Chapter-3 Mihran- The Playboy

Now, let me tell you about this very interesting character of this tragedic love story. In the city Kaur, not more than one mile away from DC Kaur, it was morning and this boy was getting late for school.

'Mihran! Mihran! Wake up! You're getting late for school, sweetie. ', Ms. Riza called her son from downstairs.

'Oh no... Hmm... Don't call me "sweetie"... ', glanced at the alarm clock which stroke 9 am 'Whoa! ', and dropped himself out of bed.

'Ouch! Khudaya, help me! '

He somehow stood up, rubbed eyes while stretching and shouted to let his Mom know, 'Mama, I'm up! And late! '

Mom came upstairs, with her son's breakfast, nagging.

'As usual. Tell me something new. Farman's waiting for you outside and Prince is still sleeping! '

'Mami, can't you see I'm up? ', he defended from the washroom.

'Whatever. Here's your breakfast. Dress up, fast. '

Putting toothbrush in mouth, he came outside the washroom and put on his shirt.

'You're grown enough to have abs, but not to get a proper routine.', she taunted.

'Mami, don't look at me. I feel shy. Cover your eyes, now. ', he pleaded with annoyance with his toothbrush in his mouth. Mom chuckled at his cuteness and said on purpose, 'You'll always be my sweetie. '

'Stop calling me "sweetie ". I hate it! '

'Get ready, quick! '

So, this boy was Mihran Wahid. He had just passed 11th. A night before, he was in a party. He had secured 2nd school rank, 1st being his best friend Farman. They were very overwhelmed, so were enjoying the success. Both the boys were on top of the world.

Mihran loved his mother, Ms. Riza, had a real good friend and looked like fire! He was the most attractive man in the whole school. He had ocean blue eyes, a chesire cat smile wth cute dimples on both sides under those pretty cheekbones. His jawline was so sharp, it'd invite you to cut a cake with it! Even his nose was pretty. He had brown wavy hair that completed his look. He had a prince like personality and a slightly british accent. There's a story behind his unusual accent. His father was originally a brit. He was 10 years old when father died. So, Ms. Riza took him to her home country, Indonesia. She brought him up as a single parent. Yet, he didn't lose his accent.

He had some bad qualities too. His behavior and habits all suck. He was a bad boy, a trifler. He flirted too much, could do whatever to get close to girls, but never had he ever kissed. He didn't see kissing as a part of levity, but love. He had promised himself to only kiss the love of his life. His theory wasn't understood by anyone, not even his mother. He was a cocky person as he ranked good. He used to get very rude when angry. He had some foes too. He wasn't punctual, but still mananged to be in the good books of teachers by respecting them and securing nice marks in every subject.

Mihran, along with Farman, had entered the school gate. It was luckily open. Exchanging high-fives, they passed. They were happy there were no obstacles. But, soon, the fun was snatched. There was the lady proctor standing.

'Boys, stop! '

'Oh fish! '

Farman began convincing her, while Mihran began flaunting his looks- sipping water slowly, gulping more than usual, licking his lips, scratching hair and neck, looking at his watch over and over again, giving smart looks and all the activities boys do to grab girls' attention. When Farman failed, he came in front to tackle the problem in his own way.

'So... What's the problem? ', he asked as if he didn't know that.'

'Huh. What's the problem with you guys? You're late and being a Proctor I can't let you inside until the assembly ends. You have to wait. '

'You know what, you know nothing. We are late today because last night of ours was very hard. We were in a hospital last night. Farman's mother slipped down the stairs! '

He pulled Farman as a proof who was completely unaware of his mother falling. Mihran was being melodramatic and the proctor knew it.

'Like 9 freaking stairs she fell from. She's having fractures in her back. Please feel our condition. We'd surely haven't been late. Please let us go or we'll get punished for just humanity. '

He was pretending to cry, while taking the advantage of the moment, Farman said confidently, 'He'll do what you want. Just let us go for now. '

Mihran was surprised, but still supported.

