Empires: conquering the blessed land.

Two years has passed,the two lived their lives in a great distance,but didn't forget to keep in touch with each other, as they exchange letters to feel each other's love and longing.

Celine had become more beautiful than ever ,as she had finally got recovered from the trauma she experienced in the slave establishment. She'v become more sweet and lovable towards her parents and Lucian.Meanwhile Lucian had become more mature and wiser ,when he become the commander in chief of the empire, even though it's too much for him to handle it's pressure on leading the empire to its glory. Lucian must succeed this quest,for he'll finally able to avenge his mother's death.

Meanwhile , In the military quarters, Lucian sat behind the desk. his feet were resting on the top of it, reclining lazily in his chair while swinging his bloodstained hands on his side as he take a rest from his dreary day on war. Eugene sighed seeing his untidy office were all the documents that are being piled up and cluttered in his desk.

"Your highness. "Eugene called with a sigh, gazing at him whose face was covered in parchment. As he delivered his report to him,as he thought of his currentstate.If anyone saw the Crown Prince's state rumors about him losing his mind would spread like wildlife and the empress would literally be pleased like shit.

Seeing his advisor holding an another report ,he heaved a sigh while looking at him exhausted, as he read his report.

"A typhoon ?"

"Yes , your highness. The weather will become stormy soon as it may possibly become a typhoon"

"A typhoon always come to the Central region in years when the autumn

farming does well."he murmured,while staring at the confidential message solemnly.

"The battle field will be coverer in sludge." Eugene uttered.

"We'll continue our plan , instead will use this to our advantage."he uttered as he wrote a confidential message in response to the third and fourth troops That has been sent to the military camp of the East border of Theodosia.

As the breeze of cold air pierced through the tent cloth.On this starry night where only the sound of wind against tent cloth was heard.

Lucian was still investigating the AVANDOR army's movement.

The lamplight shone on Lucian's face.The light drew a shadow on his sharp nose, jawline, and the dimple under his lips.The sharp contrast revealed the agony and handsomeness on his face.

Pitch black hair and rubied eyes.The red in his eyes was like an untamed beast that terrorize his prey's at night. Searching for the right move to claim what was rightfully Lucian work hard ,for him to succeed this quest.

"Hundreds and thousands of lives could be lost in a single confidential message. Do you think this messenger bird can deliver it to our troops safely?"he query waiting for Eugene's response.

" Our messenger birds are well trained and skilled, I'm sure that our message will be delivered safely without getting captured by the enemy."he respond.

" Then , we'll send this letter tonight. So prepare the messenger bird immediately."he ordered.

"If this secret letter doesn't get delivered, there will definitely be a difference in the military power of our reinforcements."he uttered as the messenger bird flew in the sky heading towards their secondary camp post.

"Let's hope that it'll be successful." Eugene murmured ,just as Eugene turned around to leave his quarters. He halt when Lucian spoke , He

slowly turned his head back knitting his brows as he doubted his ears.

"Pardon,your highness ."

"Did the letter, I sent for her ,got delivered successfully?"he asked , looking at his advisor fervently.

"Yes, your highness. I think your letter would be delivered by next week."He uttered.

Seeing him let a light chuckle , his advisor couldn't help but to feel perturbed about him being inlove with her. He sighed and frowned in distress as he take his leave.

Lucian who's been planning and supervising all day ,sat behind the desk.His feet were resting on top of it, reclining lazily in his chair as he heaved a sighed in weariness. Contemplatedly recalling their formulated strategy on conquering the kingdom of Theodosia.

Recently in the military camp base ,Head quarters.

"His highness,had just sent a confidential message regarding the military supplies." Eugene commented.

"To find all the soldiers that fell behind in the south, we needed more military supplies." He remarked, while setting up movements on sieging Avandor's army.

"Your highness, we must also included a message ordering to the fourth commander troops to move onwards in a certain direction."The 3rd commander suggested.

"Also this chaos where it was too dangerous to send messenger soldiers and when messenger birds kept dying, if this message was delivered safely, Pedalion's military power would be matched to Avandor's military might." He uttered as he set it's attack on sieging Avandor's armies.

"Avandor won't stand still if word that the fourth knight troops of the marquess is regrouping comes out. We should be careful to not leak the story to outsiders."He ordered.

"The southern army may have taken the hardest hit in this war, even if they were the first to be conquered.We shouldn't let our guard down ."

"But Commander Herald...If the battle was drawn out until nightfall, our troops would be in a disadvantageous position.

"One of the Avandor's commander lived the last 10 years in the Black Defense Wall so he knew tactics to fight effectively using the geographic advantage of the Wall.One of them was a prolonged battle and the other was a night battle." Eugene uttered.

When the Black Defense Wall was the allies', it was an advantage; now that it was Avandor's, however, they had to fight that same advantage.After all, they had to recapture the Black Defense Wall.

