Chapter 50 Be Curious Not Judgemental.

Outside the imperial court.

Chen Xi and Master Guiguizi were following behind the guard leading them who distanced himself from them at a distance of 36 to 40 meters.

After all 'it is best to keep away from secrets for they only lead to trouble' or at least that is what Ying Zheng brainwashed them to believe.

And Ying was not necessarily wrong after all they would be killed Incase they overheard any secrets...

Not because they would leak the secrets but because one could not take the risk and this lowly guard was not worth even a hair of the imperial physician.

Master Guiguizi turned to Chen Xi and asked in a questioning tone "what was that?"

Chen Xi furrowed his brows and questioned back "What was what?"

Master Guiguizi frowned and looked at the sky before finally sighing "I do not know where to start...

But I will start with what I want to know most. 

The little prince was very weird hmmm...