think I am an easy target?"

Dave released his <>, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the forest changed as the wolves could feel negative energies coming from his body.

The wolves were scared and ran because they now realized that they are not the hunter; they were Dave's prey.


[Ding! You gained sin points]

Sloth + 5,000

Sloth + 5,000

Sloth + 5,000




Dave was stunned as to why he gained sin points from sloth, and he was confused before on how he can collect sin points from gluttony and sloth, so he asked the system.

"Why did I gain sin points from sloth? Is it just because they are scared of me?"

[Answering the host….]

[The sin of sloth is known as one of the seven deadly sins. The sin of sloth is a bit deeper than laziness, and that subtlety is found in the thing that keeps us bound up: fear.]

[If you are too lazy to do something, it means that you also fear something.]

Dave pondered, and he realized that the system was right. Becoming too lazy to do something means you fear it. "So, it means that I can get sin points for those who feel fear of me."

[Yes, just like the wolves earlier. They wanted to attack you, but they felt scared of your killing intent, and they became lazy to attack you, so they ran.]

Dave now realizes why he gained sin points like that. He looked at the running wolves and saw how fast they were. He disappeared from his place as he won't forgive anyone who tried to eat him.