
" Mother! I don't like her!!! "

Hearing such dislike, Celine didn't seem to care at all, and instead, she looked straight into the girl's eye and let out such a charming smile, as she thought." Do you think I like you as well? I can already tell how have you taken your mother so much." Acting so sweetly, Celine took a step towards the young girl and held her hands so gently, while the young girl looked at her with disbelief.

" How cute of you sister, I also can't believe that I have such a beautiful sister like you, don't you think of it as well mother?" Looking at how they were stunned by what Celine have said, Celine continued her act as she looked at the twins with a charming look. Where at that moment, Rosella spoke.

" My precious, we talked over this already..." She remarked as she whispered into her daughter's ear. " Don't you worry my Princess, for this girl will be our puppet..." Whispering onto her daughter's ear as she gave her daughter a reassuring hoaxing smile.

" Mother was right, my father is such a coward and pathetic. For he has to live a life where everything he did was already set in stone— where even love wasn't enough to free him..." While keeping on her act, Celine noticed a man whose eyes and long silver hair was like hers, were waving as he walks closer to them. Meanwhile, Rosella immediately walked closer to him and spoke.

" What's with that cold expression? Aren't you happy that I'm back, my love?.." Seeing how cold this man is, the man greeted Rosella with such gentlemanly by kissing her gently on her forehead, as he spoke.

" Of course, I am glad that you are back. Our children truly miss you a lot... "

At that moment, Celine felt nothing but disgust towards them, as they looked so happy and united. " How displeasing this is, it's so irritating and disgusting, I feel like I'm getting nauseous... I bet she's enjoying this right now..."

Where at that moment, the man shifted his gaze at Celine with such astonished expression.

" And who might this young girl be?..." He inquired, as he studied her in a glimpse. On the other hand, Celine immediately bowed her head, while Rosella introduced her with a charming voice.

" This girl will be a part of our family, for I have adopted her because she is such a kind and sweet child, and she is Roxanna Laurel. Isn't it wonderful to have her?..." Convincing him with her bittersweet words, The man held Celine's hand and startled her when he spoke.

" Welcome to the family of Lancster my child..." He remarked, as he gently smiled at her. Meanwhile, Celine felt even more miserable than she had ever been before, as she couldn't believe that this is how she will meet her father. As if her wish on meeting her father had turned into a curse, a curse that took her mother's life and changed her fate.

" Thank you, your Grace..." She smiled yet her eyes were filled with grief. " Is this what they called fate? If it is, how unfortunate it could be..."


A month passed, and ever since she came into her father's estate, everyone treated her differently. Even though they treated her with care; from bathing her and dolling her to being pleasing in the eye. Everything they've done was just part of their job but their loyalty was only to their lady. Well, it's not like Celine didn't already expect this, of course, she already knew that as soon as she'll set foot onto her father's estate, Rosella would bring nothing but hell to her.

" It's been a month already, yet I still couldn't get used to being called Roxanna." She mumbled while lying on her bed so helplessly.

*Sigh* I hate this place, apart from that— I'm sure that old hag is planning on something, but what could it be?..."

" Instead of guessing, Maybe I should find a way on protecting myself from that old hag... But the problem is, how could I do that? If everything I do outside is being monitored by her, also my plan on getting close with the other servants didn't work out..." Thinking of any possible way to protect herself from everyone, Celine decided to take a short detour to her room, hoping she would find something useful, but at the end of her search was a total failure.

" Ahhhhhhhhh!!! What should I do?" As she screamed eternally, a sigh slipped on her lips, while staring at the bookshelf. Celine remembered the day when she wrote one of the best moments of her life in a book, and it was the day she and Lucian became friends.

" That's right if I ever that old hag will attempt to brainwash me maybe a diary could bring me back to my senses..." Coming up with such an idea, Celine immediately searches for a blank notebook on the shelves as her desperation on finding a way to survive made her search for an hour.

" I've been searching for an hour now... Even if I asked the servants about this, they will only get suspicious about me... What should I do?..."

Celine stared at the doorway and she let out a shallow breath. " I guess it can't be helped," came out a whisper.

