Chapter-6 Getting Out of the Kaur

After their lunch, Abba took Maryam, Raza and his father, and went for the search of his daughter's study material. Maryam and Raza were excited as they reached the main gate.

'Abba, this place is beautiful. Look, how people are working. Streets are full, but still no traffic. The environment is so pollution-free. So bustling and exciting! '

'I knew you'd like it, that's why I insisted you to join. '

Abba was happy.

'It's amazing, Abba. '

She wasn't feeling any bad anymore.

'We're going to have fun here. ', Raza thoughtfully said while watching her.

'Yeah. ', she answered. She was quite awkward with him, probably because they had not properly met yet.

'Huh? You're going to have studies too. ', Abba said with an annoyed look, and shifted himself between Maryam and Raza.

'Of course, Abba. Which is even more fun! ', she said with a wide smile on her face.

All of them walked to the nearby market. Mr. Shah was talking to Raza's father while Raza and Maryam created a little bond.

'So, can you speak English? ', Raza asked.

'Yeah, I can. I mean, I try.', she said in humility. 'Can you? '

'Not really. I mean, I can understand English, but speak just a little bit. '

'So, you should take tusion. ', she advised.

'Right. '

'Have you ever been out here before? ', she asked eagerly.

'Yes. I'm coming here from the first day. I've wandered the city Kaur, street by street. It's so dope! You haven't come out of your house yet? ', he asked in amazement.

'Yeah, it's my first round here. My mood was really off all the time. I just wanted to go back, but then I heard the news of getting Indonesian citizenship and... our parents are going to work here. Then, I decided to change my mind and lifestyle... because someday we'll have to do that anyways. '

'Well... You made it late. I made my mind in the flight here. '

He laughed at his own joke.

Suddenly, Abba cut their eye contact by pulling Maryam aback. He looked at Raza doubtfully.

'We are there! ', could hear Raza's father's voice too.

They all went inside the store and shared the chit they had. Soon, the shopkeeper realised that they were newcomers and gave them the books they needed free of cost. Indonesian citizens had already donated a lot, so that the newcomers could receive their courses freely. Departing from the shop, Abba asked, 'Let's go back home, quickly! '

'Abba, why are you in such a hurry? ', Maryam asked. 'I like this place. Can we stay any longer?', she requested with that puppy face of hers.

'Honey, tomorrow. Fore sure. Today, I got to go to the PD with Raza's father. So, sorry. '

'Yes, we've to go.'

'Alright, then... ' Her sentence was cut by Raza. 'I can take her', he said at once. Everyone looked at him altogether, but Mr. Shah, with eyes aflame.

Raza became nervous, but acted confident, ' I mean I have visited um, every street here. I know these routes. So... we can go for a walk as you go to PD. '

He looked at her.

'Yeah, yeah. He's right. Abba, if you allow me then I can see the city today. He can show me. '

'Yes Uncle. Don't worry. '

'But, | wanted to take you everywhere. '

'Yes, Abba. I will come with you when you're free. But, today... I can't wait anymore. ', she displayed her excitement.

'Yes, yes. It will do. He will take care of her, Irfan Bhai. Let's leave, come on. ', Raza's father added.

'Please, Abba. ', she insisted. In a lower tone, she said, 'I'll be safe. Don't worry. I'll come back before you do. And if I don't then... I'll come anytime afterwards. '

They chuckled.

'Okay. '

He gave her the little amount of money he had.

'And yes, tomorrow we'll surely buy your uniform. ', as the shop was closed that day. Before leaving, Mr. Shah excused Raza I'm persona and threatened, ' Take care of her. Come back soon. And(nods), and... (emphasizes) do not... Don't you dare to( nods to clue something)... You understand? '

'Yep! ', he was freaked out.

'You do? '

'Yeah, don't worry. '

The Daddies left, and Raza and Maryam were smiling in themselves.

'Hey! Are you scared? I mean... ', his pale face made her question.

'No, not at all. '

Deep down, her father had scared the hell out of him.

'No, no, no! Why do you ask that? '

'I'm sorry. I just felt like you're not comfortable with me. '

'Extremely wrong you are. I like your company. '

'Likewise. '

They began moving. Then suddenly, Maryam remembered something which made her extremely active. She stopped at once, and expressed worriedly, 'Oh my Gosh! Hey, Raza. I'm so sorry. How can I forget it? I'm so forgetful. Oh goodness. '

'What happened? All right? ', Raza asked with concerns, reacting to her concerns.

'No, Raza. I'm sorry. I forgot to... thank you. '

'What? For what? '

She noticed his concerned face look, so she stopped reacting this much. 'I mean, it's not a uh, big deal. I mean, it is but it's not that big. '

'Can you tell me what's wrong?', he asked directly.

'Um... I... I forgot to thank you for... taking me to my house when I fainted. '

He was amazed by her innocence. He felt relieved now.

