Chapter 57 The More We Do The More We Can Do.

Every time I look back at my past, I have a few regrets, one of them being I wish I had majored in biology.

I did study it later in my life to be exact when I was 63 years old. 

At that age, I had won eighteen Nobel Peace Prizes a few breakthrough prizes, the wolf prize, the fundamental physics prize, and much more.

At that age, I had everything, nothing was out of my reach in fact, I was so rich that my wealth could be compared to top middle-ranked countries.

When I was younger if I had a small percentage of that I would have died happy, but thanks to human greed it was never enough.

I had nine official children from three wives, of which I had divorced all of them for various reasons.

I had everything and my descendants for eighteen generations would never go hungry and would always live in luxury, but…

Fuck them! I did this for me, what is the use of that wealth if it cannot even help me avoid death?