
In the distance, some people seemed to be watching a show and dared not approach the region with the pool. They seemed too aware of the bird, and one of them was a woman with her hair tied into a bun, and she looked at the huge bird in the sky that had gone into a rage.

"That kid was better than the other previous ones that were torn by the bird into two halves before being consumed. By the way Wan Li, why did you stop us from warning this kid when he approached this death zone?" Even though the woman spoke as though she was concerned one could feel that her question only had malice intentions and no concern at all.

It was not as if she was being forced to act and inform Situ not to approach, but rather she was just also interested in watching what kind of end he would meet. Even with the way she was talking about the other two that died one could not feel pity in her words rather there seemed like some gloating at their misfortune, but one of the men standing among them did not seem to care about what she had to say at all.

Looking at the bird in the sky that had gone into a rage, he did not have any plans of staying in this place and waiting as the bird might put its focus on them, and at that time his life would be threatened. He did not have the same mentality as the madmen surrounding him.

Even with their strength even though they could manage to make the birds retreat, he fights would be tiring and the risk of even losing their lives would become serious or some would be seriously injured. In the end, he did not like the final outcome if they confronted the bird, and in the end, no benefits were there for them considering they could not kill it.

Those creatures that can fly are not easy to mess with and that would be the case especially if it was vengeful and started to tail them along the way attacking from time to time. The final outcome, in that case, could only be death for all of them after all they would eventually either be killed by it or another monster.

That was the case, especially for how it kept pursuing Situ, if it used the same vigor on them, and considering their cultivations, the bird would even see them as better nutrition. After all the bird needs to improve its realm and the group could be considered the best source of those nutrients to evolve or under a transformation.

Looking at the bird for the last time, he finally spoke, "Let's go, we have some important things to do. There is nothing worth wasting our time in this place." He jumped off the tree and started to walk away and this forced the others to follow but even the reluctant Wan Li seemed to have no choice but to follow along. He did not have the courage to approach the huge bird, but his eyes were more focused on the pond that Situ collapsed in, not knowing what he was thinking.

In all this, he seemed to have driven it as though calculating something but the group was thinking naively, Wan Li is someone strong and is deemed to be more innovative, how could he just be concerned about watching some bird kill someone weaker than him, in the end, it is tasteless.

But if he had other goals, they can be said to have been accomplished, as for Situ, he was just some small collateral damage, even if he considered that in the end. Someone like him probably did not put the lives of others in his eyes.

Such people are good at scheming, though have an obvious weakness, overthinking things.

But his eyes had some hidden ambition that others could not see, as for the woman that had tied her hair into a bun, everyone in the group was wary of her. It seemed that her character had issues at the end of the day, even at the moment, those that seemed to be more rational in the group preferred to avoid her.

She is what one can refer to as a poisonous woman, and if one is not careful, even though she might not be the one that bites you, she might be responsible for any misfortune that befell those around her. The mouth seemed too pure from the words that came out but the actions were no different from a demon, and the men in the group all seemed smart, not trying to get entangled with her like some pestilence.

She seemed dissatisfied with this but did not do anything, rather just rolled her eyes, but in her heart, she seemed to have other plans.

From the group only Wan Li seemed to be scheming, but that was far from the truth, no one in this group was something good, after all their destination was already the best proof.

In the Miniature World, there existed numerous groups of people, but there was one that was a huge menace and focused on attacking those whose realm was slightly lower than theirs, for many reasons, one of them is to reduce competition for resources. The second being to reduce the probability of others becoming stronger than them by breaking through, but this was not something that they could completely control.

In a way, regardless of whether Situ was killed by the bird or not, in their eyes, he would have died nevertheless. So, when the woman with her hair tied into a bun asked why they did not save Situ, it sounded like the irony in the ears of the other.

The only good thing was that the movement of this group did not head in the direction Situ came from, or else they would become a huge problem for him. Even though he was already aware that he had to be careful about humans the most, Situ did not have the ability to even protect himself in this forest.

The group finally disappeared, but they did not know that Situ did not die, but rather was alive and well under the pond water.

When Situ woke up and discovered where he was, he even saw the objects on the platform, he eventually approached them.

Touching the jade, he could feel some coldness entering his body by just touching but soon he found out that some information was resounding in his head but in the end, he could not understand anything. Putting the jade down, the feeling disappeared, and he seemed to realize that this could be some important skill, but he did not seem to meet the requirements to practice it.

On the second object, it was a scroll, upon picking it up, he could see that the scroll had unique words written on the edges and when his eyes fell on it, there was an 'Om!' sound coming from his mind. Then words started to echo in his mind, and unlike the previous ones, this one was easy to understand for some reason.

In his mind, a unique technique seemed to have just entered his mind, called Taixu Demon Sutra, focused on converting all energy into higher-level, called demonic Qi. But the more he understood the words that were being passed onto his mind, the more he found the Sutra unique.

Yes, it was unique, and what he did not know was that this was not something from this dimension, after in deep space, perhaps humans were still fighting off some other stronger races, but the demon race and demonic Qi did not exist in this space.

So, the fact that the technique he had was more focused on Demonic Qi, did not bother him, he after all was not someone that understood anything about Demonic Qi, to begin with. In this space, martial arts practiced by humans have created themselves and, in this way, it becomes impossible for low-level martial arts to be shared, as they were crafted by each individual based on their physique.

His getting this Taixu Demon Sutra, meant that he could practice something that has already been crafted, and at the same time, seemed to have already confirmed his guesses that, perhaps the other exercise did not fit with him at all. No wonder he failed to completely grasp anything even the name of the technique, as such he could only take it back and let Xiaohe try it, little did he know that this small jade changed her fate completely.

Other than that, he seemed to realize some jade ring was covered by some dust, after wiping it away, he took it up with his fingers. As someone that had read novels, he seemed to think of something and his heart accelerated slightly. His first thought was a spirit ring, and one can already understand that feeling he was experiencing.