Chapter 8 Carrot and stick

six months later.

Ying Zheng was now sixteen years old. He was 180 centimeters tall. His physique was even bulkier than a barbarian. His past shoulder hair was tied in a bun covered by his black military helmet which covered all the way around his neck.

He could now defeat ten barbarians with some difficulty and could defeat twenty Zhou Dynasty warriors easily.

In the past six months, he had killed three hundred and sixty nine barbarians and was promoted to lead a company of a hundred men, and was due to be promoted to the junior grand master of a 500 men battalion.

In order to gain this rank that person must come from a great military family, or accomplish a great feat or achievement, such as slaying an enemy commander.

Ying Zheng achieved this rank by killing nine barbarian commanders and kissing the higher-ups' asses.

Although some righteous and upright people look down on him he does not care since they are still down there and he climbed up here.

Nowadays Ying Zheng started perfecting his flattery and ass kissing skills.

But flattering can only bring you so far the rest he relied on his strength and wisdom. Controlling a 100-man squad is not easy.

A 100-Man Commander or a Squadron Leader is a military commander who can command 100 men and usually is the leader of a 100-Man Unit. A soldier can gain this position by getting achievements, like slay general important commanders, and proving to be worthy.

This one is considered the first real command rank in the Zhou Dynasty's militaries.

The one 100-man unit can be divided into two types dependant and independent.

When a 100-man unit is a dependent unit, they are the standard 100-man unit and are assigned to at least a 300-man unit. The unit takes orders from the commander with a higher rank.

A higher-ranked commander can't give orders to every soldier, so they give the orders to a 100-man commander, who will give their power to 5 or 10-man Squad Leaders. Usually, the 100-man commander gets a smaller task from the main task and can choose how to fulfill these orders.

When a 100-man unit is an independent unit, they become a special unit that can only be given orders by a general. When assigned they take orders from superior officers. When not assigned they can do whatever they please, as long they achieve their tasks.

When independent the commander gets a slightly greater responsibility, usually because there is no higher-ranked officer assigned to them. They get a certain task and can do whatever they want on how to achieve this. The downside of this is when mistakes are made, usually, no higher-ranked officer is here to help correct these mistakes, resulting in a lot of deaths or, in the worst-case scenario, the destruction of the entire unit.

The rank of a 100-man commander is a great rank to gain experience. It tests the person in a variety of ways, such as how the leader deals with the stress of being in command over other people. The higher-ranking officers can see how that person responds with a variety of situations. Most important of all being, higher-ranked officers are able to see if the commander is capable of making life and death decisions. This rank is not only to gain experience but to give it by teaching others.

Because of its size, it is relatively easy to oversee what's happening in your unit. The commander can easily step in where needs are.

Because of its small size, it can easily be used as a stealth unit.

The commander has the right to promote two people to the rank of lieutenant. The commander is also allowed to promote people to squad leaders.

The unit is also assigned its own name, usually being its commander's name.

After achieving this rank, the commander gains the right to enter war meetings, however, they aren't allowed to speak.


Ying Zheng was riding in the middle of his men with an iron spear and a custom-made iron shield on his back.

Suddenly some men came riding between the 100-man teams and one of them headed straight towards Ying Zheng's team "The commander is telling everyone to follow the lead of the front and anyone who runs away will be punished publicly and those who have rendered a meritorious service will be rewarded."

Ying Zheng sneered 'Rewarded my ass they are giving us the carrot and the stick. If I am ever promoted to general I swear I will give you a baby brother.'

"Hahaha, brother Wu why are you so serious you should visit us tonight we have some barbarian girls and some wine it will relieve you hahaha."

Hearing this Wu Yi's face lightened "Hahaha brother Ying treats this brother well I will see you tonight but I have to deliver more messages." finishing this he did not wait for Ying Zheng's answer and immediately rode away.

"Sir why are you talking kindly to him he is just a messenger."

Ying Zheng just frowned and did not answer he just closed his eyes and rested before they started moving in a few minutes.

While he was resting his eyes men came running between the lines shouting "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

Ying Zheng did not believe in giving prep talks so he did not give any he just said: "Follow the front lines do not get too close to them or lag too far from them now start moving."


That night.

At Ying Zheng's camp, they were not any losses since it was just a skirmish and even the front lines barely lost any men

Commander Jin and messenger Wu came to Ying Zheng's camp.

"Greetings commander Jin you truly bless us with your company."

Ying Zheng pretended to see messenger Wu "Hahaha greetings brother Wu."

Seeing this commander Jin's smile grew even brighter "Hahaha you guys are truly familiar with each other but why are not calling me brother after all we are drinking buddies right now."

"Hahaha, brother Jin is right after all we are drinking buddies right now."

Ying Zheng paused then continued with a laugh "Hahaha after all we are celebrating your promotion to general."

Hearing this commander Jin laughed then said: "brother Ying please don't pet my ego, after all, I am not a general yet."

"You truly jest brother Jin after all your promotion to general is already in the bag so we just have to finish this campaign."

"No no, no brother Ying today we are here to celebrate your promotion to 1000 men commander, unfortunately, a commander passed away on the front lines today."

Ying's smile disappeared for a second then continued with his flattering act.

'unfortunately passed away my ass you just want to tell me if I disobey you I will be the next him.'


End of chapter

If you are unwilling to make an early sacrifice in life, you'll be beggars and slaves to the men who did.

If you ever get the chance to kiss someone's ass make sure to kiss it provided they are stronger than you.

success awaits those who steadfastly commit to any requisite sacrifice.

"There is no progress or accomplishment without sacrifice." Idowu Koyenikan