Chapter 7 Arriving in the city of Yong

When Ying Zheng came out of the bath almost everyone was in their camps.

He did not find anyone so he just climbed a tree and struggled for some time until he found a comfortable sleeping position and just slept there.

Although it was a bit cold outside Ying Zheng's Hanfu was a bit thick and could insulate his body heat better and the shoes helped him against the cold.

Ying Zheng slept while hugging the tree branch almost as if he was fucking it.


When everyone woke up the next morning they found Ying Zheng sleeping in a tree they could not imagine how this kid could sleep outside in the cold weather.

All that talking and snickering woke up Ying Zheng and Miss Yan.

When miss Yan saw that Ying Zheng slept on a tree she asked him while "Why did you sleep on the tree branch did I not tell you to come to me if you need help with anything."

"I am sorry miss I did not want to ruin your sleep."

Miss Yan sighed "it is no problem tonight you will be sleeping in my tent. Alright go eat breakfast and we will set off soon."

Food was prepared by the maids and a few cooks.

It took a while to prepare the food. They prepared some beef soup and bread.

And although the bread was very soft the beef did not have any spices and was not cooked well since they added too much water so he was practically eating bread water and meat.

It took Ying Zheng a lot of effort to pretend it was a good meal.

After breakfast, they started traveling immediately nothing interesting happened during the day.


Evening that day

Ying Zheng had the same food as in the morning and in fact, said that this was the best food he had eaten.

after finishing his dinner he went into Yan Yuxi's tent although it was a bit awkward.

Ying Zheng tried to get rid of the awkward atmosphere by shyly asking Yan Yuxi "Miss Yan what do you do?"

Yan Yuxi smiled and answered, "I am a merchant I sell goods."

"Oh! what do you sell miss Yan?"

"I sell clothing materials like cotton and silk."

"Oh! I get it now good night miss Yan."

Yan Yuxi was a bit surprised and was asked "Where are you going?"

Ying Zheng thought for a while and answered "I do not know. I will know when I get to the city."

Yan Yuxi was surprised "So you do not know what you are going to do."

Ying Zheng was displeased with her 'why the fuck did you just repeat what I said"

But he bore with her and asked "Miss is there a job that I can do in the city."

Yan Yuxi thought for a while and answered "There are many jobs to choose from for example soldiers, blacksmiths, miners, tailors, scholars, craftsman, priests, sword & weapon makers, and farmers. People would buy land, weapons, tools, and even silk if they are rich enough. So which job will you choose? So what will you choose?"

Ying Zheng thought for a moment and answered "Miss Yan what would you recommend I choose?"

Yan Yuxi immediately gave broad smile and said "You can work with me and my Yan family. We are a big merchant Family."

Ying Zheng immediately sneered inside but honestly smiled and said "I do not want to trouble Miss Yan I have already troubled you enough but how can I join the military?"

"oh, the military? But why the military?"

Although Ying Zheng was displeased inside he still answered with a smile "Miss Yan I believe I am quite strong in fact I was one of the strongest amongst my friends."

What Ying Zheng did not tell her was that it was the best way to further his career and become a general in two or three years then perhaps aim higher.

Yan Yuxi thought for a while and said "well the least I can do for you is to be stationed in a safe region without any wars and good pay."

Ying Zheng felt that he had to kill this woman 'why the fuck is she interfering with my business

"No thank you, Miss, but I could never pay you back for that and I want to serve my nation, and please do not bring it up again."

Thankfully she did not bring it up again.


Two months later.

In the Yong city of the Qin state.

"Alright goodbye everyone and thank you for helping me I really owe you a lot and I do not know what to repay you."

"No need kid come to us if they bully you in the military we are in the merchant section of the city come to us."

And while they were leaving Yan Yuxi shouted "do not forget to visit us kid."

Ying Zheng just smiled and nodded.

The man in the recruiting office just looked at him and smiled knowingly "My family is always like that when I leave home. My name is Jiang Yu what is your name?"

"My name is Ying Zheng nice to meet you, brother Jiang."

"Hahaha, well said brother Ying."

come let me introduce you to everyone in our platoon.


two weeks later

Troops started marching from Yong city towards the Gansu region and the inner Mongolia region.

Although they were not going to be fighting actively but if they annihilate a tribe of barbarians they could be promoted a notch.

Ying Zheng decided to be promoted to general in at least two to three years.


End of chapter

Responses to the problem of evil have traditionally been in three types: refutations, defenses, and theodicies.

The problem of evil is generally formulated in two forms: the logical problem of evil and the evidential problem of evil. The logical form of the argument tries to show a logical impossibility in the coexistence of God and evil, while the evidential form tries to show that given the evil in the world, it is improbable that there is an omnipotent, omniscient, and wholly good God. The problem of evil has been extended to non-human life forms, including animals suffering from natural evils and human cruelty against them.

God cannot be only righteous or only evil evil. That is only a human concept.

 God has to be everything and nothing explainable and non explainable good and evil water and fire. 

However my belief and the foundation of this world is God has to exist even if he doesn't. God is a position to be surpassed never to be reached and even if we reach it, it has to go further.