That night was a night that made Sabrina feel happy. Because she could see Jonas again. Sabrina was totally infatuated with that man.

"It's a shame I can't accompany you tonight!" Jonas said to Sabrina.

"Why dear? I still miss you so much honey! Is the money I gave you not enough? Alright I'll add the money! The important thing is you can accompany me tonight!" Sabrina said.

"No! It's not a question of money honey! Tonight I have an event with my friends! Do you want to come?" Jonas said.

"No honey! I'm too lazy to go to a crowded place. Besides, I'm pregnant now honey! What if something happens to our baby? I just want to go home honey! Just take me home now!" Sabrina said.

"Fine! I'll take you home now!" Jonas replied.


At the Alfatih family's house, Arini sees Salim's bedroom door open. Arini immediately went to walk towards the door of Salim's room. When she got to Arini's room, she saw her husband sleeping soundly. There's something strange about Salim, because it's not like he usually sleeps at that time. The clock hand just showed 8 pm. Arini wondered.

Looking at the trash can, the woman found a flat object lying on the floor. An object that was not foreign to her. The woman was surprised to see it.

"Why is there a used sleeping pill packaging here? Did my husband just take this sleeping pill? Or...? No! There's no way my husband took this medicine. He never took sleeping pills to my knowledge! He even forbade me to take sleeping pills at that time. When I had trouble sleeping at that time. Then who takes this sleeping pill? If Sabrina took this sleeping pill, Sabrina should be sleeping here too! Something's wrong! Did Sabrina give my husband this sleeping pill? Then why did she do that? I have to find out" Arini asked in her heart.

A car stopped in front of the gate of the house. Ariana heard it. The woman walked straight into the living room. She looked through the window pane. Arini saw a man get out of the car. The man opened the car door. Then out came a beautiful woman who dressed sexy. It turned out that the woman was Sabrina. She had just returned from a date with Jonas, her boyfriend and father of Sabrina's baby.

Moments later Sabrina was seen sneaking into the house. A woman's voice called Sabrina's name.

"Sabrina! Where have you been? I've been looking for you since you weren't there! Even though I wanted to take you out for a walk!" Arini said trying to get Sabrina to talk.

"Did I hear all this right? You invited me? Have you looked in the mirror? Arini... Arini...! You think you can be friends with me? Don't dream it!" Sabrina said to Arini while walking away towards the room.

"Wait! Wait a minute Sabrina! You will regret it if you don't stop!" Arini said.

"What do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying! Hurry up and say it now! What do you want?" Sabrina said in an annoyed tone to Arini.

"I know you're a cunning woman! So, I'm also going to play sneaky on you, Sabrina! I already know all your plans! And I already know who that man! I also know what you did with that man just now I already have the proof! If I wanted, I could tell my husband now! But, I'm not mean and cunning like you Sabrina! I still have common sense. And I still have a heart. You must talk thank you to the baby in your womb. Because of that baby reason, I still don't want to expose all the crimes you committed. Including your relationship with that man!" Arini said bullying Sabrina.

Arini deliberately said as if he knew everything about what Sabrina had done. Arini wanted to make Sabrina say everything.

"You think you can dismantle everything? It's not that easy, Arini! Salim trusts me more than you!" Sabrina said.

"How about showing the video or CCTV footage? You think I'm that stupid, Sabrina? Your crime card is already in my hands! You won't be able to escape if the tape is seen by my husband!" Arini said threatening Sabrina.

"Just do it if you can! You think Salim will let me go? He won't! Salim is already addicted to me! He can never live without me! Especially now that I'm pregnant with his child! When I think about it I'm very lucky to be able to marry Salim! Unlike you Arini, you are no longer expected by your own husband. He doesn't even remember your name! Sometimes I feel sorry for you, Arini!" Sabrina said mockingly Arini.

Even though she looks brave and doesn't pay attention to Arini's words, Sabrina is actually afraid that Salim will find out her secret. Sabrina looked nervous and scared on her face. But it was not shown to Arini.

"Does Arini already know about my relationship with Jonas? Does Arini know that this baby is not Salim's child? No! No! That can't be happening! I have to be more careful now! Arini is getting brave now! If she blocks my plan, I have to eliminate that woman. She was one of the people who already knew about Jonas. If Arini tells Salim, my plan will fail miserably," Sabrina grumbled.

"Why are you silent Sabrina? Are you scared? Calm down Sabrina! Take a deep breath out! Again? Take a deep breath and let it out!" Arini said.

Arini's words were enough to make Sabrina feel insecure. The woman was annoyed with Arini.

"Damn it! I have to do something! I have to prevent Arini! It's very dangerous if that woman is allowed to live in this house! I'm going to get rid of that woman from this house! Arini... Arini...! You've made a big mistake when dealing with women whose name is Sabrina. Sabrina is irresistible! Sabrina can only fight! You will disappear Arini!" Sabrina said angrily.