Empires:The blessed land

The blessed continent of the living, where four empires ruled each land. Each precious land has its own unique culture, customs, traditions, and different weather conditions, and also has the most beautiful sceneries.

As the continent was ruled by four empires, The cold Northern land of the VEORISIAN Empire, where the people of the cold Northern territories have pale skin that is white as snow and also has its beautiful Borealis. The deserted Eastern land of the PEDALION empire, where its people are known for their tanned skin and their land that are abundant with gold and diamonds. The southern land of the AVANDOR empire, where their land is known for having four divisions of seasons every year, and lastly. The Western land of the HYAVALION Empire was known for its tropical land and was also known as the land of spices.

As the continent was ruled by sovereign monarchs, They ruled each empire with their wives, as they govern their people and their lands to their glory and prosperity.

The believers in gods spread their beliefs to the whole continent. The believers of witchcraft and sorcery also came, and as they spread their evil witchery to the whole continent, many people and priests were alarmed by them. Blaming them for their lands' misfortune, as they gathered and protest against them. the kingdom of Theodosia which is located On the border side of AVANDOR and PEDALION and was known for its valuable treasures become the land of witches and sorcerers.

The two empires got alarmed, and they immediately ordered to kill every witch and banded Its people on visiting its kingdom. The cursed kingdom became isolated, Noone nor even a ruler had intended on conquering the cursed land.

But as the years goes by, young saintliness came and purified the cursed kingdom with her blessing and died from its land. knowing what happened, many people rejoiced and celebrated the good news, also the two empires who once never intended on conquering the small kingdom, are now conflicting a war for its valuable treasures and land.

"Your highness! the messenger bird has now arrived." Said the guardsman, barging into Lucian's military tent worriedly.

"Now hand me the confidential message."

" Yes, your highness!" he handed as he pay respect and leave.

"Your highness, we still haven't heard from the hive."Eugene stated as he take a seat ."It should be time for it to arrive, but it seems like something just happen."

Hearing his advisor's statement, made him confused, as he questioned him for what he said.

"If they ran into the enemy, the message should be delivered by the hive, but why did a bird that escaped come to us instead?" he asked.

"Perhaps the messenger soldier of the fourth order sent the bird to deliver information in his stead!" he replied.

"If that's how it is... It could be fabricated information, to enemy had probably captured our messenger and tortured him to rewrite classified information, and force him to manipulate it."He guesses.

"Your highness, What are your suspicions... Have you seen the classified information?"Eugene asked.

"I have, but it didn't mention anything about a rescue call, If they're having trouble moving about, they would've included the rescue symbol with their coordinates in the request," he replied as his suspicions dilated.

"I don't think it was sent by the enemy! Your Highness."

"If so.. then we're back to square one."He sighed as he burned the message on a candle.

Seeing him restless, his advisor winced in distress as he arranged the documents that are cluttered on his desk.

"Sir Eugene, call for captain Derrick and his squad from the knights of the Count to arrange a search mission for messenger soldiers just in case, but tell them not to go too far out from the camp."


"Search for him!!"He ordered, as his eyes gaze up to his advisor fervently.

"Yes, your highness."He obeyed, leaving his quarter.

As the sun sets, after 9 hours of planning and supervising every military troop in the military camp, Lucian finally got the time to laid down and rest in his seat, as he closed his eyes and sighed in distress.

"sigh...It's been 5 months since the warfare started. All I can see is bloodshed...and my mind is now perplexed by all of this battle. "He thought, while leaning his back on his seat as he closes eyes to relax.

"I want to see Celine, every night. I felt so lonely.. without you I can't be at ease."

"Should I write a letter? I guess.. she's been waiting on me to respond to her letters that keep coming."

"Maybe I should write one." he thought while writing a letter to her.

Lucian's letter;

Dear: Moonlighting

Ohh my fair crescent moon, I wished you a good day. A great distance on us, but not too far away from my heart, for we are closed, matter how far through all eternity is. My love for you will never part, as I remember those days I spent with you are sweet. Those joyful smiles of yours filled y life with complete ecstasy.

If you're worried about me I assured you, that I'm okay. I want to see you right now, but I must move forward on this frightful journey. For my love so sweet is my reason to fight, and soon I'll be with you, seeing the warmth and firmly showing in your eyes.

Also please take care of yourself, It is you, dearest. That I will always cherish, even when the universe shall perish.

To yours truly:Lucian

"Now I should send this secretly." He thought.

As he hid the letter inside his coat, His mood got ruined, A sudden report was delivered.

"How's the search going."

"We are in the process. Only 2 search teams haven't returned yet. They will be back soon."

"Commander in chief!!"

The captain of the cavalries rushed into the tent.

"Your highness, we've found the messenger soldier of the fourth knight order!!" The knight reported.

"Where did you find it?"

"He was severely injured in a place closer than we thought...He's been moving toward right now to be treated" the knight replied.

"Is it bad?"

"We're still on the march ."

"Yes !.. We wouldn't have found him if you hadn't ordered a search."

"His wounds are not life-threatening. Young master, Lucian. You saved one more life of our soldiers ." the knights praised.

"Great job on the search ...Now return to your quarters and rest... Also, Sir Luke, call from my advisor... I need him to do something. "He ordered, as the knight obeyed him and leave.

While empathizing with the reports and meetings, his advisor came as he paid obeisance to him and take a seat in front of him.

"You called me your highness?" he asked.

"The reply from the fourth commander troops we've sent has arrived...Now, I want you to form a meeting tomorrow, so go and inform the 1st,2nd,3rd, and 5th knights' commanders... Also, I want to send this to someone."He ordered, as to place the letter on his table.

"This...this letter." He murmured while gazing up at him querulous." You know that you've been prohibited from sending any contact with her right?" he queried, reminding him of what his uncle said.

"I know!..but just this once, I miss her."

"Let's see, if I can send it to her." he picked up the letter and winced in dismay.

"Your highness, You should take a rest," he murmured, as he leave looked so worried.

"Yes, I will."

laying down on his bed, closing his eyes while remembering what his uncle have said when he was punished.

"You must win this battle, If you'll able to conquer that land, The Crown Prince's position will be truly yours ."

"If so... you can finally avenge your mother, And be the new ruler of the Pedalion empire."

"Succeeding this quest, will gain your social status, and that aristocrat and nobles that are against the empress will be your allies," he murmured, as he stood up and hold his shoulder firmly.

"You must win this, I'm getting impatient waiting for that old hag who's enjoying its luxurious life."

"Don't worry uncle, once we succeed we'll make sure she'll be rotten in our wrath."

"keep your word, then."

As another night of loneliness passed, the longing he felt for her grew, continually delivering letters to her in secret. Ignoring his uncle's prohibition, the warfare didn't end as he predicted. Instead, the battle had become too difficult for him to handle, as his restless body filled with scars, worked day by day. As he spent two years in bloodshed.

Lucian grew up in those two years fighting for war, a young boy like him who was forced, and has a stalemate on his mind. He grew up much stronger and wiser than an average boy in his age. Numerous people claimed him for being a genius and a wise heir to the throne. but little do they know, he didn't care about it at all yet only wanted to stay with her forever.