The mission begins


Nizar, his agonized cry still echoing in the air, stood in the aftermath of his own torment. Pain etched deep lines of anguish upon his face, contorting his features into a mask of suffering. His hand, severed and bloodied, trembled with the shock of the brutal severance.

"Silence!" Fray's voice, icy and devoid of compassion, lashed out, cutting through the air like a chilling wind.

Nizar, clutching his severed hand, his face etched with terror and suffering, forced himself to quell his screams, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and torment. 

As he forced himself to stifle his cries, a mixture of fear and submission tainted his expression. He quickly realized all too well the merciless nature of the one who stood before him, his tormentor with a heart as cold as the winter's bite. Fray's cold voice, laced with an unyielding authority, further solidified Nizar's growing sense of helplessness.

"Speak such words again, and the price will not be limited to your hand," Fray's words dripped with a sinister threat, his gaze unwavering. After ensuring that Nizar understood the dire consequences, he continued with an eerie calmness, "Within two days, I demand a detailed list of every accursed monster village and community in and around Iskar City. Can you manage that?"

Stammering, Nizar shook his head in reluctant agreement, his voice barely a whisper, "Y-yes, I'll try..."

"Good," Fray's voice, tinged with darkness, resonated through the room, leaving an air of foreboding. "Montaser, take him to the healing magician for treatment," he commanded, turning his attention to the waiting Montaser.

"Of course, sir," Montaser responded, his voice heavy with concern as he guided Nizar out of the room, leaving behind an atmosphere suffused with pain and uncertainty.

Seated before Fray, Elisa's voice trembled with a mixture of awe and apprehension, "It seems... it seems you have acquired formidable bodyguards."

Fray's response carried a weary weight, his tone laden with resignation, "Yes, they possess potential, but their youth remains a burden they bear."

"You speak as if you are an old man, forgetting that you are but twenty-two, hardly different from their own generation," Elisa reminded him, her words laced with gentle reproach.

"Perhaps... you are right," Fray conceded, his mind momentarily shrouded in the weariness of his own existence, burdened by responsibilities far beyond his years.

"Fray, I couldn't help but notice when Erma revealed herself," Elisa confessed, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and concern.

A tired sigh escaped Fray's lips as he revealed the truth, his voice merged with a cold tone, "I discovered she was a spy."

"What?... That's... surprising. However, I'm certain she had her reasons. I hope you won't exact too severe a punishment. Our family has already witnessed enough bloodshed," Elisa pleaded, her face contorted with a tangle of conflicting emotions.

A moment of silence enveloped the room as Fray's firm resolve emerged, his voice resolute yet tinged with a thread of compassion, "Do not worry, I won't condemn her to death." But swiftly, he diverted the conversation, veering away from the emotional depths that threatened to consume them. "Now, let us refocus. Do you recall the mission I mentioned, the one we must undertake within the next two weeks?"

"Yes, I remember. Has something happened?" Elisa's voice quivered with a mix of trepidation and curiosity, her heart pounding in anticipation.

A flicker of urgency danced within Fray's eyes as he revealed the altered plans, his voice laden with unspoken fears, "There has been a change of plans. We depart the day after tomorrow."

The task Fray intended to undertake involved locating ancient artifacts belonging to one of the ancient kingdoms, which contained a crucial book for his plans. Fray had known about these artifacts throughout the novel, but he had forgotten an important detail, prompting him to expedite their retrieval.

After completing several tasks and issuing numerous instructions, Fray prepared himself for the journey. Alongside Elisa and the ten elite knights, Fray brought Isha and Sina with him, while Rin and the other children remained behind to carry out assigned missions. Montaser was occupied with the Fertilizer project and thus did not accompany Fray.

Two days later, The group gathered at the Flying Horse stable, a spacious structure housing the majestic and renowned creatures. Their decision to utilize the Flying Horse instead of a conventional cart spoke volumes about the perilous nature of their upcoming journey. Fray, Elisa, and the ten elite knights, armed and ready, stood before the magnificent beasts that possessed the ability to soar through the skies.

The Flying Horses, with their sleek, muscular bodies and wings shimmering in various shades, exuded an air of power and grace. Each one had a lustrous mane flowing like silk, and their eyes sparkled with an otherworldly intelligence. They stood tall, towering over the humans, their hooves striking the stable floor with a gentle yet resolute rhythm.

The elite knights selected their loyal companions, carefully considering factors such as temperament, agility, and strength. Each knight approached their chosen horse with a blend of confidence and respect, forging a bond essential for the arduous journey that lay ahead.

As the group prepared to mount the Flying Horses, palpable energy enveloped the stable. The air crackled with anticipation and a hint of trepidation, for the kingdom of monsters they were about to venture into held countless dangers.

"Take care, sir," Montaser bid farewell.

"Thank you, Montaser," Fray replied, mounting his horse. "I will return shortly."

"Be cautious, and you too, Lady Elisa. Stay safe," Montaser advised.

"Thank you, Montaser," Elisa expressed her gratitude.

While it was customary for the Prada family to bid farewell to the head of the family before a mission, only Montaser and a hand full of servants were present on this occasion. Fray had chosen not to inform those who were not directly involved in his departure, so apart from Montaser and these servants, no one else was present, not even the rest of the assassination team, as they were out on a mission.

"Let's proceed," Fray declared, urging the group to move forward

Thus, with a flick of their reins, the Flying Horses sprang into action, their wings unfurling in a symphony of motion. As the horses ascended, powerful beats of their wings resonated through the stable, creating a melodious harmony with the gasps of awe and admiration from the onlookers.

Rising higher and higher, the Flying Horses pierced through the veil of clouds,