The man looked panicked when his cell phone rang. His name is Jonas, Sabrina's secret lover. Since having a relationship with Salim, Sabrina has often changed men. Including Jonas, the man who made Sabrina crazy. Sabrina is willing to do anything for Jonas. Including giving money to him.

Jonas loves to gamble, his only job is to go to nightclubs and spend money every day. He is also willing to become a gigolo to accompany lonely women, including satisfying her lustful desires. For him the most important thing is the pay. If the price is right he is willing to do anything to get a lot of money.

This time he sleeps with Mrs. Simsek. Sabrina doesn't know about Jonas' daily work. What Sabrina knows is that Jonas is the man she loves who likes to spend extravagantly.

"Honey...! Where have you been? I have been calling you since yesterday but your cell phone is always off! Don't cheat! Be careful if you cheat! I will stop your monthly income and your family's as well!" Sabrina said to Jonas on the phone.

"No! You take it easy!" Jonas answered briefly, afraid that Mrs. Simsek would know.

"Okay! I want to meet you tonight honey! I miss you so much! Can you be at the usual place tonight!" Sabrina said.

"Yeah, But I can't promise because right now I still have important business to do! I'll let you know later!" Jonas replied to Sabrina.

Without saying anything Jonas immediately hung up the phone from Sabrina.

"Who dear?" Mrs. Simsek said asking Jonas.

"Oh.. it doesn't matter! My friend invites me to the bar tonight! It's just a man's business dear!" Jonas replied with reason to Mrs. Simsek.

"Yes, you just go meet your friend dear! Tonight I also have a meeting with a client. Don't worry, I'll give you money!" Mrs. Simsek said.

Sabrina has often changed men since marrying Salim. This was not known by Salim.

That night she came out secretly from her room. It so happened that Mrs. Serra had come home from the hospital because Mrs. Serra's condition was good.

The sexy woman began to stealthily walk towards the bedroom door. She is going to meet Jonas, her lover who so far has only used Sabrina, who has a lot of money, because she is Salim's wife.

Her legs were trembling slightly afraid of being found out by her husband. Salim was sound asleep at that time. Meanwhile, the other occupants of the house were out. Including Merve and Gokan. They both attend Alicia's birthday party, Gokan's lover.

"I hope that stupid man doesn't wake up. If he wakes up, it will be over for me tonight. I've given him sleeping pills. So he should wake up tomorrow morning!" Sabrina said to herself.

A car stopped in front of the most luxurious house. Jonas was in the car waiting for Sabrina who had just come out of the gold plated steel gate. It does look excessive if you pay attention to the conglomerate family's gate. However, that's what makes the family house look luxurious if we saw from the outside.

"Dear...!" Sabrina said to Jonas while kissing Jonas on the lips.

" How are you darling? Did Salim has signed the power of attorney?" Jonas asked Sabrina.

"I haven't given him the letter yet. Maybe tomorrow morning I will give him the letter!" Said Sabrina replied to Jonas.

"But honey! Would Salim be that easy to do that? Won't he suspect if you want to deceive him? If all his assets are in your name, wouldn't Salim accuse you of wanting to marry him because you only want to take his wealth?" Jonas asked Sabrina again.

"It's like you don't even know Sabrina! I've thought about it all. Take it easy dear! Sabrina is not a stupid woman! Sabrina is a smart and clever woman. You just accept it. Later when Salim has signed the letter, you are the first person I will tell!" Sabrina said.

"Okay! I'm proud of you honey! Where are we going now honey? Are you hungry? How about we have dinner first?" Jonas said.

"Okay! Incidentally I haven't eaten either dear! Let's just eat at a normal place! Then we will...!" Sabrina said not continuing her words.

"Hmmm... what are we dear? where are we dear after that!" Jonas said teasing Sabrina while smiling mischievously.

"Let's go to the apartment baby...! You're mean baby! You pretend you don't know! I want you tonight! I just want you baby! I don't know why every time I'm with you my lust goes up! Darling I want you tonight!" Sabrina said while holding something that was under Jonas' pants.

"Honey...! don't be like that I'm driving a car! We'll crash into the car honey...!" Jonas said trying to break up Sabrina.

The woman ignored what Jonas said. Finally Jonas was forced to stop the car.

"Darling, just have dinner later! I want to eat you first, honey! Come on, honey!" Sabrina said teasingly Jonas while smiling passionately.

Sabrina immediately unzipped Jonas' pants. She grabbed something in Jonas' pants that had been wanting to stick out and came out.

Sabrina kissed Jonas' lips passionately. She couldn't stand wanting to do adult scenes with Jonas.

"Baby come on I can't take it anymore honey! I miss you honey. Hug me baby, I want to make love to you tonight baby!" Sabrina said that she was no longer able to think rationally.

The woman's character is almost the same as Mrs. Simsek. She is an aggressive woman and her passion drive is very high. She couldn't contain her lust when she met this tall and muscular man. It made her desire explode even more.

"Yes baby! Mine has been straining since earlier! Would you like to do it in this car baby?" Jonas asked Sabrina.

Without answering Jonas' question, After that she opened the man's panties. Then she took off all her clothes. Now Sabrina is not wearing any clothes. Spontaneously the woman sucked the man's lips.

Finally adult scenes are inevitable. They do it with great and burning passion.

"Au.. baby please don't stop baby! I like it so much baby! Please don't stop baby!" Sabrina said speaking chaotically.