Chapter-5 Meeting the Lady Proctor

Mihran had no idea that someone was fantasizing about him at his back. It was the fourth period and he was completely into his studies. Five minutes were left for the recess bell when Farman reminded him.

'Bro, she's waiting. '

'What? Who? 'He had completely forgot.

'The proctor. In the library. You had to go. '

'Oh yeah, I forgot. But... (frowns) I don't want to go. '

'But why? She is pretty, isn't she? '

'You know why.'

'Can we exchange shifts? ', he excitedly asked.

'Seriously? No. We don't look an inch the same! '

'Yeah. What are the odds if I go instead? '

'Um... She's gonna complain to the principal. ', he said with a sassy tone.

'But then she'll also be in danger... Can you believe we two are the only humans in this school who know her reality? '

Both laughed.

'She came, she gone, but the Players are ditto for life! ', Mihran exclaimed proudly and exchanged high fives. Everything became normal, they thought. After recess, fifth period began. During the class, somebody excused the teacher at the door.

'Excuse me, Madam. Can I take Mihran Wahid with me? '

Mihran was concentrating at his book, indulged in his studies. Yet, he heard his name.

'Did someone call me Farman? ', he casually asked with a pen between his lips, eyes down at his book.

'I heard it too. '

They both put their heads up at the same time and leaned to see and find the lady proctor at the door. Both looked at each other at the same time in shock.

Mihran went, 'What the-', and Farman, 'The hell! ' at the same time.

The Proctor, Ms. Ambia, came inside and called Mihran to follow her. He was nervous and devastated.

'Save me, Farman. ', begged Mihran and followed her.

On the walk to the library, she said, 'You didn't remember me, did you? '

'What? '

He tried to act normal.

'How dare I? (chuckles awkwardly) You're so pretty and young. You don't even look older than me! '

'Follow me, Mihran. Fast! '

They went to the library.

'Madam, it's not safe for you here. Here are cameras. ', he whispered for a good reason.

'You're right. I know a place where there's no camera. '

'Really? ' He liked exploring new places. 'Take me there. '

Back of the library, there was a storeroom which was mostly closed. She took him there, and locked the door. They started touching each other. Ms. Ambia wanted to at least get a kiss, but Mihran was just scared of that. All of a sudden, when he felt her lips coming closer to his, the air thickened.

'Have you heard of the newcomers? ', Mihran appeared with an unusual question, trying to distract her.

'Well, yes. Poor people. '

Again, when she attempted to kiss him, he said, 'There's a rumour that many of them are going to be admitted in our school as well. '

While caressing his cheeks, she said, 'Yeah, that's true. Some of them may be coming here. It's going to be a big responsibility on our shoulders. '

Mihran was genuinely understanding. He nodded.

'But, you don't have to care. Let's just talk about something more interesting like... '

'When are they coming?', he interrupted.

'What's happened to you?' She was quite frustrated at him. 'Why are you just talking about the newcomers? What are you upto? '

'Why are you trying to kiss me, Ms. Ambia? I won't let you. ', he complained.

'I'm not trying to kiss you. I know my limits. You've misunderstood.' She was embarrassed.

'Can I leave now? '

He was completely uninterested.

'Just stay a little longer, please. ', she begged.

He stayed and continued their touching game. After a while, she did her last try but Mihran realized it. Before he could do anything, they heard someone calling his name.

'Hey, hold up! Did you hear that? Someone's calling me. '

He removed her from his body.

'I got to go. '

He finally emerged outside and found Farman calling his name.

'Thank God. I'm done.' He was very much relieved on seeing him. Ms. Ambia followed him and tried to set another meeting.

'I'll see you again, I'm sure. Tell me when you're free. '

'Listen, Madam. This was the first and last time. I'm respectfully telling you this, okay? '

'Why? Why can't we meet? '

'Because I don't want to. I caught you there. When a girl says, "Don't touch me.", I never touch. So, when I'm saying, "Don't kiss me"... stop trying. '

He joined Farman who had saved him.

'Thank goodness, you came at the right time, the exact moment.', he said with a breath of relief.

'You're the most welcome. '

'Phew. That was nerve-wrecking. I legit thought I'm finished. Good Lord. '

'She looked embarrassed. '

'Of course, she should be. The guy that girls can't resist just rejected her! Whoopsy daisy! '

Both laughed.

'It was fun but. I discovered a new hideout. '

'Bingo! '