Chapter-4 A New Lifestyle

On the other side, this morning was a new sunrise for the Kaurians. All the children were filling admission forms given to them. It was going to be a new experience for all of them. The children who were not educated in India would also get a chance to learn in Indonesia. Many buildings were converted into government tusion centers for learning Bahasa for students of all classes. More centers emphasized on teaching English as it was easier and even more helpful. There were no separate schools or colleges, they had to be admitted in normal schools. A reason for not providing separate schools was that they would learn among natives more about the country, its education schemes, culture and lifestyle. It was an excellent opportunity for all.

Maryam had cried all night, but told her parents in the morning that she was feeling better. Abba called Raza to join them to the admission center which was specialized for the Kaurians.

'Maryam, are you ready? Let's go. ', Abba called.

She wore a simple tunic. They didn't have many clothes. They couldn't buy either as they didn't have much money. But, Abba was trying hard to search ways for occupation. He had registered name in the Kaur PD, along with some other men from the neighborhood.

'Assalamu alaikum, Maryam. ', Raza cheered. He was sweet.

'Walaikum assalam. '

That's all she said till then. They all went to the office and by chance found Dr. Malik there. Abba immediately approached him.

'Assalamu alaikum, Dr. Malik. ', Abba greeted with a grin.

'Walaikum assalam, Mr. Shah. I knew you'd come! '

'Yeah. What are you doing in here? It's probably not a hospital. ', he joked.

'Yes, right. Actually, I'm here to meet my mother who's the in-charge here. '

'I see. '

'... And, her friend is the Principal of a school. So, I think I can help you with your daughter's admission. '

'Oh, I'll be grateful.'

'It's fine, Mr. Shah', he said with a lovable smile.

'Um... I have got another man with me who's ought to get admitted too, so if you can... '

'Yeah, yeah. Sure. It's alright. '

With Dr. Malik's help, Maryam and Raza both were admitted in a very good school and were happy about it. They saw their school's photo on the magazine provided and were excited to join. You could see happiness changing the color of Maryam's face. She had become happy and cheerful, the way she used to be. Abba was double-happy seeing her luna face. Abba thanked Mr. Malik, and they saw their paths home. He was really like an angel.

It was 12 noon. They had completed the procedure before others. They were told to get ready with the course within a week and join the school as soon as possible. Raza and Maryam were classmates.

At the lunch-time, Amma had a query.

'Maryam's Abba, I have something to ask. '

'Hnn. Go ahead. '

'Um... Today, I, along with our neighbor Shazia went to a nearby Madarsa( Islamic School) for registration as teachers. '

'Oh, I see. So? ' He was more into his food.

'So, they have called us tomorrow. '

'Really? Where is it? '

'Yes, it's after the Kaur. But, not very far. ', she felt nervous because now he paid attention.

'After the Kaur? ', he asked with a questioning look.

'Yes. '

'And timing? '

'I'd be an intern so timing is 9-12 and 2-5.'

'Are there men? '

'No. No men. Our section is apart. ', then she smiled.

'Really want to do this? '

'Yes. I want to contribute. Also, before teaching, we will learn Bahasa there. So, it's even better. There is nothing else I can do... So, should I do this? '

After pondering for some time, he said, 'Okay, if you insist because we need to earn more money for ourselves. But, I'll join you there tomorrow so that they know I'm having your back. '

'Great. I'm very happy. Maryam, you don't look happy? '

Amma just wanted her to talk who was lost in her thoughts.

'No, Amma. I am happy.' She smiled to cheer up.

'You become happy for a moment, then return to sad. You got happy for your admission, then again your smile faded. Get those things out of your head, dear. ', Amma said.

'No, I'm fine now. Don't worry. '

But, she didn't look just "fine". So, time for the father's speech.

'Maryam sweetheart, look. What has happened to you? I mean, this crisis has affected everyone, but life doesn't stop. We have to keep going. Life's never constant. There come ups and downs. But, lifestyle is something that helps if you get it right. Right? '

'Yeah. ', Maryam spoke in low voice.

'Haven't you observed those little kids outside? They finally look alright, the people- they do. But, deep down, they still miss their old homes knowing the truth is this. This is our life now. There might be obstacles, but you got to keep going with your gorgeous smile. '

Then, she smiled more openly, kind of feeling shy.

'There you go. Look at you, my wench. I want you to be always happy. And, I still can't process how a girl like you who believes in, 'Forget the past, feel the present and get ready to enjoy the future' could be so upset. Don't be sad, okay? And thinking about livelihood isn't your job, it's ours. '

'Your Abba is right, Maryam. '

'Like, look at me- I feel the environment, learn from life and I'm always ready for anything that comes. Be strong... Listen, Maryam and Maryam's Amma, how about you both give more importance to your present rather than your past. Just imagine if this is my transfer, a far away transfer indeed. '

They all chuckled.

'After all, I'm taking rounds of the PD. In case, I'm selected then... '

'May God will it! ', Maryam encouraged with a sweet smile.

'Yeah. Maryam, you just be ready for making new friends. And don't you get upset again even when alone because you know I'll know it anyways. ', Amma said with a smile.

'Yes, we have to move on! ', Maryam said with a wide smile.

Everyone was feeling better. Really, the father holds up the family when it bends, it's standing.