Your Place in All This

When Zero activates Chronos Trigger, it doesn't make him disappear from the view of anyone within its radius. The only time this occurs is when he moves at normal speed or enhanced speed within the time field. Since his body is used as the reference point for the center of Chronos Trigger's fixed radius, it moves with him. Hence how he is able to achieve super speed. He subconsciously used this in his fight against Two and has been training it since to replicate it.

Over at the salon, the hairdresser had just finished fixing Three's hair when one of the guards that were assigned to her started hastily walking through the shop. Three was in the back part of the shop - this particular salon didn't usually service hybrids, but being in the military had its perks.

"Three, it's time to head back."

Three checked her hair in the mirror and appeared pleased. She yanked the apron off herself and handed it back to the hairdresser.

"Well I'm done anyways. But why the rush? I figured they would be longer than this."

"Not sure. The Staff Sgt. had sent word to the outpost that we were to retrieve you immediately. No details were given."

Hopefully nothing happened to Zero, she thought to herself. She remembered all too well what it was like the first time they took her out to the city. It wasn't exactly a warm welcome.


In a desolated back alley in one of the closed off sections of the city, Zero sat catching his breath. Beside him was the little girl he had saved.

"Huff…huff…hufff.." Zero had ran at top speed all over the city until he found an empty alley. His stamina still wasn't at the point where he could do that for long periods without giving out.

"...are you okay?"

Zero looked down at the girl. She had long black hair and was wearing a short blue dress and a pair of leggings. He noticed that the leggings didn't go all the way down to her legs and appeared a bit worn.

Her eyes were irritated and there was a bit of puffiness under them from when she was crying.

Zero put on a smile, "Of course. Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" His glance fell on the scratch on her elbow that was turning red.

"No, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. They've done worse."


Zero moved in front of the little girl and sunk down to her level. "Hey, just ignore those guys. You and I know we have just as much right as them to be here."

"I guess…"

Zero felt saddened by the fact that even someone as young as her was treated so unjustly. The worst of it being that if he hadn't been there, who knows what would've happened to her.

"Um, can I ask you something?" she said shyly.

"Yes, of course. What is it?"

"Well. Are you…are you a superhero?"

"Uh - haha, what gave you that thought?"

"Because! You moved super fast. A-and you stopped that mean guy. And you're nice to me."

Zero felt his heartbeat skip a little. The little girl stared at him with big eyes and a small hopeful grin. Has the world really robbed her of so much kindness?

"You see..yes, yes I am!"

"Oooooooo!" She jumped up and a smile fully exploded on her face. "I knew it! I knew you were!"

"Shhhhh!" Zero tried to quiet the girl so as to not attract unwanted attention. "But you have to keep it a secret, okay? We don't want the bad guys to find out before I deal with them. Deal?" He said, giving the girl a wink.

It was like she was given a huge job. She pinched her fingers and dragged them across her lips to show they were sealed. "Deal!"

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Nora."

"Well, Nora, where is your family?"

"My dad was inside seeing the doctor. My mom is at home."

"I see. Well, let's see if we can get you back over to the clinic, okay?"


Zero offered out his hand and the girl happily grabbed it. He couldn't help but smile. This had to be the first time he could say he felt happy since….since as long as he can remember.

Zero walked the girl around the corner leading out the back alley.

"Going somewhere?"

Haji stood with his shoulder leaning against the wall. His furrowed brow, twitching upper lip, and imposing stance made clear that Zero had made a grave mistake.

He had been waiting for them.

"S-Sgt Sadiki.." Zero was almost afraid to break eye contact with him. It was like he was caught in a snare waiting for the hunter to come deal the finishing blow.

Haji looked to Nora, who quickly slipped behind Zero.

"There's no need to be afraid, little girl. We are just here to take you back to your father."

Several military men walked onto the scene from behind Haji.

"Come now, your father is very worried about you." Haji persisted with the cowering girl.

Zero turned around to look at Nora. He gave her a smile and nod.

Nora hesitantly nodded back and walked over to one of the soldiers. The soldier grabbed ahold of her arm and started leading her away. One of the other soldiers approached Haji. "Sir, do you need us to stick around to deal with this?"

"No. See that she gets back to the clinic. I'll have a chat with my subordinate here."

The soldier nodded and the rest of them walked off as well, leaving Zero and Haji alone.



*Bam!* *Bam!*




Zero fell to his knees on the ground, clutching his stomach after receiving a hard knee from Haji.

"Did you think you could pull that stunt and just slink away?"

*BAM!* Haji delivered a heavy kick to the side of Zero's head, causing him to slam into the adjacent wall.


"Nope." *STOMP*

"AHHHHHH!!" Haji stomped right on Zero's leg with considerable force.

"Not yet you're not."

Zero laid on the ground, trembling from the pain. Afraid to get back up, he managed to lift his head which was covered in dirt and blood to see Haji looming over him.

Since Haji wasn't a hybrid, Zero had never given any thought to 'How strong is Haji?'. He was just a regular human being after all. But he was wrong. While not on par with Three, Haji had exceptional strength. Even better technique. And to top it off - he had the mind of an intellect who had studied the human body and knew all the ways to make someone hurt.

This was the man that was tasked with keeping a team of super powered beings in line.

Haji reached down and picked up Zero by the back of his shirt. Zero wasn't a stick, but he was heavy enough that someone shouldn't be able to just pick him up with one hand like a ragdoll. But Haji did.

He tossed Zero into a pile of rubble that had been gathered up and left.


Zero squirmed in agony as Haji watched on.

"I thought I made myself clear in the beginning. If you step out of line, I will put you down."

Zero managed to slide himself off of the pile of rubble. He grabbed a part of a nearby wall that had been mostly torn down and pulled himself up to a standing position. He hugged part of the wall for support. His leg didn't feel broken but it was definitely damaged.

"I..I just…I cou..couldn't.."

"Speak up. I can't hear you with all that blood in your mouth."

Zero spit in front of him and splattered the ground with red.


"With the girl? I thought you understood how things work here. It's not always fair but you're not here to be the judge and jury. You go around stepping in everyone's affairs and you'll find out quickly how little they give a shit about your continued existence."

"I don't care!"

"...Excuse me?"

Zero clenched his teeth as his eyes became watery. He was so frustrated. He was so scared. But more than all of that, he was just sad.

"She was just a little girl, Sgt…but he…everyone just watched as he attacked her. Not even you did anything, sir. Why does it have to be like this? Aren't we sacrificing too? Do our lives really mean so little to you?"


"I'm…I'm sorry I stepped out of line. But someone has to be the one to stand up against this…this hate."

Haji walked over to Zero. Zero stepped back slightly and bumped against the wall.

He stood right in front of the frightened Zero, not saying a word for several seconds. Zero may be a hybrid Reaper with abilities that transcend human reason, but to Haji…he seemed like a scared 16 year old boy who knew nothing past his own nose.

"Your job isn't to stand up for what's right. Or to hand out punishment. Your one and only job is to fight the Reapers. Anything outside that is above your pay-grade and more than likely will get you killed. Just be glad that all of you are tagged and I was able to find you. Consider this as you getting off easy.

Haji leaned forward towards Zero, exerting his obvious height advantage. "Now behave like a good military dog and BE OBEDIENT. Am. I. Understood?"

Zero stared straight into Haji's eyes. He was clearly outclassed by Haji and knew that his life hung in the balance at this very moment.

He swallowed his anger, his sadness, and what little pride he had. "Understood, sir."

"Good. Now get the fuck back to the outpost."