For her, it would be difficult to find such allies when you are at your enemy's den. Moreover, Celene's actions were monitored by everyone in the estate. During those days she spent in her father's estate, Celine realize how some of the servants were scared of the duchess and her daughter. I guess it could be the reason for their hostility towards her.

" It's already noon, there are still 20 minutes left before that damn servant serves me some rotten food again. Also, everyone only listens to Aries, that daughter of a devil..."

" Do they want me to be violent and wreak havoc? Is that what they want? For me to act so foolish and arrogant? Well too bad I already decided to play her game..."

" Now, I shall commence my first plan..."

" As I observed in these past few weeks, everyone still thought of me as an ignorant puppet of Rosella and there's no reason for them to fear me, but I have no intention of dying because of that..."

" That's why summoning the head butler was a great idea for exposing that damn maid. Since the head, Butler seems only loyal to my father..."

" Can't wait to punish that arrogant maid..."


"Ten minutes had already passed, just a bit more..." She mumbled, staring at the doorway, biting her lower lips.

" If the head butler had arrived first, then I'll proceed to plan A but if not then B... But it would be really nice if the head butler will arrive first though..." Wishing for her plan to work, Celine sighed in relief as her bait had already been set perfectly.

*Knock!!! Knock!!! Knock!!!*

Celine perked up, as she instantly stood up clutching her skirt, and took a deep breath as she opened the door cautiously.

" Please let it be the butler..." She thought, switching her demeanor to acting mode, and opened the door nonchalantly.

" Ohh, Mr. Butler! You've finally come." She remarked, stepping aside as she beckoned him to enter.

" Thank you for heeding my request head butler, and I apologize for disturbing your time..." Lowering her head to humble herself, offering him to sit down in the divan.

" My lady—" he cued, instantly locking eyes and observing Celine's innocent demeanor. Meanwhile, Celine calmly sat down and replied. " Yes, Sir Butler..." She gazes at him innocently, applying all she learned from these past few weeks on how to act like a noble.

"May I know the reason why you summon me?"

" Oh yes of course... " She cheered up as she shortly change her emotions and looked at him so hesitantly. " Sir, butler... Ever since madam Rosella brought me here in this grandiose mansion, I've always been wanting to prove myself and make madame proud of me... And that's why I read so many books for me to learn about becoming a true noble lady that madame could be proud of..." Stating her reasons, Celine's eyelashes fluttered, shyly lifting her eyes to the head butler as her expression could make them pity her.

" I understand, well what do you want me to do my lady?..."

" Could you let me visit the library? And also, lend me some blank notebooks and a fountain pen?..." Calmly stated her reasons, Celine's calm expression perfectly hid her nervousness.

" My lady, about that... Ever since his grace accepted you as his child, you are free to

roam around as you please and If ever our servants mock you, please don't hesitate to tell me..."

" Yes, of course..."

" And—"

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

" You useless brat! Open the door this instance!..."

As the servant began taunting her, Celine immediately stood up and was stopped by the head butler with such displease expression on his face.

" My lady, please sit down, for I'll take of this..." The butler reassured, as he straighten his back and landed his eyes on the door, wondering who is this daring servant.

" Yes—"

" Didn't you hear me? I said open the door!"

Taunting her again, the butler immediately opened the door, and the maid's jaw dropped when he saw the head butler's furious expression. On the other hand, Celine praised her grand entrance, making Celine's plan easier and perfect. " Ahh, you foolish puppet... Thank you for taking the bait...!" Without losing her composure, Celine continued kindly on her act.

" How dare you mock the duchy!!! How daring of you, a mere servant treating her master such disrespect!!!" He exclaimed, as the maid panicked and nervously dropped the tray of food on the head butler's suit which made him even more furious, and was also shocked when the food wasn't edible at all.

" Head butler! T—the thing is... I'm sorry..."

" This..."

"What are you feeding her?" The head butler turned from shock to horrifying anger as he berated her furiously.

" How dare a mere servant do such thing to her owner's food...!"

The head butler looked down on the rotten soup spilled on his suit and was shocked at how the food that spilled on his suit wasn't fit for human consumption. It was a mess, as he thought that no one in their right mind would serve something like this to the new lady of the duchy. Not even a commoner would eat worse than garbage. At the sight of this mess, the butler immediately called the guards and dragged her into Celine's room, where the guardsmen held her captive.