The choice

In the heart of the royal capital, Niram, within the desolate confines of a grand palace's back garden, two figures sat at a weathered wooden table. Their once joyful conversation now disrupted by an unwelcome interruption. The pair, a young woman radiating beauty and a man consumed by his affections, exchanged glances that spoke volumes of their intimate connection.

Abruptly, a middle-aged man approached their table, casting a shadow upon their tender moment. His presence soured the atmosphere, fueling the flames of their anger.

"Mrs. Aslan, Mr. Luke, forgive me for intruding," the man named Jack muttered, his voice laced with an air of apology.

Luke's voice brimmed with irritation as he replied, "Jack, this better be urgent. Couldn't it have waited until we concluded our evening?"

"Sir, news has arrived of Fray Parada's retreat from the dungeon," Jack disclosed with a touch of urgency.

At the mention of Fray's name, Aslan and Luke's countenances soured with disdain, particularly Aslan, who shivered involuntarily. She quickly regained her composure and inquired, "You speak of the Three Star Dungeon that materialized in Iskar city months ago?"

"Yes, Mrs. Aslan. It has been four months since its emergence, and less than two months remain until its devastating culmination," Jack answered solemnly.

"Why did he retreat? Has any correspondence been received to elucidate his actions?" Luke inquired with a curious inflection.

"No letters have arrived. The reasons behind his retreat remain undisclosed," Jack revealed, his tone laced with uncertainty.

"Compose a missive, demanding an explanation for his retreat. Inform him that we shall dispatch additional forces, should the need arise, to aid in cleansing the dungeon swiftly," Luke commanded, his voice laced with authority.

Within the dense expanse of Turtle Mountain's forest, a masked man knelt before Fray and Montaser, pleading for his life. Desperation dripped from his words as he begged, "Please, spare me. I've fulfilled your every demand." Yet, before he could finish his plea, an invisible force snapped his neck, silencing him forever.

Fray and Montaser stood amidst a group of children, their faces concealed by masks, the spoils of their recent warehouse raid clutched in their hands. Guided by the deceased man, they emerged from a concealed cave.

Once outside, the children gazed skyward and at the surrounding trees, their expressions a complex blend of emotions. They paid no heed to the man who had screamed for his life, his voice swallowed by the surrounding shadows.

"As promised, you are now free," Fray declared, addressing the children. "Those who chose the second option during the final test must reach Prada's palace within a month."

Without waiting for a response, Fray departed, his retreating figure leaving the children to contemplate his distant form. Complex emotions danced upon their faces, tangled webs of suspicion and uncertainty.

"Sina, why do you think he granted us a month?" Isha questioned, suspicion coloring her tone.

"I cannot be certain. Perhaps he intended to grant us additional time for reflection. Or maybe he recognized our unfamiliarity with the outside world and desired for us to gain experience through self-reliance," Sina postulated after a moment's consideration.

"Yes, that does make sense," Isha concurred.

"Yet, amidst it all, did you not sense his danger? Should we truly accept his offer?" a voice among the children interjected.

"Yes, he is perilous, but he rescued us from that inferno. Our lives owe him a debt," Sina replied, her eyes glinting with an enigmatic intensity.

"Indeed. Furthermore, have you seen the strength of his retainer?" another child chimed in.

"Yes, the servant possesses great power. The Prada family must wield tremendous influence," another child mused, their imaginations crafting images of their enigmatic benefactor.

"Isha, where is Rin? What do you think..." Isha's words trailed off as she scanned her surroundings, searching for the vanished boy named Rin.

"He slipped away unnoticed, operating on an entirely different level," Sina contemplated, her face etched with a resolute seriousness.

Fray and Montaser returned to the location where they had left their horses, finding them patiently awaiting their return. Pegasus horses, possessing heightened intelligence compared to their ordinary counterparts, remained steadfastly loyal to their owners, standing motionless for extended periods.

Considered the swiftest and most coveted mode of transportation known to humankind, Pegasus horses came with a hefty price tag and proved arduous for long journeys. Fray harbored ambitions of devising an alternative means of transport, drawing upon Yassine's scientific knowledge.

"I must investigate those remnants promptly," Fray resolved, sensing a faint ache searing through his lower back as he mounted the Pegasus.

Thus, Fray and Montaser embarked on their journey toward the Parada Family palace, forsaking any respite along the way.