'Uff(chuckles)... Khudaya! You scared the hell out of me, Maryam. '

'Really? ', she asked innocently.

'Yeah, you did. ', he teased her.

She felt shy, and smiled.

'I want to say... thank you, now. I mean, you really helped. You're very kind. Thank you for picking me up from the road. ', she joked.

'Haha! Mention not. '

They shared their identities on the walk. They were building a healthy friendship. He showed her the nearest public places. As it was lunch time after all, so he took her inside a restaurant. It was small, but good looking.

'Hey, let's not come here. It's not for us. ', she insisted.

'Who made you think so? '

'We can't afford this. '

'It's good, come in. It's not my first time around. '

'You've been here before? With whom?', she asked curiously.

'With whom do you think? ', he chuckled as in teasing.

'Nobody. ' She looked at him secretly. ' Or is it? '

'Come on, sit. '

He chuckled and they comforted themselves.

'Make a wild guess. '

'Oh, I am not good at guessing. '

'Damn! You guessed I'm kind. '

'Oh yes! ' She laughed.

'Then, go ahead. '

'Um... Alone? I assume... you're single right now because I don't think you can date anybody in that situation we were fighting. '

After a few seconds, he answered softly, 'Good answer. Well... you're right... Lucky are those who have their loved ones with them. '

He looked upset while playing with the menu card.

'What happened? ', and she casually scratched his hand to console him. He held it tight.

'You must be hungry. Let's order something. '

He called the waiter. She(the waiter) said something in Bahasa. Raza chuckled at her, while Maryam smiled sweetly.

'We-Indian-want-food? ', he awkwardly said. He shifted his eyes at Maryam for help. He was embarrassed.

'You know it, right? ', he indicated to Maryam.

'Hmm. '

She addressed the waiter.

'We are Kaurians. We're new here. Can you get us something nice and affordable to eat? '

The waiter couldn't understand. She said something in Bahasa and walked away. Another waiter came from where she went. This waiter was acquainted to Raza.

'Yes, Sir? You're a Kaurian, right? I remember you. '

'Yeah... '

'What can I serve you, Sir? '

'Maryam! ', he encouraged her to speak up.

'Yes. Can you serve us something nice to eat? '

'Sure, Madam. '

'Best dish! 'He told the waiter like a boss.

'Kay, Sir. '

The waiter went back.

'Here's food's good. ', Raza praised.

'Hope so. Now, would you kindly tell me one thing? '

'Feel free to ask! '

'If you don't mind...? '

'Jus... Say it! '

'Who... who did you come here with last time? '

He was about to break into laughs.

'Do not smile... Do not! You embarrass me. ', she commanded while rubbing her forearms.

'Okay, yup! Nope! I won't. ', he tried to shake it off but couldn't his smiles.

'See! You're smiling! '

She was frustrated.

'You're damn interested in me. '

He laughed and teased her without trying.

'How dare you say that? '

'Oh, it's the truth.'

'I just wanted to know if you've friends or someone to take you here because you can't even order the food. ', she clarified.

'I bet you got to be a detective in the future! '

'No, thanks. '

Her mood was spoiled.

'Okay... I apologize. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry!...So, here it is. I came with my Abbu, of course! '

'Who else could it be? '

'No one. '

'I know. ' She nodded.

After sometime of silence , Raza said, 'Let me tell you a story, Maryam. I had a girlfriend in India. '

'What? '

'Yes. Her name was Anushka. She was my best friend, an innocent, kind girl with no flaws. We used to go to parties and restaurants like this. I miss her a lot. You were right, I'm single and I can't replace her... She belonged to Hindu background so we were meant to be apart. We promised we will forget each other, but it's way too hard... But, separation taught me one thing : If you ever hated someone, you might later forget them, but if you've loved someone, you can never forget them. '

And, the flashbacks came out of his eyes in the form of tears. Maryam was deeply shaken with his story.

'Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be fine. ', she consoled with teary eyes and sympathized heart.

'Excuse me. '

He went to the restroom. After sometime, he came back with a smile.

'Feeling better? '

'Never felt better! ', he boasted while chuckling.

Soon, they were having their meal. He asked her about her love-life.

'Oh... I feel shy... '

'Or you don't want to tell me? '

'Oh, no. That's not the case. Okay, so... I've always been single. There's no adventure or excitement in my life, honestly.'

'Sorry? Was our transfer less adventurous for you? ', he laughed in sarcasm.

'Haha! In real, there's always been my parents, friends and studies around. Though, I studied in duet school, but never thought of dating or anything... My Abba's kind of strict, so... '

'Indeed.' He felt that.

'Sorry? '

'Uh, that's right. But, still, you're really pretty. You could have easily got a handsome guy. '

'Yeah, but it's not always about looks, you know. '

'For me, it's all about looks. '

She didn't react to it at all.

After lunch, they roamed about more on the roads. They were having great fun. Soon, they returned to their homes.