The betrayal

"E-ris… w-hat are you doing?" Ryan muttered in an intermittent voice, ignoring the family consisting of a father, mother, and two children who were hugging each other with frightened expressions on their faces, as he looked at the back of the teenage girl walking away, trying hard to keep his eyes open and maintaining his consciousness.

Hearing the boy's faint voice, the teenage girl paused for a while and then turned around to look from the corner of her eye at the boy kneeling on the floor and said in a sad voice with tears in her eyes, "Tell the boss of the Parada family to forgive me and tell him that I'm not going to divulge any family secrets, and if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

"Eris..stop…" Before Ryan could finish he fell to the ground unconscious as a small tear dropped from his closed eyes.

---- Next tomorrow morning.

---- Parada family mansion.