Sina's contracting spirit

Two days later, Fray and his team stood before an immense forest. The moment they arrived at the forest's edge, they descended from the sky, opting to continue their journey on foot. While flying would have been faster, they didn't want to draw unnecessary attention. The forest was teeming with formidable Monsters that Fray's team couldn't easily overcome.

"Our target lies upon that mountain," Fray declared, pointing towards a distant peak. "With the aid of the flying horses, we should reach it within ten days."

Even on foot, the flying horses remained among the swiftest and most resilient of beasts.

After two days had passed, under the cloak of midnight, a campfire flickered in the heart of the jungle. More than ten individuals slumbered upon rudimentary beds surrounding the fire. Sina sat close to the flames, her gaze fixed upon a group of black insects swarming around something, casting an eerie white glow. However, the sheer multitude of insects made it difficult to discern their target.

(What a valuable spirit I possess!) Sina's thoughts brimmed with admiration.

Sina too wielded a formidable Rank six spirit, albeit of the fusion-type. Unlike other spirits that relied solely on the host's strength to unleash the full potential of their souls, fusion spirits demanded specific conditions to attain their maximum power. Unfortunately, Sina wasn't particularly fond of the condition she had to fulfill.

"Sina, rest now. I'll take the watch," a voice emerged from within the swarm of insects.

Throughout their journey, Fray and his team had slain numerous monsters, replenishing the strength of their combat forces. Additionally, due to Fray's role as a body developer, he could remain awake for weeks without succumbing to fatigue. Consequently, he dedicated his nights to training whenever the group halted their march.

"I'm not tired, sir," Sina responded to Fray's offer.

"Very well," Fray conceded, resuming his training.

Inspired by Fray's commitment, Sina resolved to train as well. She closed her eyes, drawing upon the surrounding air to gather energy.

Within a brief span, the insects dissipated. Fray's eyes opened, and he declared, "An uninvited guest approaches us unnoticed."

"What?" Sina exclaimed before closing her eyes, employing her spiritual senses. "Only one person seems to have noticed our campfire."

The team concealed their camp in a secluded spot, keeping a safe distance from the Monsters. Nevertheless, it appeared that one of the creatures had stumbled upon their whereabouts.

"No need to awaken the others. We can handle this intruder ourselves," Fray proclaimed.

"Understood, sir," Sina replied.

Thus, Fray and Sina embarked on their journey toward the approaching monster.

"It's a rank four cyclops," Fray informed, his expression grave.

Upon locating the beast, they discovered a towering creature standing at five meters tall, armed with a colossal club and a lone eye.

"Take care of it," Fray commanded with unwavering determination.

Sina, still in the fourth kingdom, knew that an ordinary warrior from the fifth kingdom would fall effortlessly before a rank four monster. Logically, it would be impossible for her to engage this beast in direct combat.

However, disregarding the odds, Sina responded without hesitation, "Yes, sir," before vanishing from sight.

The colossal beast lumbered towards the flickering light, suddenly experiencing a jolt of pain in its back. It swiftly pivoted, striking out at the insect responsible for its suffering.

Sina parried the monster's blow with her sword, but the force of the creature's immense strength propelled her backward.

Regaining her balance, she vanished once more, maneuvering swiftly to the cyclops's blind spots. Direct confrontation with such overpowering creatures would undoubtedly result in Sina's defeat. Instead, she opted to exploit their vulnerabilities. Fortunately, this particular monster possessed numerous blind spots.

The monster bellowed in agony as Sina landed another successful attack, eliciting a scream of pain.

(No wonder these individuals are so desperate to retrieve the children. This technique is on a whole new level.) Fray observed the battle, realizing its inefficacy against this type of monster.

Undeterred, the cyclops pivoted to retaliate against Sina, but she swiftly disappeared, reappearing behind the creature once more. With all her might, she thrust her blade into its back, only to be met with an unexpected outcome.

Clang! A metallic sound reverberated as Sina's sword struck the monster's skin. The area of contact turned pitch black, and despite Sina's efforts, her blade failed to leave a scratch. The beast's attention shifted, but instead of attacking Sina directly, it slammed both fists into the ground, unleashing a devastating shockwave.

The impact shattered the earth, uprooting nearby trees, and sent Sina hurtling through the air. She collided forcefully with a colossal tree, collapsing helplessly onto the ground.

Struggling to her feet, Sina gasped for air, the searing pain coursing through her body.

At this rate, killing the monster seemed impossible, she realized, her gaze fixed upon the rapidly approaching beast.

(He won't be joining the fight, that's for sure.) Sina's gaze darted toward a specific direction. (There's no choice but to employ it.)

"The Evrit of madness," Sina muttered.

And in an instant, her appearance began to transform. Her blond hair lengthened and turned a bluish-black hue. Once blue, her eyes now blazed a fiery red. Her figure elongated, becoming more elegant and exquisitely beautiful.

Initially, Sina's allure was sufficient to captivate Luke effortlessly in the novel, but now her beauty surpassed all expectations. She resembled a fairy summoned from the realm of dreams.

Yet, only Sina comprehended that this fairy belonged in the dream world and should never have entered reality.

"Chains of Punishment," Sina whispered, a smile etching itself upon her face.

Three peculiar gates materialized around the beast. Without warning, the gates swung open in unison, and numerous black chains emerged from each portal, ensnaring the cyclops and immobilizing its movements.

"Rip," Sina uttered softly.

The chains commenced their retreat towards the gates. However, due to their divergent positions, the beast was dragged in three separate directions, eliciting excruciating agony.

"Oooghghghgh!" the monster howled in pain, its gaze fixed upon Sina, who smiled at it with a murderous glint in her eyes.

Though the chains lacked the strength to rend the beast apart, they inflicted immense torment upon it.

Abruptly, Sina vanished once more, reappearing directly in front of the bound monster.

"The brain-eating worm," Sina murmured, conjuring a repulsive creature within her palm.

A small worm, grotesque in shape.

Sina placed the worm upon the beast's body, and in a flash, the repulsive creature hurtled toward the monster's head, disappearing within its ear canal.

The monster's screams intensified exponentially.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooghghghghghghghghghghghgh!" The cyclops bellowed with every ounce of its strength.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Sina couldn't contain her laughter, consumed by a surge of elation.

"This is the condition Sina acquired," Fray mused, awestruck by the spectacle before him. "Agony..."