Cycle of Hate

Haji snapped his fingers loudly in front of Zero. Zero quickly turned back to him, his mind clearly still rattled by the sights before him.

Haji looked at him and then looked across the street and saw the sign on the bakery. He let out a small sigh. "A lot has happened in the past decade and a half. People haven't quite gotten over that."

He patted Zero once on the shoulder and kept walking. Zero hesitantly followed.

As they walked down the sidewalk, the damage from the war against the Reapers was more evident with some shops having quickly patched holes on the side of their building, pieces of sidewalk missing and replaced with plywood, and some side streets were completely closed off due to a partially collapsed building or other issues that were still being worked on.

It wasn't the physical damage that was making him uneasy though. It was the side glances from people they passed. The coldness of everyone around him. It was like when he first met Midnight Squad.

Nobody wanted him here either.

Before he realized it, they had made it to the government building where the President resided. There was oddly enough a decent size crowd outside the fences. A small podium had been set up outside the fence on a mobile stage. Compared to the hybrids who shuffled around the city, these people were bright and joyous. They were looking at each other with beaming faces and seemed to be just enjoying the overall atmosphere.

As Zero scanned around the mass of people he couldn't spot a single armband.

Some were holding signs in their hands in anticipation of whatever was about to happen. Zero got a peek at one nearby that read '4 More Years of Progress'. The person next to them had a sign that said 'Salvatore = Peace'.

"Hmm so that explains why there's such a push for following protocol today. Looks like the President is giving a speech. What lucky timing." Haji stated - but it didn't seem like he was too joyous about it.


Zero jumped in shock at the sudden uproar of the crowd. "Wait, what happened?!"

He quickly got his answer as he looked back to the building and saw a man walking down the stairs leading out the front door. He had grayish hair that was slicked back and wore an expensive black suit with a bright green tie. It didn't take much thought to guess that this was the President.

He was being escorted on both sides by 3 men in military outfit carrying assault rifles. Behind the President walked a younger gentleman - he had black hair that dipped right below his ears and wore a blue striped suit. He had on a pair of square glasses and had very sharp, gaunt features. He appeared to be a good bit younger than the President - probably late 30s.

The military men opened the gate and escorted the President and his associate to the stage. Fans were still cheering and yelling out to them.

"We love you President Salvatore!"

"Capital City owes you everything!! We'll always vote for you!"

"I named my son after you so he could grow up to be a hero!"

The President waved to the crowd with a politician's smile as he stepped behind the podium.

Zero however kept looking at the younger man by his side. There was something about him that…felt off. But he could say the same about the whole city.

The President motioned his hand down and the crowd started to become quiet.

"Hello everyone. Another beautiful day in Capital City, am I right?" His words were met with rambunctious applause.

"Yes Yes…so, I'm sure you're all wondering why I announced this last minute speech. Well, as you all know it's almost election season."

Again, another round of loud applause. "We can't wait for another 4 years!" Someone in the crowd yelled out.

"Aha, thank you. I greatly appreciate your support these past 4 years. With your help and vote of confidence, we were able to put Capital City back on the map and instill hope for the first time since the outbreak. My staff and I can't thank you enough."

The crowd cheered and clapped as they looked at each other with smiling faces.

"As you all know, my opponent Mr. Bertram-"


Zero noticed the sudden shift in the crowd at his name. People looked disgusted as if they just tasted something terrible.

"Yes yes, I share in your sentiment. 5 years ago when I led the attack to reclaim this city from the Reapers, I watched men die all around me. Giving the ultimate sacrifice so that we could stand here today. I think about those brave few everyday. My friends. My brothers. My sisters. We stand here today because of them. And Mr. Bertram, wants to spit on all of that with his sympathetic policies and need for 'change'. I say to that - where were you when we were on the front lines, Mr. Bertram?!"

The crowd showed great support and was raising their fists in solidarity.

"It's for that very reason….that I'm here to announce that I will not be running for re-election."

It was then that the soul of the crowd seemed to disappear. Their faces drained of all happiness and was only left with disbelief and sadness.


"B-but you can't! Who else will fight for us?"

