"Damn it! That woman is so insolent. She kept me away from Salim Fernandez Alfatih. This can't be allowed! I won't make this last long! I have to do something! Salim must be mine! How could Salim refuse to meet me? No! I will evangaged that woman! Let's see later! I will make her husband prefer to live with me than with her. I swear, I will keep him away from Salim. Arini... you think you've won this competition? No! Soon, you won't be getting the attention of your husband anymore! I can make sure your husband will be my husband completely!" Sabrina shouted in her heart.

Salim had already informed the lady that for a while he could not visit her. He will focus on the health of his wife and baby. Sabrina ask to meet him, but he refuses. Salim feels very sorry for his wife. He will pay more attention and spend his time to Arini who is pregnant.

The woman was sure that she would be pregnant. Because it's been about two weeks she's late for her period. So far, the two of them have had adult sceene without using protection.

"Wait for my revenge Arini, soon I will snatch your husband from your arms. And I will also give him a baby. Not only you can get pregnant. I will be pregnant with Salim Fernandez Alfatih's child. And who will be the heir to the kingdom of Alfatih Group is my son, not your son who is the heir to the kingdom of Alfatih Group.

Don't play with me. I can get any man I want. Your charm can't beat mine. Salim prefers my beautiful and sexy body. It's just a matter of time. Salim Fernandez Alfatih will not be able to refuse me!" Sabrina said with a smile with a face full of cunning.

Sabrina went walking towards the bedroom. The sexy woman pulled a wooden box. She opened the dresser drawer. An object wrapped in a small and flat plastic was taken by the woman. She took a pregnancy test kit. Sabrina felt there was something strange about her. Every time she eat she feel nauseous and want to vomit. Her body felt weak. She is also more lazy to do activities. She was two weeks late of her menstruasi period.

"I have to check it immediately. I am sure that there is a fetus in my womb. Salim dear, I will give your wife some exciting and surprising news. I hope your wife's fetus disappears from her womb. And the fetus in my womb that will replace it!" Sabrina said to herself.

A moment after that, her feet stepped towards the bathroom. She couldn't wait to see the results the pregnancy test showed. She was very confident and enthusiastic.

Finally, she opened the pregnancy test kit that was wrapped in a small plastic bag. After that the woman dipped the device into a small tube that already contained her urine. A few seconds later her eyes looked glaring at the tool. Her face turned into a smile. She laughed and then jumped up and down for joy and came out of the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, it turns out Sabrina is pregnant. She is pregnant with her baby Salim Fernandez Alfatih, CEO of a large and well-known company in Indonesia. Now the woman is relieved. Her goal is getting closer to taking control of Salim's wealth.


In different place, A cell phone lying on the table beside the bed rang. A pregnant woman tries to reach with her smooth white hands. Arini took her husband's cellphone and answered the incoming call on the cellphone.

Suddenly a woman's voice sounded and then said "Honey... I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant honey! We're finally going to have a baby! The baby we've been dreaming of all along, honey!"

"Hello! Who is this? Why are you saying you are pregnant! Don't make up story!" Arini said.

"Why? Are you surprised?

You were surprised to hear that I was pregnant with Salim Fernandez Alfatih's child. Arini... Arini, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? It's clear that your husband loves me more than his own wife. Are you insist on defending your marriage? You'd better back off and get a divorce. Than you will suffer if you continue your household. Because soon he will soon marry me. Remember Arini! I'm pregnant too! So, he will move here to accompany me. I'm sure he would prefer to accompany me than you!" Sabrina said very confident.

Arini looks crying and hangs up Sabrina's phone call. Meanwhile, Salim, who was in the bathroom at that time, overheard Arini's phone conversation with Sabrina.

"What? Sabrina is pregnant? Oh my God... why is this all happening at the same time. They are both pregnant! What should I do now? I'm confused. Sabrina must have demanded that I marry her. How about Arini? Arini must really disagree if I marry Sabrina!" Salim said in his heart.

When the man came out of the bathroom suddenly his wife said, "Mr. Salim Fernandez Alfatih, you are really outrageous. You have impregnated that woman? She is currently pregnant with your child. Divorce me! Divorce me now! ( While crying )

"I will be responsible to Sabrina. I will marry Sabrina. But, I will never divorce you. I will be polygamous. Men can have more than one wife!" Salim said to Arini with an emotional face.

The man has changed since he met the woman. He didn't realize his actions had hurt Arini so much. Arini was forced to survive for the sake of her baby. She did not want when the baby was born without a father. Arini tries to strengthen her heart and make peace with this situation.


That morning Rini wanted to clean Arini's room. While passing by Merve's room, she hears Merve talking to Gokan that she has exchanged Arini's fetus-strengthening medicine for abortion medicine. After hear Merve's words, Rini quickly walked to Arini's room.

Rini threw the abortion medicine away. She replaced it with fetal booster drugs. However, Rini did not dare to tell the truth to Arini. Rini only spoke to Arini that Salim asked her to give fetal booster medicine for his wife everyday.

The hands of the clock show 7 o'clock in the evening. Suddenly a call came in from a woman's cell phone. A police officer gave the news the woman family member had an accident.