Chapter 58 Trade Cultivation Research.

We decided to spread our morality to the multiverse after all they were savages hmph.

The first 'universe' we fought against was technologically superior to us although barely.

Fighting against them was a struggle since we were almost matched in every way.

After fighting for hundreds of years, nearly a millennium we had won by the length of a hair.

After the war, nearly 90 percent of the human population was wiped out and the alien races we had conquered were eying us and we had to come up with a solution and we had to come up with it fast.

The scientists were almost wiped out.

And considering I was a scientist myself and was in the ruling class I gathered all their research in a not-so-righteous way.

It took me thirty-six years and a lot of inspiration but I had done it the crown jewel in my career at least in the eyes of others.

I created a machine that could infinitely produce humans but these humans were not perfect.