Payback 4

As he slowly moved forward past the corpses of his men scattered everywhere, the bearded man looked with an angry expression at the young man who was looking at himself with a mocking smile on his face, "I'm going to make you regret it, bastard..." Before the bearded man finished speaking, he opened his eyes suddenly looking at another figure that appeared next to the young man, the figure was an exact copy of the original young man, even the spirit standing behind him was copied, but this strange phenomenon did not stop there. Suddenly another copy appeared, then a third, then a fourth until more than twenty clones appeared, all looking at the bearded man with twisted smiles on their faces.

"So this is your skill, very strong technique but unfortunately I already analyzed it while you were applying it on my men…" The bearded man said in a confident voice before he quickly closed his eyes. And released his spiritual sense