
The former patriarch of the Parada family reveled in his dominance, having taken more than ten wives throughout his life. Each wife bore him children, at least one. But the relentless fight for control over the family resulted in the demise of most Parada offspring. As per tradition, any wife who lost her children would be cast out from the family after the patriarch's death. Consequently, a multitude of wives were expelled by Fray, who assumed the coveted title.

Isabel Parada, Fray's mother, stood among the few wives who remained in the palace. She had two children: Fray himself and his sister, Erma Parada.

Erma, a beautiful girl with black hair, found herself standing before the door to the family head's office, questioning the purpose of her summons.

"Why did he call for me?" Erma asked, her voice reflecting a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

"You will find out once you enter, my lady," replied Montaser respectfully.

With a gesture, Montaser opened the door, allowing Erma to step inside, before tending to other duties.

Seated behind his desk, Fray greeted Erma with his usual righteous expression. "Hello, Erma. Please have a seat."

Erma obliged, taking a position across from Fray. "Thank you. What is it that you wanted to discuss?"

"Do you have any idea why I requested your presence?" Fray inquired.

"No, I'm not aware," Erma answered, a touch of bewilderment in her voice.

"Morcal," Fray stated firmly.

Abruptly, a window materialized before Erma, displaying a list detailing the breaches of her loyalty contract. Her expression stiffened as she noticed a particular entry.

[11/ Disclosure of Parada family information to an outsider]

"Erma, I have a question for you—one that I hope you will answer truthfully," Fray spoke with a chilling tone.

Hearing that Erma remained nervously silent, as she quickly realized that falsehoods would be futile at this point, especially against the person in front of her. 

Learning from the novel that his own sister harbored a deep affection for Luke Moonlith, and she was one of the many heroines entangled in his web of love. Thus, Fray discovered her betrayal.

Fuelled by her animosity towards the Parada family, Erma had been leaking sensitive information to Luke ever since Fray ascended to the family's leadership.

But despite his anger upon uncovering her actions, Fray refrained from executing her, as he believed Erma could be a very crucial variable in his future plans.

Nevertheless, Erma, who was well aware of the intense animosity between Fray and Luke, was now convinced that Fray intended to kill her. She had witnessed the terrifying wrath Fray could unleash when enraged and she was sure that even she wouldn't be safe from his rage.

"Erma, you know I despise repeating myself. This will be the final time I ask, Have you been divulging confidential information about the Parada family to Luke Moonlith?" Fray's voice remained cold.

"Yes, I have," Erma admitted, her expression filled with anxiety.

Sighing, Fray responded, "Then you have two options: either utilize Luke's trust for the benefit of the Parada family or accept punishment for your actions. Which do you choose?"

" I choose the second option," Erma declared without any hesitation.

"Very well, Erma Parada. As punishment for selling confidential information about the Parada family, you will be stripped of your title and responsibilities, and you will serve a one-year prison sentence," His voice devoid of mercy, Fray continued, "Sina, accompany her."

Unbeknownst to Erma, a masked figure materialized noiselessly behind her. Among the Parada children, some possessed the exceptional ability to conceal themselves using powerful martial techniques. Today, Fray had left two children who had honed this skill to perfection, keeping them with him in the office to assess its potential uses for the future.

Erma couldn't hide her suspiration from the sudden appearance of the enigmatic figure, yet what startled her, even more was the punishment chosen by Fray.

(He's not going to kill me?) Erma wondered as she exited the office, accompanied by Sina.

Shortly after Erma's departure, a knock resonated on the door.

"Shall I allow the other guests to enter, sir?" Montasir inquired.

"Yes, bring them in," Fray commanded.

Soon thereafter, two individuals entered the room. The first was an armored woman with striking beauty but a cold countenance. The second was a thin young man.

"Hello, Elisa. Is this Nizar?" Fray addressed them.

"Yes," Elisa responded curtly.

Nizar, Luke's most trusted aide and the clandestine leader of the renowned information organization called the "Truth Union," had resided in Iskar City. However, fueled by his animosity towards the Parada family, Elisa had gone to great lengths to bring him here of his own volition.

"So, you're the bastard who dared threaten my younger brother," Nizar arrogantly spat.

The room fell into stunned silence. Nizar had directed such a derogatory term at the head of the Parada family, a position even the kings of the three kingdoms wouldn't dare insult.

Unfazed, Fray remained calm, well aware of Nizar's rebellious nature as portrayed in the novel. Nizar had never respected Luke, even during their time together. Yet, Fray was different from Luke.

"Rin," Fray uttered in a cold voice.

In an instant, a black figure materialized from the void before Nizar, and...

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Nizar cried out, a searing pain emanating from his wrist. As he glanced down, he realized his hand was no longer attached.