Chapter 59- Beast Language (Revised)

Chapter 59- Beast Language

The wolf leader, who was running away, sighed in relief as he saw that Dave was not there anymore.

He sighed in relief as he was almost peed on the ground because of Dave.

Such killing intent made him fear for his life, and even if he was not smart, his sense was strong enough to know that the one they wanted to target is strong.

He could only blame his bad luck to meet such an enemy, and the killing intent he released was intense as if he had slaughtered millions of beings.

He looked at his members and saw that they were complete, so he was relieved.

Beast creatures are always fighting and hunting other beasts as it was the rule of the jungle, but some beasts treat their kin well.

The wolves like to move in packs, and they believe that the greater the number, the stronger they are.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw that his members suddenly fell to the ground without him even noticing.

He saw that they were alive, but they were sleeping.


"So, wolves are really cute when they are sleeping, hehe."

The leader of the wolf was stunned as he looked in the direction of the voice and saw Dave.

The wolf leader was scared, and he couldn't move his body as Dave's energy was restraining him.

Dave came near him and said, "What dish can your meat be cooked?"

"I hope your flesh is tender."

The wolf didn't understand his words, but he felt that he was planning something.

The wolf begged, "****&####**"

Dave was stunned as he saw that he was begging like a human.

He was prepared to kill those wolves, but he felt that their emotion were the same as humans, so he decided to see what the wolf wanted to say.

He asked the system, "System, can you teach me the language of this world?"

[Ding! Of course, but everything has a price.]

[Ding! You want to learn the beast language?] (-3,000,000 sin points)

"What? So expensive?"

Dave had a total of 20 million sin points right now, but he still felt that it was expensive. The greedy system must have wanted to rip him off.

[The host must be thankful as it is rare for a human to learn beast language]. The system retorted.

"Okay okay, I get it.''

He accepted it as he knew that he could not win an argument with the greedy system.

Suddenly, a lot of information came to his mind.

[Ding! You've learned the Beast Language]

[Deducting 3,000,000 sin points]

[Total Sin Points: 17,000,000]

Dave felt like his head was about to explode, but the transfer ended in just 10 seconds.

He looked at the wolf and heard him begging. "Please don't kill me. We are only hunting to feed our god."

Dave was stunned now that he could talk to the beast.

Maybe he can also understand Draco if he comes back.

Speaking of coming back, he asked the system.

"System, how can I go back to the spirit world?"

[Answering the host, you can't go back unless you go to the core of Beast World and gain its recognition.]


He was stunned, but he didn't panic as he had the system.

[Don't worry, host, everything can be done with the system as long as you have points.]

The system replied, and Dave felt that he was being scammed by the system and wanted him to spend sin points.

"How much is it to go back to the Spirit World?"

[It requires 50 million sin points to go back, and don't complain as it is the lowest offer the system can give.]

The system replied, and Dave felt that it made sense. It was hard to create a portal that could cross dimensions and planes.

Right now, he doesn't have that many Sin Points, but he can gain them faster here in the Beast World.

[Note: The time ratio in the Beast World is different. A day in the Spirit World is equivalent to 3 days in the Beast World.]

"Wow, I only read this thing in novels where the time is different, and some MC used this advantage to become stronger."

Dave was amazed and felt like it was an opportunity for him to get stronger faster as the time ratio was different.

He plans to stay here for many days and then go back to the Spirit World, as he is sure that his girlfriends and his father will worry about him.

His father would surely make the empire turn upside down just to find him, so he didn't want him to worry.

The girls, on the other hand, might get suspicious of him and think that he is womanizing.

"System, can I send a message to my father and girlfriends here?"

[I told you; everything is here as long you have the points.]

[It costs 1 million sin points for every message you send to them.]

Dave was amazed, so he sent a message to his father and Lina that he was practicing and not to look for him for many days.

He told them not to worry about him as it was an opportunity for him.

[Deducting 2 million sin points]

[Ding! The message was sent successfully.]

The message will be shown in their minds, and now Dave can finally move without worrying.