The future scariest assassination squad is formed

After a grueling week of intense training and immersing himself in scientific literature, Fray found a new escape from the darkness that consumed his thoughts. Meanwhile, Rin delved into honing his skills with his contracting spirit under Montaser's watchful guidance.

Throughout the past week, Fray had anxiously awaited the appearance of the second Yassine every time he succumbed to sleep's embrace. Alas, nothing transpired, leaving him to ponder the limitations of even the most formidable beings. No matter how mighty a creature might be, it could not bend the laws of the world to whisk a person away to another realm without a tremendous sacrifice. The likelihood of repeating Yassine's mysterious departure seemed slim, or so Fray assumed.

Parada Palace.

Within the confines of the family's grand office, Fray and Elisa sat across from each other at a small table, while Montaser loomed behind Fray as a constant presence.

"You were correct. He is indeed the mastermind behind the Information Union," Elisa revealed, her voice laced with a sense of foreboding. "We made him a tempting offer, even resorted to threats, but he adamantly refused to work for the Parada family, vowing to resist even if it meant his demise."

Fray's expression remained unaffected as he calmly placed a small piece of paper on the table. "I anticipated as much. However, there lies his younger brother's vulnerability," he murmured, his tone tinged with darkness. "You know what must be done."

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Elisa's eyes as she reached out to claim the paper. "Oh, indeed. This will simplify matters greatly. I shall take care of it," she affirmed.

"In two weeks, I shall embark on a mission. I expect you to accompany me with ten of the most formidable elite knights," Fray commanded, his words slicing through the air with an ominous undertone.

The Prada family knights held the crucial responsibility of safeguarding Iskar City, enforcing the law with an iron fist. They comprised two distinct divisions—the Guardian Knights, a three-thousand-strong unit tasked with combating crimes and akin to the police force in Yassine's world. And then, there were the elite knights, bearers of the Prada title and bonded with contract spirits. Their stature matched that of the servants within Parada's primary palace, entrusted with shielding Iskar City from external threats and powerful adversaries. Membership in this elite unit required a minimum warrior ranking from the Fourth Kingdom.

"Inquire about the progress of the organic fertilizer," Fray's voice dripped with a shadowy aura, shrouded in secrecy, as Elisa departed the room.

"Presently, a thousand bags have been completed and are soon to be introduced into Iskar's marketplace. We shall witness its efficacy within no more than a month," Montaser responded.

The human continent languished under the yoke of severe food scarcity, and Iskar City proved no exception. Despite its coastal location, perilous sea creatures lurked in the waters, dissuading fishermen from venturing too far. Consequently, the fishing area remained minuscule, incapable of sustaining a metropolis teeming with three million inhabitants.

As for agricultural produce, its yield proved abysmally meager. Fray knew that even Yassine's world grappled with this predicament. However, the advent of organic fertilizers had mitigated the issue. Inspired by this revelation, Fray took it upon himself to revive the manufacturing process.

"Very well," Fray nodded approvingly. "Has Giyam dispatched any correspondence?"

"Yes, sir. He has located the creature and dealt with it. He shall return imminently," Montaser reported.

"And the fruit?" Fray inquired, his voice heavy with expectation.

"Giyam confirmed discovering the plant you described and mentioned no further details," Montaser replied.

"Excellent. Inform him to expedite his return," Fray commanded.

"As you wish, sir," Montaser replied before casting a penetrating gaze toward Fray. "May I dare to pose a question?"

A brief silence enveloped the room before Fray curtly responded, "Regrettably, Montaser, you may not."

"Very well, sir. Yet, I implore you to exercise caution. Your advancements are attracting notice from formidable factions," Montaser cautioned, his voice heavy with concern.

"I appreciate your concern, Montaser," Fray acknowledged in a clipped tone, promptly diverting the conversation. "How many children have arrived thus far?"

"A pair of children arrived yesterday, bringing the total to fourteen," Montaser informed.

"Summon them to the rear garden. I shall conclude some paperwork and join you there in twenty minutes," Fray ordered.

Precisely twenty minutes later, Fray stood in the palace's secluded rear garden, Montaser at his side, and Rin standing respectfully nearby. Before him stood thirteen children, their gazes filled with anticipation.

"Rin has likely explained the purpose of your presence here. Hence, I shall inquire directly: Do you comprehend the significance of joining the Parada family?" Fray queried, his countenance solemn.

"Yes, sir. It signifies unwavering devotion to carrying out the head of the family's orders at any cost," the children chanted in unison, their voices resonating with unyielding resolve.

"Remember that well," Fray emphasized. "Are you prepared?"

"Yes, sir," they responded, their voices echoing in the air.

"Close your eyes and relax," Fray commanded, his words evoking an unsettling aura.

As everyone obediently closed their eyes, Fray continued in a low, insidious tone, "Open the spirit gate."

"Morcal, is the report prepared?" Fray inquired, his voice shrouded in darkness.

"Yes, it is ready," Morcal confirmed.

Thus, a series of messages materialized before Fray's eyes, each bearing its own significance. An intriguing window caught his attention, provoking a faint smirk to form on his lips.

Minutes passed, and one by one, the children opened their eyes, emanating a newfound strength through their intensified auras.

"Welcome to the Parada family," Fray declared, his voice resounding with an eerie resonance.

"Thank you, sir. We shall henceforth serve at your command," the children proclaimed in unison, their voices laced with both reverence and trepidation.

"Understand that you are now under my direct authority. Your primary duty shall be assassination missions," Fray disclosed, his words cloaked in shadow. "Any inquiries?"

"Sir, do you possess knowledge of the individual overseeing the killing machine project?" Sina asked, his face etched with gravity.

As Sina voiced the question, every child, Rin included, fixated their gazes upon Fray, their eyes brimming with anticipation.

"Yes, I do," Fray acknowledged, his response dripping with intrigue.

"Can you divulge this information?" Sina pressed further.

"Not at this moment. However, I shall assign you your inaugural mission. Upon its completion, I shall disclose the identity," Fray decreed, his voice resolute. "Montaser."

"Of course, sir," Montaser complied, extending a sizable sheet of paper to Sina.

"The marked location on the map represents your target. Rin shall lead this mission," Fray instructed.

As the children surveyed the map, their eyes fell upon a circular emblem encompassing a small village.

"Is our target concealed within this village?" Rin inquired, his gaze flickering across the map.

"Your objective is the village itself," Fray divulged, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper. "Your task is to eliminate all life within its confines. Spare none—elderly, children, men, women. Exterminate them all."

Fray's words hung in the air, and a profound silence blanketed the group. The children stood frozen, their minds grappling with the weight of the sinister command they had just received.