"Settle down, settle down. I've made this decision FOR you. I'm not running so that we can win this fight against evil. In my stead, my Vice-President, Victor Anderson, will be running!"

The President moved aside as the young man behind him stepped forward to the podium. The crowd still seemed unsure of this new announcement.

"Hello, citizens of Capital City. I know that in recent years I haven't been much in the public eye. I have not been sitting on my hands however. I've been watching. Studying. Learning."

He looked across the crowd with a stern look. For a brief moment his eyes locked with Zero. Zero felt a cold chill run down his spine. It was like he could see right through him.

"....And what I see, I don't like. We are a people who survive. A people who have been through hell and come out the other side stronger than ever. We have fought the Reapers for years and still do to this day. A war that is draining our resources and costing lives. We all know this. Yet…there are those of us, like Mr. Bertram, who see this as an opportunity For acceptance."

The crowd started murmuring.

"I say the only way to end this war is to eradicate those who wish to see us as their food. Citizens of Capital City, no…Citizens of New America, have you forgotten what it was like after the outbreak?! I haven't. I watched my whole family slaughtered in front of me as they sacrificed themselves so I could get away. No more. I will see that an end is brought to this war."

Victor looked back towards Zero. "By any means necessary."

The crowd broke out into a rebel yell once more, cheering and chanting for Victor.

Haji looked down at Zero, "Let's go."


Haji and Zero headed left the crowd in the distance as they ventured further out into the city.

They stumbled upon a medical clinic that had a long line waiting outside. Zero looked up at the business sign - "Hybrid Medical Center".

"This is one of the reasons I wanted to bring you here. We have a doctor on base, but this center specializes in hybrid care. For any major injuries you'll be taken here to get checked out." Haji explained.

"Okay." Zero replied. He looked at the people in line - they all had the same badge he wore on. Most of them seem in good care though, at least on the outside anyways. As they approached the building he started hearing raised voices from nearby.

He looked across the street and saw a small band of people with signs.

'Get out of our city'

'Only humans belong here'

Zero looked away. He was starting to wish he had just stayed at the base.

"Alright, we can just head straight in." Haji said as he walked past the line.

"What about these people?"

"They're citizens. Military gets priority."

Zero was beginning to find it weird how privileged the military seemed here. Was this what it was like in other countries too?


Everyone looked on the other side of the building where a little girl, no more than 10, had fallen and knocked over a trash can. A larger man stood over her. Zero saw that the girl was wearing an armband.

"How dare you walk on the same sidewalk as me. Don't you people know better by now?"

The girl didn't say anything. She just looked at the man with fear etched in her face. He picked up some of the trash and threw it on her.

"There, that's how you people should look." He said with a disgusting grin on his face.

Zero couldn't believe this. He looked around to see if there was any military around. At the door of the clinic sat one guard. The guard looked over at the disturbance happening on the other side of him.

And then he turned right back around.

Zero's eyes widened. "Wait, isn't someone going to help her?" He looked at the line of people outside of the clinic. They clearly saw what was transpiring…but they didn't make any type of move to go to the girl's aid.

"This is crazy…she's just a girl!" Zero looked up at Haji. Haji looked on at the scene but was just as useless.

This isn't right, thought Zero. I don't understand this. I DON'T. I don't feel any less human yet they treat us like shit. And no one will do anything to stop it. Not even when it's a fucking child…

Zero's fist clenched. But I'm not going to just let this go. Not when I have the power to stop it.

Haji felt something was up and looked down - only to see that Zero was gone.


The man tightly grabbed the girl by the shirt. "It isn't fair…you get to walk around free as if everything is fine. What about my wife? My sons? Why do they get to lie dead in the ground while YOU murderous people roam happily around!" Tears started to drip down the little girl's face.


All of a sudden he was sent flying into the street by an invisible force. He hit the pavement hard, landing on his arm. A *crack* could be heard by those nearby.

"GAAAHH! My arm! My fucking arm!!" He writhed around in pain as he clutched his arm. He looked up, fuming with anger. "Who…who did this?!" He looked around at all the possible culprits, but no one was close enough to have done it.

And to top it off, the girl was gone. No one knew what had just happened.

That is, except for Staff Sgt. Haji. And he was far from happy.