As bad as he thinks of it, he doesn't really like the idea of him running to his lover for such help.But he has no choice, since that is his mother's orders and that is the only way his mom can be saved. Yeoning walks back to his chambers and prepares to go outside the palace in disguise.


"Mom, who is that man I saw there?" Gwang Jae as he sits opposite his mom.

"You mean Tae won?" The queen asks.

"Yes." The prince nods.

"He is now my right hand man, his martial skills are so wonderful."

"But why do you need you need such man now?" He asks again.

"Now that we are trying to claim all authorities and rights, it won't be easy at all." She bends her head and whispers to her son. "Who knows, we might even get physical attacks from our enemies."

"What?" Gwang Jae asks.

"Yes, we should be prepared for even the worse. Since you have Man Ho, you are safe. Tae Won would be my right hand man too."

"Alright." He nods. "Now that the prime minister is a criminal and I can't marry his daughter anymore, who am I getting married to?"

"Actually, I have a plan."

"What is that?"

"I plan on making a trusted and loyal team of my own."

"How do you plan to do that mom?" The prince asks again.

"Up till now, the queen dowager has been ruling and leading the entire northern faction. Thus, I have never experienced any thing that has to do with real power. Now that the queen dowager is gone, it's my time to rule and the first thing I want to do is getting rid of those people that will always want to question my orders." She stops for a while and continues. "Which is one of the main reasons I called Tae Won."

"Mom." The prince calls whispering. "Do you mean eliminating them?"

"Of course." She replies sternly and nods. "The only way to get rid of those not loyal good for nothing old men is to eliminate them."

"That will be a tough one, wh-"

"I already eliminated one person for you Gwnag Jae." She whispers cutting her son off.

"What?" Gwnag Jae asks again with his eyes wide open.

"I will not hesitate to go any length for you now my son."The queen whispers with a smirk smile.

"How did you take care of his body?"

"I asked the ministers to do that, immediately they all knew their place and dare not challenge my authority. Everything has changed now."

Gwnag Jae sighs, he has always questioned where he got his cruelty from, his father who is the king has been known for his kind heart. But now, he is aware that he got it from his mom. He actually presumed his mom to be a naive woman, and shockingly he is wrong. "Who do you think I should marry now?" He asks again.

"What do you think about Lord Chun's daughter?" She asks too.

"You mean that man that always did the queen dowager's dirty works?" Gwang Jae asks with a tone of mockery.

"Yes, what do you think? He was loyal to the queen dowager, I am sure he would be loyal to you too."

"If he is to be my in law, then I think he should be the prime minister then."

"No problem, I will see to that."

"So when are we going to start with the preparation for all?" He asks.

"Immediately after the queen dowager's mourning." The queen says with a smile.

"I need to go and relax mom." He says with a yawn and stands. "I will see you later." He bows.

"Alright, have a nice day."

"Yes mom your majesty." He bows again and walks out.

Tae won bows immediately on sight of the prince. "Your highness."

Gwang Jae observes him closely for some seconds before saying anything. Raise your head."

"Yes, your highness." Tae won whispers and looks up.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Tae won your highness."

The prince nods and looks at Tae Won from head to toe observing him again, and there is nothing actually special about him. "Mom said you are very good with the sword."

"The queen her majesty surely has the manner of always over rating me." Tae won replies not accepting the praises.

"Whether she is over rating you or not, I will find out soon." He smiles. "I will see you soon." He says and walks out.

"Yes, your highness." Tae won bows.

Gwnag Jae walks majestically flaunting his good looks which he surely got from his mom and his wonderful body appearance which he inherited from his father. Even though he is a jerk, no one can deny or dispute the fact that he is a very good looking young man.

The maids most times stops whatever it is they are doing to admire him anytime he passes by. "He is so handsome." One maid whispers to her colleagues as they all watched him pass.

In a matter of minutes, he arrives at his destination, and he sees that his right hand man, Man Ho is already waiting for him. "I hope you didn't wait long." He says to his underling without even looking at him and just walking in.

"No your highness." Man Ho replies and follows his master in.

Gwnag Jae sits and loosens his robe. "Have you found the person?"

Man Ho swallows his spit and closes his eyes in disappointment and frustration before uttering any word. "No, your highness."

"Wow!" The prince exclaims and burst into laughter for some seconds, then stops and frowns. "I think you are tired of living already, not so?"

"I am sorry your majesty, I actually have some plans in mind but I couldn't carry out any because of the series of things that had been happening in the palace these days."

"I don't care! All I want is to for you to find me that person."