Taixu Demon Sutra

Biting the tip of his finger, Situ dropped blood on the jade ring but nothing happened after waiting for some time part of his blood seemed to have sipped in, the rest slipped onto the platform. Seeing that it had failed, he did not throw it away. He took off his necklace and added the necklace to the necklace he had been left by his parents.

After doing all that, he picked the jade with the information he did not understand and put it inside his clothes. The focus shifted to the scroll, which he had left for last and the only thing that seemed of benefit at the moment. He pushed the dust and stone fragments off the platform before opening the entire scroll and sitting on the other end crosslegged.

All the weird characters started to float out of the scroll and enter his mind, and he could hear the information, and different from before, immense data was unloaded in his mind. The result was that he passed out and the scroll, on the ground, seemed to lose its golden luster slowly turning into a withered paper.

When he managed to regain his sense, he could feel some weird knowledge imprinted in his mind, but at the moment, what he could learn was very simple knowledge. The technique was labeled the Taixu Demon Sutra and it was made by the demon Supreme in the Abyss. Situ did not understand what the demon supreme represented, but from the scriptures, he had grasped, he was sure that this Sutra was nothing normal.

Not only that, but it was also clear that whoever created this sutra was pursuing freedom, that was something he could not understand at the moment. But the most important thing was the scripture had the ability to absorb any kind of energy and convert it into demonic Qi, which from the records is purple.

Even Situ with his slight novel knowledge thought he understood something but at this moment he understood that maybe what he was thinking was far off from the truth. In that case, he threw the ideas from his previous life out, he could only try to use them when he reached a difficult point in his practice or understood more about the world.

But the more he saw about this demonic Qi the more he was puzzled, at least in the records, it said that the energy was very high quality to the point that it could corrode other creatures. At the same time in low-energy environments, the speed of practice provided with this Sutra would not be that noticeable, but he seemed to have misunderstood this statement.

The more he checked out the information in his mind, the more he was shocked at this Sutra, but he was unable to read the second, one he wondered if it had any uniqueness.

The fact that it was a high-level sutra, off course its speed of practice would be hard, but if one managed to comprehend it faster, the benefits would be faster cultivation speed, among everyone else. Perhaps it would not compare to environments with high energy concentration, but it was already fast. He is also going to witness it himself.

The only thing that could rival it was the technique in the jade he had put in his clothes, but that was because of the nature of the technique.

At the same time, the exercise seemed to have mentioned the Abyss, even though Situ did not understand anything, the Abyss did not exist in the space dimension he was in. Even those other races in the deep space involved in fighting do not have any ideas about such a place.

With that it can be seen that the origin of the technique is mysterious, no wonder that being Wang Bo, when lending the soul of Situ some help with reincarnation send it to this place to reincarnate. The more information that Situ looked at the more he was convinced the creator was bragging.

"Practice of Taixun Denmon Sutra to perfection, would allow one to reach a thousand miles in a day, as long as comprehension was enough, resources were available and the martial techniques reached the standard, one could ascend to the top in a few centuries." Seeing this kind of information, he indeed hoped it was true, but he was not sure how long he would live to be able to meet this standard, he forgot that this was a world of practice and what was being pursued was longevity.

But that was not something that bothered him the most, rather he saw that as long as the sutra was practiced to a high enough level, then the physical body would always remain stronger in each realm, but that did not mean that he could be the strongest in terms of physique. After all some people would improve their physique all the way to the limit that could be accommodated, and his physique meeting the requirements of being in the same realm, would be considered something outstanding but not unique.

Pushing all the distractions to the side, he started to read through the actual practice since the propaganda was pushed out of the way, and to his surprise, it took him only one hour to understand the first stage. Sitting cross-legged, he started to try the practice out, and to his surprise, it was indeed taking the energy in the surroundings into the body and strengthening it faster.

It did not even take five hours before his clothes were filled with black mud, and he had to stop, but there was nowhere he could go to wash them off, and thus he removed them and threw them on the side.

Instead of continuing to sit on the platform, he went on the clean floor, and the energy concentration was the same as for the amount being absorbed, it was even increased due to the palm-sized, Bluestone. With the passage of time, his body also seemed to undergo another cleansing, that was focused on the muscles all over the body.

The energy, on the other hand, kept moving around the body strengthening it, but it was also exhausted in the process, and for the current position, it was not much of a problem. He would have thought in the past that he would break through as long as he had a better technique but it seemed like that was wishful thinking, as the energy in his body did move around clearing all other impurities in the body.

It would be best to say, his foundation was being reforged, and to his surprise, it did not happen once, but the process kept repeating with the same regions until the body slowly adapted to it. The stronger they also seemed to become until when the effect seemed to become negligible, did the energy shift to another direction.

When it came to these bones, he could feel some cold energy slowly infiltrating his bones and the blood flowing in the body seemed to have heated up, as though boiling. But the body could support it, and this did not last long before it stopped.

It was because he could not support the technique so he stopped, after all his body was in need of more energy and the only way to do that was by eating. Nothing to eat existed in this place, and he seemed to be somehow unwilling to risk his life on the outside, but at the moment he had no choice. Looking up, he could see that blue curtains still existed but how he would pass through them was a problem.

Looking all around he seemed to realize that some blue marbles were put all around this place, and an idea came to his mind before he approached them. Picking one up, he could see it was very cold but did not stop and collected all the six marbles before he realized that the blue barrier above him had already disappeared, but the water did not enter the place.

"Indeed, these marbles seem to have the effect of dispersing water, should we call them Water dispersal Marbles. But that is not the most important thing, at the moment how to get out is what matters." Moving to the very edge of the platform did not change the situation at all. Looking at the six marbles in hand, he seemed to be lost in thought. Considering their small size, he could put them in his mouth, and when he did, the water indeed started to flood the place.

Thankfully due to the existing pressure in the place, it did not come in with huge force and he took advantage of it to try swimming out, after reaching the surface of the pond, he took out the marbles from his mouth. The water around him was pushed to form a barrier all over his body. He looked all around in the sky trying to find the bird, but nothing could be seen.

Turning his head, in another direction, there was a forest, there, and he seemed to have found a way to go, he did not want to walk out in the open becoming that crazy bird's target.