'Yeah. Tell me what you want, but let us go. Quicker! '

Mihran was hesitant because the proctor was much older than him. He didn't really have interest in older women.

'Alright. '

The proctor scanned him head to toe and gave him a smirk that he was disgusted at.

'See ya! ', quickly said Farman and rushed out, but she didn't let Mihran go. 'Not you, my boy. '

'Here might be people. ', he reluctantly said.

She checked around and whispered to him even though there was no one around, 'Meet me in the school library. Fourth period. '

She winked at him, he faked a smile and rushed out.

'Uff, Khudaya! Thank God. ', he exclaimed as he got out of the scene and felt relaxed. He laughed it out.

Mihran could see lines of students going back to their classes. He fetched Farman and adjusted behind him. Few people caught him breaking lines, then realized it was Mihran and let that go. This was how easy his life looked. But, he had some dislikers too.

'Is she getting well with you? ', Farman asked curiously.

'No! No way.', twisting faces, he said. 'She's so much older than me. I'll never let her close to me. She feels weird. '

'So, nothing happened? '

'Nope. That was freaky. She has called me in the library in the 4th period. '

'Sounds like you're not going.'

'No way. She looks like my Mom's colleague. Uh-huh! '

Farman glanced at the classroom door where Mihran's biggest enemy was standing. It was Abdul. '

'Oh no! Look who's there. It's Abdul. He won't let us go with our bags. We're dead men. '

'Oh come on! It's the first time we're late in this class, besides the fact it's just been 3 days in this class. He'll have to let us inside. 'Mihran was chilled out.

'Whatever, we'll see. ', Farman was seriously worried as he was the topper and was late. Soon, they were at the door.

'You both, wait! Keep aside and let others go. Boys, you got to wait. '

'For what? For we stood first? ', Mihran sarcastically said. Abdul had got attitude.

He slightly smirked and said, 'Very funny... Morning mood. Don't wanna fight. It's simple. Wait till the teacher comes. ''Hey you! Maintain the line! '

'We're late we know, but for a valid reason. ', Farman said wisely. Abdul smiled and softly said,' I know your "reason".I was there last night, Farman. '

'It's not your duty today. ', Mihran asked.

'That's none of your business. '

'Come on man! Are you kidding me? Don't be serious. Abdul, we are grown up now. You're going to complain to the teacher, like little kids? ', Farman expressed.

Abdul thought about something for some seconds, then said, 'Okay dude. Come in Farman. I don't like you, but I don't hate you either. You go otherwise boys gonna ask me I complained about the freaking topper. '

Farman went inside. Mihran was shocked he left without his friend. Farman put his bag on his seat and greeted everyone. He carried weight in the class. He, soon, came back to his friend.

'Now, let him go too. Or, I am not going inside. '

'Wow! 'Mihran was in awe of his friend shielding him.

'You guys... 'Abdul was irritated. 'Keeping friendship, right? Then keep it and wait here. Both of you. '

'Alright. No big deal. '

Farman stood beside the door with Mihran. Everybody else moved in.

'No man. You can go. I don't insist. You've some reputation, bro. You go... Go! '

He was pushing him inside, but he wasn't moving.

'Shut up. Stand still. ', Farman commanded.

Inside the class, everyone was asking about them. Abdul finally had to walk out to them, though unwillingly.

'Come inside. '

Both the boys exchanged high-fives and walked inside acting like nothing had happened. Farman directly went to their bench, while Mihran walked slowly in style, winking at girls, passing flying kisses and puckering kisses. All the girls went crazy, except for one girl named Ayesha. She didn't like flirting stuff, but whenever Mihran teased her in fun, she would laugh at it. At the last bench, there was a weird girl sitting, but Mihran couldn't help and winked at her. She started feeling shy and chuckled with her head down. Smiling at Farman, he said in disgustness, 'I hate shy girls! '