Chapter 51 A successful coup is not treason.

Ying Zheng continued in a serious tone "Now that we wrapped up the first step we move to the next one...

The second step is so crucial that it will determine the success and failure of our plan...

But lower your sword and invite your brain to the party because this is mainly academic in nature...

Our job is to draw a large and detailed map of the government from the most important to the least important, from the smartest to the most foolish...

This includes everyone in the bureaucracy, military, and ministers from the prime minister all the way down to his carriage driver...

Except, unlike one, you would find in the streets or even in the imperial court walls ours will only include the real sources of power...

Corruption and simple mismanagement are likely to have produced a large number of pencil pushers and ceremonial leaders who we can safely ignore...