"Good evening, is it true that this is a family of Mr. Salim Fernandez Alfatih? I from the police want to inform that your family named Salim is being treated at the hospital. He had a single accident this evening, please come to the hospital right away!" said one of the local police officers.

"Yes sir, I am the wife of Salim. I will immediately go to the hospital!" Sabrina answered that she was Salim's wife.

Sabrina immediately came to the hospital at that time. Arini did not know if Salim had an accident, because the number the police called was Sabrina's phone number. Before the accident happened Salim had contacted Sabrina. He said he would come to see Sabrina.


In a different place, Arini is watching television at her house. She accidentally saw the news on the television. There is news that an accident happened to a tycoon named Salim Fernandez Alfatih who is currently in the Husada hospital. Arini was shocked at that time. She rushed to call her private and her stepmother driver. Then Arini quickly went to the hospital with Mrs. Amel.

Behind Arini Merve hears the news about Salim's accident. Merve was very happy to hear the news. That's what Merve wanted eliminate Salim from the face of this earth.

"This is good news for me. Finally, my son will become the CEO of the company. I don't have to bother getting rid of Salim. Hopefully his life cannot be saved. That way, Gokan will replace Salim!" Merve said to himself with her evil face.

"Don't be happy first mom! We have to make sure that Salim is really dead. We have to do it!" Gokan replied to his mother.

"What do you mean honey? I don't understand what that means? Is there something you have planned? Come tell me! Any ideas?" Merve said to Gokan with an evil and sly face.

"Don't worry mom! Gokan has a thousand ways to do it. Mr. Salim Fernandez Alfatih must die tonight. He must pay for everything he said to father! I will do it with my own hands!" Gokan said with an evil smile.

"Don't be stupid you Gokan! Don't get your hands dirty! Mother has a great plan. We'll pay people to do it! Don't be in a hurry. We have to do it carefully. Don't make anyone know and suspect. We must have calculations and tactics. Don't be careless!" Merve advised her son.

Meanwhile, Sabrina had arrived at the hospital first. Suddenly, a nurse called Sabrina with handed her a piece of paper and said, "Sorry miss! Are you Mr. Salim's wife? Please give signature this. Surgery must be carried out immediately! Mr. Salim's head hit hard enough that he was bleeding!" Nurse Said.

"Yes, I am the wife of Salim Fernandez Alfatih!" Sabrina answered.

Sabrina confirmed the nurse's words. Sabrina looked panicked and surprised. Then she immediately took the paper from the nurse's hand and signed the paper.

A few minutes later, Arini arrived at the hospital along with Mrs. Amel. Arini deliberately did not tell Mrs. Serra because she was afraid that her mother-in-law's illness would relapse.

Arini and Mrs. Amel walked to the nurse who was on duty at that time. She asked about the patient who had an accident on behalf of Salim Fernandez Alfatih.

Arini approached the nurse in tears, her eyes puffy. On the way to the hospital, Arini just cried.

"The patient on behalf of Salim Fernandez Alfatih is being treated? I'm Arini, his wife is the patient on that name. How is my husband? The accident wasn't too bad, right? My husband is fine, right?" Arini said to the nurse at the hospital.

"Pak Salim is being treated right now! Now in the operating room! His wife just signed a letter from the hospital. On behalf of Sabrina, she has been here for a long time!" The nurse said to Arini but with a confused face.

Moments later, Arini saw Sabrina walking towards Arini. Arini was very upset with the woman. For Arini Sabrina is a woman who is evil and cunning.

"How dare you claim to be wife my husband? You don't have shame! So cheap! What do you want from my husband? Money? I can give you money! How much do you want? State the amount! Arini shouted to Sabrina with a look on her face wrath.

"Arini! How dare you say that to me? How dare you insult the future wife and mother of his child Mr. Salim Fernandez Alfatih? Just so you know, I don't need money! I just want to control all of your husband's assets. And remember Arini! I want to get you divorced by Salim! And one more thing, you should thank me! I was the one who saved him from his critical condition. I'm sure, if Salim finds out that I saved him, he will feel indebted to me. And Salim will think his wife doesn't care about him anymore!" Sabrina said making Arini even more angry.

"Come on Arini! Don't listen to the words her. Arini approached the nurse crying, her eyes were puffy. On the way to the hospital, Arini just cried.

"Excuse me, the patient on behalf of Salim Fernandez Alfatih is being treated? I'm Arini, his wife is the patient on that name. How is my husband? The accident wasn't too bad, right? My husband is fine?" Arini said to the nurse at the hospital.

"Mr. Salim is being treated Mrs! Now in the operating room! His wife just signed a letter from the hospital. On behalf of Sabrina, she has been here for a long time!" The nurse said with a confused face.

Moments later, Arini saw Sabrina walking towards Arini. Arini was very upset with the woman. For Arini Sabrina is a woman who is evil and cunning.

"How dare you claim to wife my husband? You don't have shame!So cheap! What do you want from my husband? Money? I can give you money! How much do you want? State the amount! Arini shouted to Sabrina with a look on her face wrath.

"Arini! How dare you say that to me? How dare you insult the future wife and mother of his child Mr. Salim Fernandez Alfatih? Just so you know, I don't need money! I just want to control all of your husband's assets. that palace. And remember Arini! I want to get you divorced by Salim! And one more thing, you should thank me! I was the one who saved him from his critical condition. I'm sure, if Salim finds out that I saved him, he will feel indebted to me. And Salim will think his wife doesn't care about him anymore!" Sabrina said.

"Never mind Arini! Don't listen to the words of this crazy woman! She just wants to make you angry and hate your husband. Don't listen to her. She wants to make your relationship with Salim strained. That's her goal!" Mrs. Amel said to her stepdaughter.

A handsome doctor approached Arini. And said something to the woman.