"The good news is, we've found some of their hideouts and it's located in the southern land of Theodosia."The 3rd commander announced.

"Then we'll attack at the endpoint between borders."he declared.

"Commander Herald of the fifth military troops, I'll assign you to lead on this siege."

"Also captain Noah and I, be your backup and follow your troops on track."he remarked.

"The battlefield cannot be avoided anyway."he murmured .

"That's why..will be departing tomorrow night!..also prepare your swords and troops."he exclaimed solemnly.

The next mission was quickly ordered,as he declared ,The Commanders of each legion take their obeisance to him and leave.

Seeing everyone leave the quarters,Lucian continuously wrote down an another confidential message for the fourth knights, commander Lucero from their secondary base camp. But suddenly his advisor, Eugene came and brought him a letter from his dearest beloved.

"Your highness, you have received a letter from...."he murmured, placing the letter on his desk, As he took a glanced at him wearily. Swiftly leaving his quarters in exhaustion.

"I guess she misses me."he chuckled lightly, While opening her letter. Lucian leaned back in the mattress as he read her letter in excitement.

Dear: Lucian

"My dear Lucian, every day I miss you a little bit more. And today, I miss you like tomorrow. The knowledge that you're getting closer to the front line made my mind restless from thinking of you. Mother told me that your duty isn't an easy task, so that's why I pray for you every night. Praying for your well-being is my only way of showing my love and concern to you from afar.

Future we will never see, but those moments we spent together filled our hearts with joy and excitement .No matter how long it takes, I'll be waiting for your return. So please don't give up, as I wait for you in this hill ,where I can see your arrival.

To yours truly;Celine

Reading her letter made his mind at easy, as he fall asleep in his bed holding her letter preciously, waiting for the sun rises for a new day.

It was the first night after taking back the major castles in the East border of Theodosia that the camp they had stayed in.

A days has passed as the fourth knight commander Delux received his order as it's stated that" we need provision in order to gather up the residual soldiers scattered across the east. March here in me to see after organizing the troops."after knowing his order. The fourth troops of the Marquess quickly marched towards the south, heading to the black defense wall as their backup.

3 days has passed,as they continued to fight in order to conquer the kingdom of Theodosia.

Lucian grabbed the handle of his sword.

There was a thin flow of dust in front of the Wall.

There were 40,000 Pedalion's men and 25,000 Avandor soldiers.

Even they had more men, but numbers had little meaning in this battle since the Black Defense Wall's geographic advantage could easily overcome that difference.

They would fire arrows from above as the Pedalion's army climbed the wall.

Lucian was considering destroying parts of the Black Defense Wall with an explosive in the worst case scenario.

Fortunately, Avandor was confident in this battle.

Since they couldn't easily capture the Wall even with multiple attempts, they must be thinking that it would be hard for Pedalion too.


Lucian gritted his teeth.

The Avandor brought 50,000 soldiers when they intruded and stationed 30,000 near Lopecce and 10,000 in the capital.

They even stationed 2,000 throughout the conquered castles in the Eastern region and stationed the remaining 15,000 in the Black Defense Wall.

If he was the commander of Avandor, he would have stationed 30,000 men in the Black Defense Wall.

Lucian's course of thought paused.

"Perhaps…Avandor's internal situation is failing."he wondered solemnly.

It wasn't confirmed but according to hearsay, Avandor had suffered damage from the typhoon.

The people of East knew when the typhoon would come and thus had time to avoid it. However, Avandor wouldn't.

Lucian was aware that they relocated their camp near downstream of the Auryn River.

It was a reasonable choice since the river would enable easier transport of the plundered resources.

But during typhoon season, that area was watery chaos.

If the water level rose because of the heavy rain and if many were flushed away along the strong current, Avandor must have lost a significant amount of soldiers and resources.

Perhaps it could be a lie that there are 20,000 soldiers in the capital.

Lucian calculated all of this and predicted Pedalion's victory.

Once if they succeed it will one step closer to victory,since the black defense wall was the center of it's kingdom ,it protects the castle of Theodosia.

Also after 2 years in battle the Avandor's power is slowly deteriorating even if their soldiers are higher than the Pedalion's army.Since their camp base has been located and calculated by Lucian's strategy,this time it will lead to its downfall.

If they recaptured the Black Defense Wall, the remaining Avandor troops would be trapped in the middle region.

And once the color of the flag on the Black Defense Wall changed, the Marquess soldiers gathering in the Eastern region would have a definite destination.

The deep yellow flag that danced like the flames of a beacon.

It would be the guiding light for them.

A horn signaled that there was only an hour left till noon.

Lucian drew his sword and slashed the rope holding the flag to the tent.

He grabbed the falling flag pole.

His eyes followed the tip of the flagpole and up to the sky.

The sky was glommy as the typhoon surprised them in its storms.