Cemetery Army

At the stroke of midnight, Within the coastal city of Iskar, Within the grand Parada mansion, All the servants and members of the family gathered at the gate of the mansion to welcome the return of the head of the family.

(Surprising, even my mother is here), Fray thought, his footsteps echoing through the crowd of familiar faces.

One of the oldest traditions of the Parada family was to welcome the head of the family at the entrance of the mansion upon their return from perilous missions. However, for Fray, who was despised by most family members, this was an unprecedented occurrence. Though he had received a welcome before, it had only been from the servants. This was the first time the entire family had organized to greet his return.

(Looks like the loyalty pact has instilled some fear in them), Fray thought, noting the uncomfortable expressions on their faces. All members of the Parada family had contracted spirits, even the wives, courtesans, and servants. Anyone residing in the Parada mansion had to be a spirit warrior of at least the First Kingdom, or they would be expelled from the family.

Despite the multitude of people, not a single word was spoken to Fray. They merely stood there as he entered the mansion, their silence a clear indication of their discontent with his return. But Fray paid no mind. He had anticipated this reception. He had learned from the novel that even if he were to meet his demise, no one would shed a tear for him, except...

"You have done well, sir," Montaser said, appearing behind Fray as he sat down for dinner.

"Thank you, Montaser. I wouldn't have succeeded without your assistance," Fray replied.

(Is he trying to console me? What a fool), Fray thought, annoyance flickering in his eyes. Yet, a faint smile played at the corners of his lips, unnoticed by everyone, even himself.

In truth, Montaser's words held a kernel of truth. Though they hadn't managed to cleanse the dungeon, they had obtained a trove of valuable spoils from the serpent organization's warehouse. These treasures would greatly benefit the city under Fray's rule, a city currently plagued by numerous hardships.

"Montaser, send letters to all the council members. Inform them of a mandatory meeting tomorrow at midday. Attendance is required," Fray commanded, rising from his seat as dinner concluded.

After issuing his instructions, Fray left the dining room and made his way to a place that had been untouched for years—the chemistry room.

Once a sanctuary for Fray's skilled alchemist grandfather, the room housed an array of tools, machines, and scientific books spanning various fields. Fray's grandfather's research notes also resided within those walls. However, after his grandfather's murder, the room had been abandoned, devoid of any books related to martial arts or magic. It was within this neglected chamber that Fray expanded his knowledge, thanks to the memories of Yassine. Yet, he faced disparities between Yassine's world and his own. If Fray wished to recreate a car, he possessed the minerals and knowledge to do so, but his world lacked the vital resource of oil.

Therefore, Fray first needed to comprehend the scientific principles of his own world before combining them with the wisdom from Yassine's world to find a suitable energy source for inventions in his own realm. This applied to all the innovations Fray aspired to achieve.

With determination coursing through his veins, Fray secluded himself within the room, delving into the faded pages of his grandfather's scientific legacy.

The next morning dawned.

Stepping out of the chamber, Fray directed his steps toward the sprawling back garden—a haven designed for training. Within its vast expanse, an array of heavy-weight exercise machines awaited, tailored to Fray's training regimen focused on muscular strength. The grounds offered ample space for running and martial arts practice. Fray, a physical combatant who relied on sheer brawn, dedicated himself to daily training. And so, he embarked on his exercise routine, comprising rigorous weightlifting and martial arts drills. After more than two hours of intense exertion, Fray finally brought his endeavors to a halt, settling onto the ground for his next activity.

"Cemetery Army," Fray murmured softly, the words barely audible. Like shadows materializing from the void, a multitude of black insects appeared, encircling Fray's form in a slow, hypnotic dance.

The swarm was so abundant that it completely cloaked Fray's body. Suddenly, a white light emanated from the insects, flowing toward Fray. These insects were known as cemetery bees—larger than ordinary bees, resembling their counterparts in shape. They constituted Fray's second contracted spirit, the Cemetery Army. As a summoning-type spirit, it possessed the ability to absorb energy from deceased creatures and transmit it to its human contractor. Although a third-tier spirit, it harbored the potential for evolution, reaching the ranks of seventh or eighth tier if it absorbed sufficient energy. In the partnership, Fray received only half of the absorbed energy, while the other half fueled the cemetery bees' evolution. The spirit had already undergone its first evolution, ascending from a first-tier spirit to its current state.

With each advancement, the number of bees had diminished, but their size had increased. They could now absorb twice the amount of energy compared to before, while their control over and manipulation of energy had improved significantly—an invaluable boon for Fray.

Ordinarily, summoning spirits required substantial energy to remain summoned. However, the Cemetery Army subsisted on the energy it had absorbed, making it an ideal companion for Fray, who could not wield energy himself. Obtaining these two spirits at a young age, Fray had resolved to tread a path chosen by few—the path of body development.

The body developer melded energy with bones, muscles, and internal organs, forging a physique of unparalleled strength. Yet, their inability to retain energy within their bodies for extended periods hampered their ability to harness energy for spells like magicians or martial arts techniques like warriors. They were even bereft of the use of spiritual senses.

Despite this inherent flaw, Fray willingly embraced the path of the body developer. The Spirit Gate had alerted him to Narod, his first contracted spirit, following the same path. Fray knew that the skills bestowed by Narod would be related to this specialization. Consequently, he forged a contract with the Cemetery Army—a spirit that required no energy from him.

Half an hour elapsed.

(It seems the energy is waning), Fray noted, observing the gradual disappearance of the Cemetery Army and the diminishing vigor of the energy it had been producing.

It had been some time since Fray last ventured out to hunt. During the serpent raid, his sole focus had been on swiftly rescuing the endangered children, leaving him no opportunity to absorb the energy emanating from the fallen foes. Consequently, the spirit's energy had now depleted.

After concluding his training, Fray indulged in a revitalizing shower and partook of a solitary breakfast. He then readied himself for the imminent meeting—a gathering that would herald a transformative shift.