Sina's breakdown

On the outskirts of Iskar City, there existed a quaint village with around four hundred inhabitants. Despite its humble appearance, the village harbored a contented community. Elderly men lazily sat in front of their homes, casting warm smiles at the children who frolicked before them. Women gathered around the well, engaging in cheerful conversations while tending to their laundry.

"Why does the master wish to eradicate this village? I cannot fathom it," murmured a child, anxiety etched across their face as they observed the tranquil atmosphere.

"Perhaps he seeks to test our loyalty," pondered another child.

"It matters not; we are assassins. Our duty is to execute orders, not to question them."

"But... are we truly going to harm those children? They are so young," hesitated the first child.

"Do not forget the oath we made to our master—to fulfill the mission at any cost," emphasized the second child.

Amidst a nearby forest, a group of masked individuals concealed themselves, engaging in hushed arguments.

"Silence! Once the task is complete, Mr. Fray shall surely provide us with answers. For now, let us remain focused," Rin commanded.

"Very well, let us commence swiftly," Isha agreed.

"It... looks just like that village," Sina whispered apprehensively, her gaze fixed upon the village with a haunting expression.

Sina vividly recalled her own birthplace—a similar, modest village where her loved ones resided, and where she had once known happiness and vitality. However, that village was ravaged one fateful day by marauders, its survivors sold into slavery.

"Sina, what did you say?" inquired Isha, confusion evident in her eyes.

"I cannot bring myself to harm these people," Sina confessed.

"What? Sina, have you not noticed their tattoos?" Isha queried.

"What? Do you recognize those tattoos?" Rin chimed in.

"Yes, Nour informed us about a tattoo employed by monsters to assume human form. She claimed that it was so powerful that identifying a monster with such a tattoo was nearly impossible unless the tattoo itself was recognized. And the tattoo Nour described matches exactly with theirs," Isha explained.

"Are you suggesting...?" uttered a child, their voice trailing off.

"Yes, they are a village of monsters," Sina confirmed, "but they are peaceful. Why must we slaughter them?"

"Sina, they are monsters, not humans. Why do you sympathize with them?" Isha questioned.

"I... I cannot kill those innocent children without reason," Sina responded.

"Sina, are you joking? A month ago, you coldly shed the blood of your comrades, and now you hesitate to eliminate a group of peculiar monsters?" Rin's voice carried anger and frustration.

"I... I did what I had to do to survive," Sina murmured, her voice barely audible.

"Sina, do you grasp the consequences of your actions? Disobeying orders carries severe penalties," Rin admonished, his tone filled with fury.

"Rin, enough!" Isha intervened, her voice laced with anger. She then turned to Sina and said, "Sina, do you believe we can escape our predetermined fate?"

"...," Sina remained silent.

"Do you think we can elude our roles as assassins?" Isha persisted.

"...," Sina faltered.

"Sina, answer me," demanded Isha.

"No... I do not believe so," Sina finally replied.

"As long as we are assassins, there will be moments when we despise our assignments. However, we do not possess the luxury of refusal. Even if we choose not to carry out this task, do you truly believe this village will survive? Its fate has already been sealed; its chances of survival are nonexistent," Isha asserted, her voice barely above a whisper.

After intense contemplation, Sina finally spoke, her voice laden with mixed emotions. "You are right, Isha," she admitted, her gaze fixed upon her comrade. "Thank you."

"It is all right," Isha responded, a gentle smile gracing her face.

"Listen, everyone. This is your final warning. Mr. Fray has saved us and bestowed strength upon us. He has even promised to grant us revenge. He is our benefactor. However, if you believe he is lenient enough to pardon those who defy his orders, you are gravely mistaken," Ren declared solemnly, his eyes fixed upon the children. "Let us hope that what occurred today will not repeat itself."

"It shall not," the children responded in unison.

"I apologize, Rin. I assure you this shall not recur," Sina expressed, her countenance filled with remorse.

"Very well," Rin acquiesced. "Now, let us initiate the mission. Surround the village, ensuring no one escapes."

Thus, the masked children dispersed, encircling the village. Although their roles as assassins urged subtlety, they had chosen a direct assault for this particular mission. They convinced themselves that a direct approach would be swifter, but the underlying truth was their yearning to test their newfound abilities.

"The village is under attack! Run!"

"They have encircled us!"

And so, the killers descended upon the village with astounding ingenuity, each exhibiting unique powers. One child controlled the wind, while another possessed extraordinary swiftness. There was even a child who possessed a fifth-grade spirit, granting them wings to soar through the skies, their feathers honed into sharp projectiles. Yet, their most formidable abilities...

A woman sprinted with unwavering determination towards the underground bunker, carrying a young girl upon her back. Suddenly, a tall, slender figure clad in black emerged before her.

Realizing there was no turning back, the woman drew a knife from her attire.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed, hurtling towards the shadowy figure with all her might, brandishing the knife. Suddenly...

"Linyar, awaken," the figure muttered softly.

In an instant, a golden light emanated from the figure, momentarily blinding the woman. She felt as though she had collided with an impenetrable barrier, collapsing onto the ground. When her vision cleared, she found herself facing a towering golden figure without a face, gripping a spear in its hands.

"P... please... spare my daugh—" The woman's plea was cut short as the golden figure impaled her with its spear.

"Mama... M... maaaaama!" the little girl wailed, but before long, a golden arrow pierced her head as well. She crumpled to the ground beside her mother, tears streaming down her eyes.