The shield organization

"Oooooooghghghghgh!" The monster's scream reverberated with an unsettling intensity, jolting the slumbering team members from their rest.

"Well, it seems like the festivities are about to come to an abrupt end," Sina uttered, her tone laced with determination as she sensed a group of individuals approaching.

"The Black Flame," Sina murmured, her eyes narrowing with a vengeful glint.

Suddenly, a hand-sized black door materialized before the abomination, swinging open to release a small, sinister black flame that surged toward the monstrous creature.

Upon contact, the flame began to consume the beast, growing larger and larger until it engulfed the entirety of its twisted form.

"Disappear," Sina whispered through gritted teeth.

As if obeying her command, the chains and barriers dissipated into thin air, vanishing along with the flames.

Lifeless, the monster crashed to the ground, its once recognizable body now grotesquely disfigured beyond all recognition.

"Fierce spirit, a fitting trait for her," Fray mused silently, observing Sina's return to her normal appearance.

"The Cemetery Army," Fray announced, the eerie Cemetery Bees materializing out of nowhere and swarming the monster's lifeless remains, draining its residual energy.

Meanwhile, Fray made his way toward Elisa and the others, who had already arrived, intent on explaining the situation.

In the city of Iskar,

Parada Palace,

Montasir sat in the palace's third living room, facing two men perched on a couch.

"When will he return?" Lucas, one of the men, inquired.

"The exact date of his return remains unknown, but I suspect he will be delayed by at least a month," Montasir replied.

"He's as callous as ever when it comes to the safety of his people. How can he embark on a mission while leaving an uncleansed Three Star Dungeon, ready to explode within his territory?" Ned, another man, fumed with anger.

"We explicitly advised you not to meddle with this dungeon. We would have handled it ourselves," Montasir said, his voice dripping with coldness.

As members of the Shield Union, these two men were tasked with safeguarding humanity from external threats, with dungeons falling under their purview. Upon learning of Fray's retreat from the dungeon, they bombarded him with numerous letters. Initially, Fray chose to ignore them, but their incessant correspondence compelled him to respond, demanding they not interfere. Yet, contrary to Fray's request, they dispatched scores of troops to Iskar City, with these two men serving as their leaders.

"Why hasn't it been cleansed yet, Mr. Montasir?" Lucas questioned.

"The information regarding this dungeon is confidential, belonging to the Parada family. I am unable to disclose it to you," Montasir asserted.

"We are part of the Shield Union. You are obliged to provide us with information regarding the dungeon," Ned seethed.

"And what if I refuse?" Montasir countered.

"Excuse me!" Ned exclaimed, taken aback by Montasir's unwavering gaze.

"Mr. Montasir, please, do not be angered. We harbor no ill intentions. However, this dungeon poses a threat to the innocent if left uncleansed. We have brought sufficient forces to handle it ourselves, with your permission," Lucas proposed.

"No, that dungeon within Iskar City is off-limits, and anyone attempting to cleanse it without the consent of the Parada family will be deemed an enemy of the family," Montasir declared, his voice devoid of warmth.

(Is there some sort of treasure within that dungeon?) Lucas pondered.

"Very well, Mr. Montasir. Can we at least remain here to assist in case the dungeon erupts?" Lucas asked.

"That shall be acceptable. However, I do not possess the authority to welcome you within the palace. If you so desire, you may reside within the city," Montasir conceded.

"Understood, Mr. Montasir. Thank you for your time," Lucas said, rising from the couch.

Disappointed expressions etched on their faces, the two men exited Parada Palace.

"Why should we heed his commands? Let us use force, even if he is a warrior of the Eight Kingdoms. He would not stand a chance against the union," Ned suggested, anger coloring his words.

"You severely underestimate the might of the Parada family. Their power runs far deeper than meets the eye," Lucas cautioned.

"What do you mean? Aside from Montasir, the Parada family is not that formidable. We already know Fray's strength; he poses no threat," Ned retorted.

"Do you truly believe we comprehend the full extent of his power?" Lucas questioned, prompting Ned to fall silent, lost in thought.

"Moreover, Elisa possesses far greater strength than she appears to possess," Lucas added, casting a fleeting glance toward Parada Palace.

Two weeks later,

Within the forest,

Fray and his team arrived at the mountain they had set out for, albeit delayed due to the numerous monsters they encountered along the way.

After establishing camp at the mountain's base, Fray dispatched Sina and Isha, accompanied by three elite knights, to search for two intertwined trees resembling a star shape.

Remaining at the camp, Fray prioritized much-needed rest.

However, mere hours later, an unwelcome visitor arrived at their camp, someone Fray had no desire to encounter again.

"What brings you here, Fray?" a stunning red-haired girl exclaimed, her surprise evident as she gazed upon Fray.

"Hello, Lisa," Fray responded with a frigid tone.

(Another damned heroine), Fray thought to himself, filled with resentment.