New home.

" Finally! They've thought of taking these shit chains off me..." As she watches the guards who were unshackling the chains on her feet, her impatient stare on those guards was filled with annoyance, yet still able to maintain her look that was so feeble and gullible.

At that moment, one of Rosella's retinue came and beckoned on Celine, while looking at her with such a sharp look. Celine couldn't help but feel wary of that maid, as she studied its eyes and smiled bitterly.

One of Rosella's maids assisted her up and led her to the bathroom where the other servants bathed. While passing through the hallway, some of the servants that were assigned on cleaning the hallway had taken glances at her as they sneered and let out some shit rumors about her. " Isn't she that girl, duchess bought on the slave establishment?..." " I guess she is... I've heard that she was confined in a guest room for two days without any food to eat or water for her to drink..."

" Wait, just two days of isolation, ohh god what bummer... Well, Isn't it better for someone like her to serve as a servant than a princess... "

As she took a glance at them, Celine glared at them with a pitiful expression. At that moment Celine looked at the maid's back while ignoring the gossip. " Well, I guess I'll soon get used to this..." She thought, questioning herself on how devoted Rosella's people are, to think that their master and they are the same, so annoying.

At the moment they arrive, Looking at how filthy the bathtub is, Celine entered and stared at how soiled the water is as if this water is only for washing rags rather than for bathing. At that moment, the maid who'd just assisted her stared at her with such interrogating look.

" Is something wrong miss? " The maid asked, while calmly standing up like a doll waiting for a response.

" Do you even consider this kind of water, usable?... Because it looks like some corpses had been lied up in here..." She alluded, purposely saying it louder as a payback from the mockery. Though it was true that this was a women's bathroom for servants. The look on those servants who were just sneering at her scowled at how Celine implied them as corpses. Meanwhile, the cold expression of the doll-like servant wasn't bothered at all as she stepped closer and looked at the bathtub filled with soiled water.

* Sigh* " My apologies miss Celine, for the inconvenience. Please allow me to take you to the guest's bathroom..." Noticing how this maid was different from the others, Celine couldn't help but to wonder at how calm this servant was despite the grimace and mockery from the other servants because of her doll-like demeanor.

" Is she a doll or a nun? and her emerald eye color is truly beautiful like my mother..." She thought as she followed the doll-like servant to a guest's bathroom.


" How can this water be so cold, I'm freezing..." Bathing herself with such cold water, she filled the battered mug with water, pouring on gently over her head. Celine let out a shallow breath as her tears dripped along with the water dripping from her head down to her shoulders, Where she stroked her hair with such grief.

" I'm crying? How can that be? I just promise myself not to cry. I must control my emotions, I must survive no matter what. But, why did this all happen so suddenly? In just a blink of an eye, I can no longer see them again..." Questioning her fate with such disbelief, while controlling herself not to show such emotions. It was clear that even someone in her state would traumatize them for it, as she placed her hands over the rims of the tub and lie down as she drown herself to clear her mind who's a mess.

"It's so cold, yet it's nice..."

"I need to clear my mind and think straight... Even if I need to change myself for the better. She must pay the price, of my mother's life, because from this day forward, the sweet and innocent Celine everyone once knew is dead."


Days and three weeks had passed ever since that day, Celine wears the idiot's mask. As this day will be the new chapter of revenge, Celine who've been waiting for this day. had finally arrived at her father's estate, noticing how grandiose this place is Celine wasn't amazed at all. For she had been sitting in front of the woman who'd murdered her mother in weeks, those days of traveling were hell for her.

Till the carriage had finally stopped at a steady pace. Where four horses pulled the carriage made with the finest oak decorated in luxurious gold patterns. The rhythmic humming of the wheels came to stop flawlessly at a steady pace. At that exact moment, a maidservant promptly placed the stool on the ground in front of the carriage door, where the head butler who's been standing up faultlessly walked closer and opened it with his hand stretched outward to offer support for the person inside.

At that moment, a woman stepped onto the stool and thought the hand of the head butler was offered, as the woman held its hand and stepped onto the ground, all of the servants who were standing on each sideways at the main entrance of the mansion, bowed their heads as they welcomed the greatest wife of the aristocrat family in Lancster, Duchess Rosella Lancster.

" Greetings to Duchess Rosella!!!..." They welcomed her with such courtesy.

" Welcome home, Duchess Rosella... I guess the three months vacation was at its best..." Looking at how Rosella had such a delighted smile on her face, all of the servants who'd heard the butler's compliment felt relief.

At that exact moment, Celine stepped out and was gobsmacked by how grandiosely large the mansion was. It was a tall, magnificent mansion where every statue was made of marble, situated in the garden and the main entrance of the mansion as it was something she didn't expect would be so beautiful up close. Meanwhile, the butler seem to be surprised to see such a guest, the Butler inquired.

" Your Grace, may I know who's this young—woman?..."Thought the butler already knew, In a brief moment the butler studied her and instantly looked back to Rosella with a calm look.

" This young beautiful lady your gazing at will be the new member of the family... Her name is miss Roxanna Laurel, but before I explain any further please escort her to the guest room and take care of her. " As she stood up with such an innocent expression on its face, Celine indeed played her role with such an act. Her charm and sweet light smile greeted the butler who suddenly feel sympathetic towards her, as indeed their master had bought a new pawn for its plans.

" Wow, I'm impressed. You are truly good at lying Rosella." She thought while greeting the butler with such grace.

" Yes, Duchess," the butler bowed his head, excusing himself for a moment and heeding Rosella's command. When the butler turned around, Rosella then leaned closer to her and whispered. " If you ever dare thought of disobeying me, You better leave this place before I sever your head..." Threatening her with such deriding expression, Rosella's tonality made her even more irritated.

Celine was led inside, where she followed the butler and Rosella who was a step ahead of her. Looking at how luxurious this mansion is where every part of was had the most expensive items shed never seen, Celine had become cautious about the thought of not breaking anything. Where she caught site of maids who were not the ones who lifted their heads to look at them. There were more than seven to ten of them who were cleaning walls and the stairs on either side of the large hall.

" Mother!!!..." A young girl came and gave Rosella a warm embrace, followed by a sweet smile on her face. Where two young men who looked like twins came in such excitement.

" Mother, you've finally returned... I really missed you..." The girl said while holding her mother's hand.

" How are you feeling now mother did the therapy work? " The young man asked, making Celine show such an expression of disbelief.

" Therapy? Did he just say, that this woman went on therapy? Does killing someone can be considered a way for therapy?..." She exclaimed eternally, as those words made her even more furious. " Calm down, Celine... You must control your emotions even if you want to blow up this place right now..." As she told herself to calm down, one of the twins noticed her and pointed its hand, and asked." Who is that girl? Mother..." Pointing its hand to her, she flinched as she looked into the young men's eyes and shyly she greeted.

As the boy asked, Rosella immediately hold Celine's hand and introduced her to her half-siblings. " Oh, I forgot to tell you that she will be the new member of the family... I want you to meet Roxanna Laurel, she's the same age as both of you boys." Cheerfully introducing her, the twins

looked at her with shocked faces. Meanwhile, the young girl screamed in such a scoffing way.

" No!!! How can that girl be my sister?!!! She's not even as pretty as mine!!! She's so hideous and looks like a rag!!!" A counterblast of such insult and arrogance of one's self, Celine's expression didn't seem bothered at all but her mind was totally like an erupting volcano that will soon blow up.

On the other hand, Rosella seems to be holding back her laughter as she was pleased with her daughter's mockery.

" These two are truly the same, like as they say a Mother like a daughter..."